//Appml 2.0.3- Created by Jan Egil Refsnes for W3Schools. Please don't remove this line.
"use strict";
var appmlObjects = [];
var w3schoolsWebSQLOK = !!window.openDatabase;
function appml(appmlname) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < appmlObjects.length; i += 1) {
if (appmlname == appmlObjects[i].appName) {return appmlObjects[i]; }
(function () {
var x;
x = function () { var z; z = new AppML("", "", "invoke"); z.invokeAppML(); };
if (window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener("load", x);
} else if (window.attachEvent) {
window.attachEvent("onload", x);
function AppML(container, appsrc, appmlname) {
if (appmlname != "invoke") {
this.appName = appmlname;
if (container !== undefined) {
if (typeof container === "object") {
this.container = container;
} else {
this.container = document.getElementById(container);
if (this.container === undefined || this.container === null) {
if (container !== "" && container !== undefined) {
window.alert("The container '" + container + "' does not exist.");
return -1;
if (typeof window[appsrc] == "object") {
this.dataObject = appsrc;
} else {
this.dataSource = appsrc;
this.error = {};
this.appmlID = "";
this.displayType = "list";
this.queryFields = [];
this.queryValues = [];
this.queryDisplayValues = [];
this.queryTypes = [];
this.queryOperators = [];
this.queryDisplayOperators = [];
this.orderBys = [];
this.orderByDirections = [];
this.maxRecords = 0;
this.data = {};
this.data.keyField = "";
this.data.filteritems = [];
this.data.sortitems = [];
this.invokeAppML = function () {
var z, i, a, datasource, controller, appmlid, count, xmlhttp, att;
z = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
for (i = 0; i < z.length; i += 1) { //Manage Includes:
if (z[i].getAttribute("appml-include-html")) {
a = z[i].cloneNode(false);
xmlhttp = this.xmlHttp(z[i].getAttribute("appml-include-html"), "", "GET", false);
a.innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText;
z[i].parentNode.replaceChild(a, z[i]);
for (i = 0; i < z.length; i += 1) { //Manage Appml Applications:
if (z[i].hasAttributes && ((att = z[i].getAttribute("appml-controller")) !== null || (att = z[i].getAttribute("appml-data")) !== null)) {
controller = z[i].getAttribute("appml-controller");
datasource = z[i].getAttribute("appml-data");
appmlid = z[i].id;
if (controller || datasource) {
new AppML(z[i], datasource, appmlid);
count = appmlObjects.length;
if (controller) {
appmlObjects[count-1].controller = controller;
for (i = appmlObjects.length -1; i > -1; i -= 1) {
if (appmlObjects[i].controller) {
if (typeof window[appmlObjects[i].controller] == "undefined") {
window.alert("The controller " + controller + " does not exist");
} else {
appmlObjects[i].message = "ready";
if (window[appmlObjects[i].controller](appmlObjects[i]) == -1) {
} else {
} else {
this.appmlInit = function (id) {
this.getData(1, id);
this.gotData = function () {
this.message = "loaded";
if (this.controller) {
this.run = function (id) {
if (this.getData(1, id) === -1) {return -1; }
this.fnpl = function (nav) {
this.getData = function (nav, id) {
var navigate = nav, fromrec, xmlhttp, xml = "", errmsg = null, i, cc, ext;
if (id) {this.appmlID = id; }
if (navigate === 1) {navigate = "first"; }
if (!navigate || navigate === "") {navigate = "first"; }
if (navigate === "first") {fromrec = 1; }
if (navigate === "next") {fromrec = (this.data.recPos + this.rowsperpage); }
if (navigate === "previous") {
fromrec = (this.data.recPos - this.rowsperpage);
if (fromrec < 1) {fromrec = 1; }
