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File: apps/helpers/main_helper.php

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File: apps/helpers/main_helper.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: mnTemplate
Route HTTP requests to callback functions
Author: By
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Date: 1 year ago
Size: 12,260 bytes


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<?php function response($message = '', $code = 200, $type = 'succes', $format = 'json') { http_response_code($code); $responsse = array(); if ($code != 200) $type = 'Error'; if (is_string($message)) $responsse['message'] = $message; else $responsse = $message; if (!isset($message['type'])) $responsse['type'] = $type; else $responsse['type'] = $message['type']; if ($format == 'json') echo json_encode($responsse); elseif ($format == 'html') { echo '<script> var path = "' . BASEURL . '"</script>'; echo $responsse['message']; } die; } function macAddress($return = false) {; } function core($class = 'controller') { include_once APP_PATH . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $class . '.php'; $instance = new $class; return $instance; } function redirect($url) { header('Location: ' . $url); } function config_item($file = '', $params = null) { $index = ''; if (!empty($params)) { if (is_array($params)) { foreach ($params as $value) $index = $index . "['" . $value . "']"; } else $index = "['$params']"; } if (file_exists(APP_PATH . 'config'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . convert_path($file) . '.php')) { $file_path = APP_PATH . 'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . convert_path($file) . '.php'; require($file_path); if (!empty($params)) { $str = '$configItem = $config' . $index . ';'; eval($str); return $configItem; } else return $config; } else response(['message' => 'file config tidak ditemukan'], 500); } function catat($log, $tipe = 'WARNING') { $temp = $log; $separator = "============================================================<< MULAI >>====================================================="; $temp = is_array($temp) ? print_r($temp, true) : $temp; $log = PHP_EOL . $separator . PHP_EOL . "[" . waktu(null, 'd-M-Y H:i:s') . " " . date_default_timezone_get() . ' ' . get_client_ip() . ' ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . "] " . $tipe . ": " . $temp; $log_sebelum = file_get_contents(PROJECT_PATH . 'error_log'); $separator = "============================================================<< SELESAI >>====================================================="; file_put_contents(PROJECT_PATH . 'error_log', $log_sebelum . PHP_EOL . $log . PHP_EOL . $separator . PHP_EOL); } function clear_log() { file_put_contents(PROJECT_PATH . 'error_log', ''); } // Function to get the client IP address function get_client_ip() { $ipaddress = ''; if (getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP')) $ipaddress = getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP'); else if (getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')) $ipaddress = getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'); else if (getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED')) $ipaddress = getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED'); else if (getenv('HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR')) $ipaddress = getenv('HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR'); else if (getenv('HTTP_FORWARDED')) $ipaddress = getenv('HTTP_FORWARDED'); else if (getenv('REMOTE_ADDR')) $ipaddress = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'); else $ipaddress = 'UNKNOWN'; return $ipaddress; } function random($length = 5, $type = 'string') { $characters = $type == 'string' ? '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' : '0123456789'; $charactersLength = strlen($characters); $randomString = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $randomString .= $characters[rand(0, $charactersLength - 1)]; } return $type == 'string' ? $randomString : boolval($randomString); } function waktu($waktu = null, $format = MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT) { $waktu = empty($waktu) ? time() : $waktu; return date($format, $waktu); } function httpmethod($method = 'POST') { $method = strtoupper($method); return $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == $method; } function get_httpmethod(){ return $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']; } function sessiondata($index = 'login', $kolom = null) { $data = get_userdata($index); return empty($kolom) ? $data : (isset($data[$kolom]) ? $data[$kolom] : null); } function set_userdata($key, $value) { $_SESSION['user_data'][$key] = $value; } function add_userdatavalue($key, $value){ if (isset($_SESSION['user_data'][$key])){ if(is_array($_SESSION['user_data'][$key])) $_SESSION['user_data'][$key][] = $value; }else{ $_SESSION['user_data'][$key] = array($value); } } function unset_userdata($key) { unset($_SESSION['user_data'][$key]); } function get_userdata($key) { if (isset($_SESSION['user_data'][$key])) return $_SESSION['user_data'][$key]; else return NULL; } function base_url($path = null) { return empty($path) ? BASEURL : BASEURL . $path; } function config_sidebar($sidebar = null, int $activeMenu = 0, $subMenu = 0) { if (is_null($sidebar)) return config_item('component'); $config = config_item('component', array('component', 'sidebar', 'dore', $sidebar)); $config['menus'][$activeMenu]['active'] = true; $induk = $config['menus'][$activeMenu]['link']; if ($induk[0] != '#') return $config; else { $sub = null; $induk = str_replace('#', '', $induk); foreach ($config['subMenus'] as $key => $value) { if ($value['induk'] == $induk) { $sub = $key; continue; } } if (!is_null($sub)) $config['subMenus'][$sub]['menus'][$subMenu]['active'] = true; return $config; } } // TODO: BUAT HELPER DIBAWAH INI // function component_config($config = 'sidebar', $group = 'dore'){ // } function add_resource_group($name, $type = null, $pos = null) { $type = empty($type) ? 'semua' : $type; $pos = empty($pos) ? 'head' : $pos; $resourceText = ''; $configitem = config_item('theme'); $configitem = $configitem['themes']; if ($type == 'semua') { if (empty($configitem[$name])) return null; foreach ($configitem[$name] as $k => $v) { foreach ($v as $resource) { $resource['src'] = $resource['src']; if ($k == 'js') { if (isset($resource['type']) && $resource['type'] == 'inline') $resourceText .= $resource['pos'] == $pos ? "<script>" . $resource['src'] . "</script>" : null; else $resourceText .= $resource['pos'] == $pos ? "<script src='{$resource['src']}'></script>" : null; } elseif ($k == 'css') { if (isset($resource['type']) && $resource['type'] == 'inline') $resourceText .= $resource['pos'] == $pos ? "<style>" . $resource['src'] . "</style>" : null; else $resourceText .= $resource['pos'] == $pos ? "<link rel='stylesheet' href='{$resource['src']}'></link>" : null; } } } } else { if (empty($configitem[$name][$type])) return null; foreach ($configitem[$name][$type] as $k => $v) { $v['src'] = $v['src']; if ($type == 'js') { if (isset($resource['type']) && $resource['type'] == 'inline') $resourceText .= $v['pos'] == $pos ? "<script>" . $v['src'] . "</script>" : null; else $resourceText .= $v['pos'] == $pos ? "<script src='{$v['src']}'></script>" : null; } elseif ($type == 'css') { if (isset($v['type']) && $v['type'] == 'inline') $resourceText .= $v['pos'] == $pos ? "<style>" . $v['src'] . "</style>" : null; else $resourceText .= $v['pos'] == $pos ? "<link rel='stylesheet' href='{$v['src']}'></link>" : null; } } } return $resourceText; } function include_view($path, $data = null) { if (is_array($data)) extract($data); // var_dump(APP_PATH . 'views/' . $path . '.php');die; include APP_PATH . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . convert_path($path) . '.php'; } function rupiah_format($angka) { $hasil_rupiah = "Rp. " . number_format($angka, 2, ',', '.'); return $hasil_rupiah; } function search_part($arr, $search, $callback = null){ $data = [false, -1, ""]; foreach($arr as $key => $value){ if(is_array($search)){ if(in_array($value, $search)) $data = [true, $key, $value]; }else{ if($value == $search) $data = [true, $key, $value]; } } if(!empty($callback) && is_callable($callback)) $callback(); else return $data; } function search_part_bool($arr, $search, $callback = null){ $data = -1; foreach($arr as $key => $value){ if(is_array($search)){ if(in_array($value, $search)) $data = $key; }else{ if($value == $search) $data = $key; } } if(!empty($callback) && is_callable($callback)) $callback(); else return $data != -1; } function get_path($path = null, $type = 'view'){ $path = empty($path) ? '.' : $path; $path = str_replace('.', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path); return APP_PATH . $path; } function convert_path($path){ return DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR == "\\" ? str_replace("/", "\\", $path) : $path; } /** * @param String $text * @param String $type ['AN', 'AZ'] - [default: 'AN'] * @return String */ function sandi($text, $type = "AN"){ $result = null; $an = [ 'a' => 'n', 'b' => 'o', 'c' => 'p', 'd' => 'q', 'e' => 'r', 'f' => 's', 'g' => 't', 'h' => 'u', 'i' => 'v', 'j' => 'w', 'k' => 'x', 'l' => 'y', 'm' => 'z', 'A' => 'N', 'B' => 'O', 'C' => 'P', 'D' => 'Q', 'E' => 'R', 'F' => 'S', 'G' => 'T', 'H' => 'U', 'I' => 'V', 'J' => 'W', 'K' => 'X', 'L' => 'Y', 'M' => 'Z', '-' => '+', '_' => '=', '@' => '#', '&' => '!', ' ' => '*', ]; $az = [ 'a' => 'z', 'b' => 'y', 'c' => 'x', 'd' => 'w', 'e' => 'v', 'f' => 'u', 'g' => 't', 'h' => 's', 'i' => 'r', 'j' => 'q', 'k' => 'p', 'l' => 'o', 'm' => 'n', 'n' => 'm', 'o' => 'l', 'p' => 'k', 'q' => 'j', 'r' => 'i', 's' => 'h', 't' => 'g', 'u' => 'f', 'v' => 'e', 'w' => 'd', 'x' => 'c', 'y' => 'b', 'z' => 'a', 'A' => 'N', 'B' => 'O', 'C' => 'P', 'D' => 'Q', 'E' => 'R', 'F' => 'S', 'G' => 'T', 'H' => 'U', 'I' => 'V', 'J' => 'W', 'K' => 'X', 'L' => 'Y', 'M' => 'Z', '-' => '+', '_' => '=', '@' => '#', '&' => '!', ' ' => '*', ]; $an_flip = array_flip($an); $az_flip = array_flip($az); if($type == "AN"){ foreach(str_split($text) as $char){ if(isset($an[$char])) $result .= $an[$char]; elseif(isset($an_flip[$char])) $result .= $an_flip[$char]; } }else if($type == "AZ"){ foreach(str_split($text) as $char){ if(isset($az[$char])) $result .= $az[$char]; elseif(isset($az_flip[$char])) $result .= $az_flip[$char]; } } return $result; }