/* This file is not trully json as it can contain comments. It will be
* run through the json_decode() function after the comments are
* removed so it should be valid json sans comments!
* This file is for the 'examples' but must live above 'examples' and
* 'includes' because 'includes/siteload.php' looks up the paths not horizontally.
"siteDomain": "localhost", // Change these name to work with your servers
"siteName": "Examples",
"mainTitle": "<h1>Examples</h1>",
"title": "Examples", // this is the <title> item
"desc": "Examples showing how to use SiteClass", // meta description
"keywords": "SiteClass Examples", // meta keywords
// we could define a doctype and a preheadcomment
//"doctype": "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd'>",
"preheadcomment": "<!-- This is for examples -->", // This must be an HTML comment <!-- -->
//"noTrack": true, // If true no tracking is done.
//"nodb": true, // If true then no database actions can happen.
//"emailDomain": "Your email domain",
"path": "/var/www/bartonphillips.org/vendor/bartonlp/site-class/examples", // Change this to your server
"className": "SiteClass", // This could be a child class that extends SiteClass
"copyright": "Barton L. Phillips",
"author": "Barton L. Phillips, mailto:bartonphillips@gmail.com",
"address": "New Bern, North Carolina",
// "defaultCss": true // If true no default, else if null the
// standard default blp.css, else the value of defaultCss.
"defaultCss": "css/style.css",
"favicon": "images/favicon.ico",
// aboutwebsite, change the site and domain to something that make
// sense to you. Right now it is blank.
"aboutwebsite": "", //"<h2><a target='_blank' href='aboutwebsite.php?site=Example&domain=bartonphillips.org'>About This Site</a></h2>",
"masterdb": "barton", // This is the master database that has all the counter and trackers.
"dbinfo": {
"host": "localhost",
"user": "barton", // You can change this sute yourself
"database": "barton", // Same here.
"engine": "mysqli" // Currently there is only ONE PHP database and it is mysql
// errorMode controls how exceptions and error are displayed. See
// ErrorClass.class.php and SqlException.class.php for more details.
"errorMode": {
"development": true, // development automatically sets email to true.
// If development is true then noEmail will be
// set to true unless noEmail is set to false!
// Only false not null or just missing.
"noEmail": null, // Don't send email messages
"noHtml": false, // Don't display HTML, just plain text if true
"noOutput": false // Don't output anything if true
"headFile": "includes/head.i.php", // location of the head, banner, and footer files
"bannerFile": "includes/banner.i.php",
"footerFile": "includes/footer.i.php",
// Count real users (not me)
"count": true,
"ctrmsg": "Counter Reset: August 1, 2022", // When the counters were reset. Pick the time you created the database
"trackerImg1": "/images/CIRCULA.gif", // these must be either absolute values with http or https at the start
"trackerImg2": "/images/146624.png", // or they MUST have a leading slash (/).
// This group is used for the examples
"noGeo": true, // Don't do geo location logic. You could set the following to provide a location for geo.js
//"geoLocation": "Your location", // you can find geo.js and
//geoAjax.php at github.com/bartonlp/bartonphillips.net
//"imagesLocation": "https://bartonphillips.org/vendor/bartonlp/site-class/examples",
"defaultImage": "./images/146624.png",
"trackerLocation": "../includes/tracker.php",
"trackerLocationJs": "../includes/tracker.js",
"beaconLocation": "../includes/beacon.php",
// End of example section
"EMAILADDRESS": "", // Change these to your liking.
"EMAILRETURN": "", // but for now don't bother me.