if (navigate === "last") {fromrec = -1; }
if (navigate === "same") {fromrec = this.data.fromRec; }
if (this.dataSource) {
if (this.dataSource.indexOf(".") == -1 && this.dataSource.indexOf("local?") == -1) {errmsg = "The datasource " + this.dataSource + " does not exist"; }
if (errmsg == null && this.dataSource.indexOf("?model=") > -1) {
this.data.records = [];
if (this.appmlID === "NULL") {fromrec = 0; }
this.app = {};
this.app.displayType = this.displayType.toLowerCase();
this.app.action = "GET";
this.app.appmlid = this.appmlID;
this.app.rowsperpage = this.rowsperpage;
this.app.totalRecCounter = this.data.totalRecCounter;
this.app.fromrec = fromrec;
this.app.filters = {};
this.app.filters.queryFields = this.queryFields;
this.app.filters.queryOperators = this.queryOperators;
this.app.filters.queryValues = this.queryValues;
this.app.filters.orderBys = this.orderBys;
this.app.filters.orderByDirections = this.orderByDirections;
xml = JSON.stringify(this.app);
//this.displayMessage("Request to the server:\n" + xml);
if (this.dataSource.substr(0,12) === "local?model=") {
ext = ".js";
if (this.dataSource.substr(12).indexOf(".") > -1) {ext = ""; }
this.appFile = this.dataSource.substr(12) + ext;
localStorage(this, this.callBack);
return -1;
xmlhttp = this.xmlHttp(this.dataSource, xml, "POST", false);
} else if (errmsg == null) {
xmlhttp = this.xmlHttp(this.dataSource, "", "GET", false);
//this.displayMessage("Answer from the server:\n" + xmlhttp.responseText);
if (errmsg == null) {
try {
this.data = JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText);
} catch (er) {
errmsg = xmlhttp.responseText;
if (xmlhttp.status == 404) {errmsg = "The page cannot be found: " + this.dataSource; }
if (this.data.error) {errmsg = this.data.error; }
if (errmsg !== null) {
errmsg = this.translate(errmsg);
if (errmsg === "") {errmsg = "Empty response."; }
try {
} catch (er) {
return -1;
} else if (this.dataObject) {
this.data = window[this.dataObject];
this.data.dateFormat = (this.data.dateFormat || "dd.mm.yyyy");
this.rowsperpage = (this.rowsperpage || this.data.rowsperpage);
if (this.data.records) {
this.data.itemNames = [];
i = -1;
for (cc in this.data.records[0]) {
i += 1;
this.data.itemNames[i] = cc;
this.displayHTML = function () {
var arr = [], a, l, ll, rowClone, x, j, i, ii, iii, cc, repeat, repeatObj, repeatX = "";
//if (this.container) {this.container.style.display = ""; }
if (this.messageDIV) {this.closeMessage(); }
if (!this.template) {manageTemplate(this); }
if (!this.template) {return false; }
if (this.template === null) {
this.displayMessage("The template does not exist.");
return false;
//if (this.data.records && this.data.records.length === 0) {this.container.innerHTML = ""; return false; }
this.html = this.template.cloneNode(true);
arr = this.getElementsByAttribute(this.html, "appml-repeat");
l = arr.length;
for (j = 0; j < l; j += 1) {
cc = arr[j].getAttribute("appml-repeat").split(" ");
if (cc.length == 1) {
repeat = cc[0];
} else {
repeatX = cc[0];
repeat = cc[2];
repeatObj = (eval("this.data." + repeat) || eval("this." + repeat));
if (!repeatObj) {
this.displayMessage("appml-repeat must be an array.\n\n'" + repeat + "' is not an Array.\n\n");
return -1;
if (repeatObj && typeof repeatObj === "object" && repeatObj.length != "undefined") {
i = 0;
for (x in repeatObj) {
i += 1;
rowClone = arr[j].cloneNode(true);
rowClone = this.needleInHaystack(rowClone, "element", repeatX, repeatObj[x]);
a = rowClone.attributes;
for (ii = 0; ii < a.length; ii += 1) {
