// include and instantiate a CookieManager
$cMgr = new CookieManager();
// create two simple cookies (one for prior to PHP 5.2.7 and one for the newest versions)
$cookie1 = new CookiePHP("myCookie", "cookie1value");
$cookie2 = new CookiePHP5("my2ndCookie", "cookie2value");
// add the cookies
// activate all the present cookies in the manager
// NOTE: by not supplying a $name value it activates all current cookies if they are not already activated
// create another cookie, let the manager determine the object type to use based on PHP version
$cMgr->create("anotherCookie", "cookie3value", time() + 3600, "", ".example.com", false, true);
// deactivate a specific cookie
// NOTE: by supplying a cookie's name it will deactivate only that cookie
// make sure it's deactivated
if (!$cMgr->activated("my2ndCookie"))
// NOTE: you probably wouldn't want to do this with other cookie actions being performed afterwards
echo "my2ndCookie deactivated successfully";
// make sure the cookie exists
if ($cMgr->exists("anotherCookie"))
// activate it
// verify
if ($cMgr->activated("anotherCookie"))
// NOTE: you probably wouldn't want to do this with other cookie actions being performed afterwards
echo "anotherCookie was successfully activated";
// completely remove a cookie
// get direct access to a specific cookie
$aCookie = $cMgr->getCookie("anotherCookie");
// verify it's not activated
if (!$aCookie->status())
// change its value and activate it
$aCookie->Value = "changedValue";
$aCookie->Secure = true;