$_site = require_once(getenv("SITELOADNAME"));
$S = new SimpleSiteClass($_site);
// The $h object has information that is passed to the getPageTopBottom() function.
$S->title = "Example 4"; // The <title>
$S->banner = "<h1>Example Four</h1>"; // This is the banner.
$S->defaultCss = "../css/style.css";
$sql = "create table if not exists $S->masterdb.test (`name` varchar(20), `date` datetime, `lasttime` datetime)";
for($i=0; $i<5; $i++) {
$name = "A-name$i";
$S->query("insert into $S->masterdb.test (name, date, lasttime) values('$name', now(), now())");
$sql = "select * from $S->masterdb.test order by lasttime";
// For more information on dbTables you can look at the source or the documentation in the docs
// directory on on line at https://bartonlp.github.io/site-class/
$T = new dbTables($S);
$tbl = $T->maketable($sql, ['attr'=>['id'=>'table1', 'border'=>'1']])[0];
$S->query("drop table $S->masterdb.test");
[$top, $footer] = $S->getPageTopBottom();
echo <<<EOF
<p>Here are some entries from the 'test' table.</p>
<a href="example1.php">Example1</a><br>
<a href="example2.php">Example2</a><br>
<a href="example3.php">Example3</a><br>
<a href="example4.php">Example4</a><br>
<a href="example5.php">Example5</a><br>
<a href="example6.php">Example6</a><br>
<a href="../phpinfo.php">PHPINFO</a>