a[ii].value = this.needleInHaystack(a[ii], "attribute", repeatX, repeatObj[x]).value;
if (i === repeatObj.length) {
arr[j].parentNode.replaceChild(rowClone, arr[j]);
} else {
arr[j].parentNode.insertBefore(rowClone, arr[j]);
this.html = this.needleInHaystack(this.html, "element");
if (this.data.records) {
for (i = 1; i <= this.data.records.length; i += 1) {
for (j = 0; j < 3; j += 1) {
if (j === 0) {a = this.html.getElementsByTagName("select"); }
if (j === 1) {a = this.html.getElementsByTagName("input"); }
if (j === 2) {a = this.html.getElementsByTagName("textarea"); }
l = a.length;
for (ii = 0; ii < l; ii += 1) {
ll = this.data.itemNames.length;
for (iii = 0; iii < ll; iii += 1) {
if (a[ii].id.toLowerCase() === this.data.itemNames[iii].toLowerCase()) {a[ii].value = this.data.records[i - 1][this.data.itemNames[iii]]; }
this.container.parentNode.replaceChild(this.html, this.container);
this.container = this.html;
this.message = "done";
if (this.controller) {
this.needleInHaystack = function (elmnt, typ, repeatX, x) {
var rowClone, pos1, haystack, pos2, needle = [], needleToReplace, i, cc, replaceFast = -1, r;
rowClone = elmnt;
pos1 = 0;
while (pos1 > -1) {
if (typ == "attribute") {
haystack = rowClone.value;
} else {
haystack = rowClone.innerHTML;
pos1 = haystack.indexOf("{{", pos1);
if (pos1 === -1) {break; }
pos2 = haystack.indexOf("}}", pos1 + 1);
needleToReplace = haystack.substring(pos1 + 2, pos2);
needle = needleToReplace.split("||");
for (i = 0; i < needle.length; i += 1) {
this.display = {};
needle[i] = appmlTrim(needle[i]);
this.display.name = needle[i];
try {
this.display.value = eval("this.data." + needle[i]);
} catch (er) {
this.display.value = undefined;
if (this.display.value == undefined) {
try {
this.display.value = eval("this." + needle[i]);
} catch (er) {
this.display.value = undefined;
if (this.display.value == undefined) {
try {
cc = needle[i].split(".");
if (cc[0] == repeatX) {this.display.value = x[cc[1]]; this.display.name = cc[1]; }
} catch (er) {
this.display.value = undefined;
this.display.name = needle[i];
if (this.display.value == undefined) {
try {
this.display.value = x[needle[i]];
} catch (er) {
this.display.value = undefined;
if (this.display.value == undefined) {
try {
if (needle[i] == repeatX) {this.display.value = x; }
} catch (er) {
this.display.value = undefined;
if (this.display.value != undefined && this.controller) {
this.message = "display";
if (this.display.value != undefined) {
r = "{{" + needleToReplace + "}}";
if (typ == "attribute") {
rowClone.value = rowClone.value.replace(r, this.display.value);
} else {
if (replaceFast === -1) {replaceFast = checkReplaceInnerHTML(rowClone); }
this.replaceHTML(rowClone, r, this.display.value, replaceFast);
pos1 = pos1 + 1;
return rowClone;
this.replaceHTML = function (a, r, result, replaceFast) {
var b, bb, l, lll, i, iii, iiii;
if (a.hasAttributes()) {
b = a.attributes;
l = b.length;
for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) {
if (b[i].value.indexOf(r) > -1) {b[i].value = b[i].value.replace(r, result); }
if (replaceFast === 1) {
a.innerHTML = a.innerHTML.replace(r, result);
} else {
b = a.getElementsByTagName("*");
l = b.length;
if (l == 0 && a.innerHTML != "") {
if (a.innerHTML.indexOf(r) > -1) {a.innerHTML = a.innerHTML.replace(r, result); }
for (iii = 0; iii < l; iii += 1) {
if (b[iii].outerHTML.indexOf(r) > -1) {
if (b[iii].tagName !== "TBODY" && b[iii].tagName !== "TR") {
if (b[iii].innerHTML.indexOf(r) > -1) {b[iii].innerHTML = b[iii].innerHTML.replace(r, result); }
} else {
if (b[iii].hasAttributes()) {
bb = b[iii].attributes;
lll = bb.length;
for (iiii = 0; iiii < lll; iiii += 1) {
if (bb[iiii].value.indexOf(r) > -1) {bb[iiii].value = bb[iiii].value.replace(r, result); }
b = a.childNodes;
l = b.length;
for (iii = 0; iii < l; iii += 1) {
if (b[iii].nodeName !="#text" && b[iii].hasAttributes()) {
bb = b[iii].attributes;
lll = bb.length;
for (iiii = 0; iiii < lll; iiii += 1) {
if (bb[iiii].value.indexOf(r) > -1) {bb[iiii].value = bb[iiii].value.replace(r, result); }
this.getElement = function (id, parent) {//Search within a specified element, or the appml container if no parent is defined. Return the element with the specified id:
var parentObj = (parent || this.container);
if (!parentObj) {return false; }
var y = parentObj.getElementsByTagName("*"), l = y.length, i, z = id.toUpperCase();
for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) {
if (y[i].id.toUpperCase() === z) {return y[i]; }
this.getElementsByAttribute = function (x, att) {//Search within a specified element, and return all elements with the specified attribute
var arr = [], arrCount = -1, i, l, y = x.getElementsByTagName("*"), z = att.toUpperCase();
l = y.length;
for (i = -1; i < l; i += 1) {
if (i == -1) {y[i] = x; }
if (y[i].getAttribute(z) !== null) {arrCount += 1; arr[arrCount] = y[i];}
return arr;
this.setCommandsClick = function () {
var cc, i, x, typ, fc, recout, from, to, count, obj = this;
cc = this.getElement("appmlbtn_query");
if (cc) {cc.onclick = function () {obj.appmlQuery(); }; }
cc = this.getElement("appmlbtn_queryOK");
if (cc) {cc.onclick = function () {obj.makeQuery(); }; }
cc = this.getElement("appmlbtn_queryClose");
if (cc) {cc.onclick = function () {obj.getElement("appml_filtercontainer").style.display="none"; }; }
cc = this.getElement("appmlbtn_new");
if (cc) {cc.onclick = function () {obj.appmlNew(); }; }
cc = this.getElement("appmlbtn_save");
if (cc) {cc.onclick = function () {obj.putRecord("UPDATE"); }; }
cc = this.getElement("appmlbtn_delete");
if (cc) {cc.onclick = function () {obj.deleteRecord(); }; }
cc = this.getElement("appmlbtn_close");
if (cc) {cc.onclick = function () {obj.closeForm(); }; }
if (!this.data.records) {return false; }
fc = this.data.records.length;
from = this.data.fromRec; to = this.data.toRec; count = this.data.totalRecCounter;
if (this.displayType.toUpperCase() != "LIST" && this.displayType.toUpperCase() != "FORM") {return false; }
for (i = 1; i <= 4; i += 1) {
typ = "";
if (i === 1) {
x = "first";
if (from <= 1 && (to===fc || to===count)) {typ = "disable"; }
if (i === 2) {
x = "previous";
if (from <= 1) {typ = "disable"; }
if (i === 3) {
x = "next";
if (to === count) {typ = "disable"; }
if (i === 4) {
x = "last";
if (((to === count) && ((Number(from) - 1) === (Number(to) - Number(fc)))) || (Number(count) < Number(fc))) {typ = "disable"; }
if (this.getElement("appmlbtn_" + x) && typ === "disable") {
} else {
if (to === "0") {from = "0"; }
recout = from + " - " + to + " " + this.translate("APPML_MESSAGE_OF") + " " + count;
if (this.maxRecords !== 0) {if (Number(count) >= Number(this.maxRecords)) {recout = recout + "+"; } }
cc = this.getElement("appmlbtn_text");
if (cc) {cc.innerHTML = recout; }
this.disableFNPL = function (nav) {
if (this.getElement("appmlbtn_" + nav)) {
addClass(this.getElement("appmlbtn_" + nav), "disabled");
addClass(this.getElement("appmlbtn_" + nav), "w3-disabled");
this.getElement("appmlbtn_" + nav).onclick = function () {return false; };
this.enableFNPL = function (nav) {
var obj = this;
if (this.getElement("appmlbtn_" + nav)) {
removeClass(this.getElement("appmlbtn_" + nav), "disabled");
removeClass(this.getElement("appmlbtn_" + nav), "w3-disabled");
this.getElement("appmlbtn_" + nav).onclick = function () {obj.fnpl(nav); };
this.translate = function (txt) {
var patt;
patt = /APPML_ERR_USN_OR_PWD_REQ/g; txt = txt.replace(patt, "Username or password required");
patt = /APPML_ERR_ACTION_REQ/g; txt = txt.replace(patt, "Action required");
patt = /APPML_ERR_MODEL_REQ/g; txt = txt.replace(patt, "Model required");
patt = /APPML_ERR_MODEL_ERR/g; txt = txt.replace(patt, "Error in Model");
patt = /APPML_ERR_NO_LOGIN/g; txt = txt.replace(patt, "You are not logged in");
patt = /APPML_ERR_NOT_AUTHORIZED/g; txt = txt.replace(patt, "You are not authorized to perform this action");
patt = /APPML_ERR_DATASOURCE_REQ/g; txt = txt.replace(patt, "Datasource required");
patt = /APPML_ERR_KEYFIELD_REQ/g; txt = txt.replace(patt, "Keyfield required");
patt = /APPML_ERR_MAINTABLE_REQ/g; txt = txt.replace(patt, "Maintable required");
patt = /APPML_ERR_ILLEGAL_ACTION/g; txt = txt.replace(patt, "Illegal action");
patt = /APPML_ERR_DATAMODEL/g; txt = txt.replace(patt, "Error in datamodel");
patt = /APPML_ERR_INPUT_MIN/g; txt = txt.replace(patt, "Minimum value error");
patt = /APPML_ERR_INPUT_MAX/g; txt = txt.replace(patt, "Maximum value error");
patt = /APPML_ERR_INPUT_REQ/g; txt = txt.replace(patt, "Required value error");
patt = /APPML_ERR_ILLEGAL_QUERY/g; txt = txt.replace(patt, "Illegal query error");
patt = /APPML_ERR_UKNOWN_DB/g; txt = txt.replace(patt, "Unknown database");
patt = /APPML_ERR_UKNOWN_DB_FIELD/g; txt = txt.replace(patt, "Unknown database field");
patt = /APPML_ERR_INVALID_KEY/g; txt = txt.replace(patt, "Invalid key");
patt = /APPML_ERR_ERROR/g; txt = txt.replace(patt, "Error");
patt = /APPML_MESSAGE_RECORD_UPDATED/g; txt = txt.replace(patt, "Registro atualizado");
patt = /APPML_MESSAGE_RECORD_ADDED/g; txt = txt.replace(patt, "Registro Inserido");
patt = /APPML_MESSAGE_RECORD_DELETED/g; txt = txt.replace(patt, "Registro Excluido");
patt = /APPML_MESSAGE_OF/g; txt = txt.replace(patt, "of");
return txt;
this.displayMessage = function (txt) {
var messageDIV = (this.messageDIV || this.getElement("appmlmessage") || "");
if (messageDIV === "") {
if (txt === "") {return; }
window.alert(txt); return;
if (txt === "") {
messageDIV.innerHTML = "";
messageDIV.style.display = "none";
} else {
this.getElement("message", messageDIV).innerHTML = txt;
messageDIV.style.display = "block";
this.setError = function (n, desc) {
this.error.number = n;
this.error.description = desc;
if (this.controller) {
this.message = "error";
if (window[this.controller](this) == -1) {return -1; }
this.putRecord = function (param) {
var xml, i, l, felmnt, fname, fvalue, errmsg = "", http, httpText, action = param;
if (this.controller) {
this.message = "submit";
if (window[this.controller](this) == -1) {return -1; }
if (action === "UPDATE") {
if (this.data.records[0][this.data.keyField] === "") {action = "ADD"; }
this.app = {};
this.app.action = action;
if (action !== "ADD") {
this.app.appmlid = this.data.records[0][this.data.keyField];
this.app.record = {};
this.app.record.items = [];
this.app.record.values = [];
this.app.record.types = [];
if (action !== "DELETE") {
l = this.data.updateItems.length;
for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) {
felmnt = this.getElement(this.data.updateItems[i].item);
if (felmnt) {
fname = felmnt.id;
fvalue = felmnt.value;
//apptyp = "number";
//for (j = 0; j < this.data.itemCounter; j += 1) {
// if (this.data.itemNames[j].toLowerCase() === fname.toLowerCase()) {apptyp = this.data.itemTypes[j]; }
//if (apptyp === "date") {fvalue = reformatDate(fvalue, this.data.dateFormat); }
if (this.dataSource.substr(0,5) === "local") {
this.appFile = this.dataSource.substr(6);
xml = JSON.stringify(this.app);
//this.displayMessage("UPDATE to the server:\n" + xml);
http = this.xmlHttp(this.dataSource, xml, "POST");
//this.displayMessage("Answer from the server:\n" + http.responseText);
try {
this.upd = JSON.parse(http.responseText);
} catch (er) {
errmsg = http.responseText;
if (this.upd && this.upd.error) {errmsg = this.upd.error;}
if (errmsg != "") {this.displayMessage(errmsg); return -1; }
httpText = this.translate(this.upd.updatemessage);
if (action === "ADD") {
this.app.appmlid = this.upd.updateID;
this.data.records[0][this.data.keyField] = this.upd.updateID;
if (action === "DELETE") {this.clear(); }
if (this.list) {this.list.data.totalRecCounter = 0; this.list.fnpl("same"); }
this.deleteRecord = function () {
var s = window.confirm("Tem certeza que quer apagar este registro?");
if (s === false) {return -1; }
this.appmlNew = function () {
this.newRecord = function () {
this.saveRecord = function () {
this.clear = function () {
this.container.style.display = "none";
this.closeForm = function () {
this.closeMessage = function () {
this.xmlHttp = function (target, xml, method, a, readyfunc) {
var httpObj, async = a;
if (async !== true) {async = false; }
if (method !== "GET" && method !== "POST") {
window.alert("The httpRequest requires GET or POST");
return false;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
httpObj = new XMLHttpRequest();
} else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
httpObj = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
if (httpObj) {
if (async === true) {
if (readyfunc) {httpObj.onreadystatechange = readyfunc; }
httpObj.open(method, target, async);
if (async === false) {return httpObj; }
function manageTemplate(obj) {
if (obj.container) {obj.template = obj.container.cloneNode(true); }
function appmlTrim(x) {
return x.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/gm,'');
function addClass(x, addclass) {
var clsnm = x.className;
if (clsnm === addclass) {return false; }
if (clsnm.indexOf(addclass + " ") === 0) {return false; }
if (clsnm.indexOf(" " + addclass) > -1) {
if (clsnm.indexOf(addclass) + addclass.length === clsnm.length) {return false; }
if (clsnm.indexOf(" " + addclass + " ") > -1) {return false; }
x.className = clsnm + " " + addclass;
function removeClass(x, removeclass) {
var clsnm = x.className;
if (clsnm === removeclass) {
clsnm = "";
} else {
if (clsnm.indexOf(removeclass) === 0) {
clsnm = clsnm.replace(removeclass + " ", "");
} else {
if (clsnm.indexOf(removeclass) + removeclass.length === clsnm.length) {
clsnm = clsnm.replace(" " + removeclass, "");
} else {
clsnm = clsnm.replace(" " + removeclass + " ", "");
x.className = clsnm;
function reformatDate(txt, dtype) {
var d, m, y;
if (txt !== "") {
d = txt.substr(dtype.indexOf("dd"), 2);
m = txt.substr(dtype.indexOf("mm"), 2);
y = txt.substr(dtype.indexOf("yyyy"), 4);
return y + "/" + m + "/" + d;
return "";
function checkReplaceInnerHTML(elmnt) { // checking how the browser replaces the innerHTML, IE has problems replacing the innerHTML of some elements, like TR
var cc, cc1, cc2, cc3, x = 1;
try {
cc = elmnt.cloneNode(true);
cc1 = cc.innerHTML.length;
cc3 = cc.innerHTML;
cc.innerHTML = cc3;
cc2 = cc.innerHTML.length;
if (cc1 !== cc2) {x = 0; }
} catch (er) {
x = 0;
return x;
function isDate(x) {
return (null !== x) && !isNaN(x) && (x.getDate !== "undefined");
this.appmlQuery = function () {
var queryElmnt, l, qfname, qvalue, qoper, ovalue, odir, i;
queryElmnt = this.getElement("appml_filtercontainer");
l = (this.queryFields) ? this.queryFields.length : 0;
for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) {
qfname = this.queryFields[i];
qvalue = (this.queryValues[i] || "");
qoper = (this.queryOperators[i] || "");
if (this.getElement("appml_query_" + qfname, queryElmnt)) {this.getElement("appml_query_" + qfname, queryElmnt).value = qvalue; }
if (qoper !== "") {
if (this.getElement("appml_operator_" + qfname, queryElmnt)) {this.getElement("appml_operator_" + qfname, queryElmnt).value = qoper; }
if (!this.data.filteritems || this.data.filteritems.length === 0) {this.getElement("appml_filter", queryElmnt).style.display = "none"; }
l = (this.orderBys) ? this.orderBys.length : 0;
for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) {
ovalue = (this.orderBys[i] || "");
odir = (this.orderByDirections[i] || "asc");
this.getElement("appml_orderselect", queryElmnt).value = ovalue;
this.getElement("appml_orderdirection_" + odir, queryElmnt).checked = true;
if (this.getElement("appml_orderby", queryElmnt) && (!this.data.sortitems || this.data.sortitems.length === 0)) {this.getElement("appml_orderby", queryElmnt).style.display = "none"; }
this.makeQuery = function () {
var x, xx, l, ll, i, ii, fname, fvalue = "", foper = "=", ftype = "", ocount, ofname = [], odir = [], odirvalue, qcount = -1, fromDate, toDate, dateOK, displayvalue;
l = this.queryFields.length;
for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) {
x = this.getElement("appml_filtercontainer").getElementsByTagName("*");
l = x.length;
for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) {
if (x[i].id) {
if (x[i].id.substr(0, 12) === "appml_query_") {
fname = x[i].id.substr(12);
fvalue = x[i].value;
foper = Number(this.getElement("appml_operator_" + fname).value);
ftype = this.getElement("appml_datatype_" + fname).value.toLowerCase();
if (fvalue.length > 0) {
qcount += 1;
this.queryFields[qcount] = fname;
this.queryValues[qcount] = [];
displayvalue = fvalue;
if (ftype === "number") {
if (!Number(fvalue)) {
window.alert("Illegal Number");
fvalue = "2...1";
if (ftype === "date") {
fromDate = "";
toDate = "";
dateOK = 0;
try {
if (fvalue.length === 10 || fvalue.length === 9 || fvalue.length === 8) {
fromDate = new Date(reformatDate(fvalue, this.data.dateFormat));
dateOK = 1;
if (fvalue.length === 7 || fvalue.length === 6) {
fromDate = new Date(reformatDate("01/" + fvalue, this.data.dateFormat));
toDate = new Date(fromDate);
toDate.setMonth(fromDate.getMonth() + 1);
dateOK = 1;
if (fvalue.length === 4) {
fromDate = new Date(fvalue + "/01/01");
toDate = new Date(fvalue + "/12/31");
dateOK = 1;
} catch (er) {
dateOK = 0;
if (dateOK === 1) {
dateOK = 0;
if (isDate(fromDate)) {dateOK = 1; }
if (dateOK === 1 && toDate !== "") {
if (isDate(toDate)) {dateOK = 1; }
if (dateOK === 0) {
window.alert("Illegal Date");
fromDate = new Date("2012/01/01");
toDate = new Date("2011/12/31");// does not return any result
fvalue = "#" + fromDate.getFullYear() + "/" + (fromDate.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + fromDate.getDate() + "#";
if (toDate !== "") {
fvalue = fvalue + "...#" + toDate.getFullYear() + "/" + (toDate.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + toDate.getDate() + "#";
if (fvalue.indexOf("...") > -1) {
this.queryValues[qcount][0] = fvalue.split("...")[0];
this.queryOperators[qcount] = 5;
qcount += 1;
this.queryFields[qcount] = fname;
this.queryValues[qcount] = [];
this.queryValues[qcount][0] = fvalue.split("...")[1];
this.queryOperators[qcount] = 4;
} else {
this.queryValues[qcount] = fvalue.split("|");
this.queryOperators[qcount] = foper;
this.queryDisplayValues[qcount] = displayvalue;
this.queryDisplayOperators[qcount] = foper;
x = this.getElement("appml_filtercontainer").getElementsByTagName("*");
l = x.length;
ocount = 0;
for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) {
if (x[i].id && x[i].id === "appml_orderselect") {
ocount += 1;
ofname[ocount] = x[i].value;
xx = this.getElement("appml_filtercontainer").getElementsByTagName("input");
ll = xx.length;
for (ii = 0; ii < ll; ii += 1) {
if (xx[ii].name === "appml_orderdirection") {
odirvalue = "asc";
if (xx[ii].checked === true) {odirvalue = xx[ii].value; }
odir[ocount] = odirvalue;
for (i = 1; i <= ocount; i += 1) {
this.orderBys[i-1] = ofname[i];
this.orderByDirections[i-1] = odir[i];
this.data.totalRecCounter = 0;
this.resetQuery = function () {
var i, l, x = this.getElement("appmlquery").getElementsByTagName("INPUT");
l = x.length;
for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) {
if (x[i].id.substr(0, 12) === "appml_query_") {
if (x[i].getAttribute("reset") !== "no") {x[i].value = ""; }
x = this.getElement("appmlquery").getElementsByTagName("SELECT");
l = x.length;
for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) {
if (x[i].id.substr(0, 12) === "appml_query_") {
if (x[i].getAttribute("reset") !== "no") {x[i].value = ""; }
this.setQuery = function (field, value, type) {
var l = this.queryFields.length;
if (!l) {l = -1; }
l += 1;
this.queryFields[l] = field;
if (!type) {type = "text"; }
this.queryTypes[l] = "number";
this.queryValues[l] = [];
if (typeof value === "object") {
this.queryValues[l] = value;
} else {
this.queryValues[l][0] = value;
this.queryDisplayValues[l] = value;
this.queryOperators[l] = 0;
this.queryDisplayOperators[l] = 0;
this.data.totalRecCounter = 0;
this.clearQuery = function () {
this.queryFields = [];
this.queryValues = [];
this.queryDisplayValues = [];
this.queryTypes = [];
this.queryOperators = [];
this.queryDisplayOperators = [];
this.data.totalRecCounter = 0;
this.adoptQuery = function (adoptObj) {
this.queryFields = adoptObj.queryFields;
this.queryValues = adoptObj.queryValues;
this.queryDisplayValues = adoptObj.queryDisplayValues;
this.queryTypes = adoptObj.queryTypes;
this.queryOperators = adoptObj.queryOperators;
this.queryDisplayOperators = adoptObj.queryDisplayOperators;
this.orderBys = adoptObj.orderBys;
this.orderByDirections = adoptObj.orderByDirections;
this.data.totalRecCounter = 0;
this.query = function (field, value, type) {
this.setQuery(field, value, type);
this.setOrder = function (field, direction) {
var dir = "asc";
if (!direction || direction === "") {
if (this.orderBys[0] === field) {
if (this.orderByDirections[0] === "asc") {dir = "desc"; }
this.orderBys.splice(0, 0, field);
this.orderByDirections.splice(0, 0, dir);
this.order = function (field, direction) {
this.setOrder(field, direction);
function localStorage(obj, cb) {
var xmlhttp;
if (!w3schoolsWebSQLOK) {
obj.displayMessage("Your browser does not support Local Storage Database (WebSQL).");
if (obj.app.action === "GET") {
xmlhttp = obj.xmlHttp(obj.appFile + "?r=" + Math.random(), "", "GET", false);
obj.data = JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText);
w3schoolsWebSQL1.runSQL(obj, cb);