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Class: NumVerify PHP Phone Number Validation
Verify phone numbers using NumVerify API
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Numverify API Client Library for PHP

Numverify phone number validation and country API client library for PHP.

Coverage Status License


* Phone number validation API * Validate phone numbers * Carrier information * Line type * Location info: country, local information * Phone number formats * Countries API * List of countries * Country names, country codes, dialing codes

Numverify API documentation:


Add the library to your composer.json file in your project:

  "require": {
      "markrogoyski/numverify-api-client-php": "2.*"

Use composer to install the library:

$ php composer.phar install

Composer will install Numverify API Client Library for PHP inside your vendor folder. Then you can add the following to your .php files to the use library with Autoloading.

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

Alternatively, use composer on the command line to require and install Numverify API Client Library:

$ php composer.phar require markrogoyski/numverify-api-client-php:2.*

Minimum Requirements

* PHP 7.2

Note: For PHP 7.0 and 7.1, use v1.0 (require markrogoyski/numverify-api-client-php:1.*)


Create New API

$accessKey = 'AccountAccessKeyGoesHere';
$api       = new \Numverify\Api($accessKey);

Phone Number Validation API

$phoneNumber          = '14158586273';
$validatedPhoneNumber = $api->validatePhoneNumber($phoneNumber);
// Phone number information
if ($validatedPhoneNumber->isValid()) {
    $number              = $validatedPhoneNumber->getNumber();               // 14158586273
    $localFormat         = $validatedPhoneNumber->getLocalFormat();          // 4158586273
    $internationalPrefix = $validatedPhoneNumber->getInternationalFormat();  // +14158586273
    $countryPrefix       = $validatedPhoneNumber->getCountryPrefix();        // +1
    $countryCode         = $validatedPhoneNumber->getCountryCode();          // US
    $countryName         = $validatedPhoneNumber->getCountryName();          // United States of America
    $location            = $validatedPhoneNumber->getLocation();             // Novato
    $carrier             = $validatedPhoneNumber->getCarrier();              // AT&T Mobility LLC
    $lineType            = $validatedPhoneNumber->getLineType();             // mobile

// Use optional country code parameter for local (non-E.164) phone numbers
$phoneNumber = '4158586273';
$countryCode = 'US';
$validatedPhoneNumber = $api->validatePhoneNumber($phoneNumber, $countryCode);
// PHP Interfaces
$stringRepresentation = (string) $validatedPhoneNumber;
$jsonRepresentation   = json_encode($validatedPhoneNumber);

Countries API

$countries = $api->getCountries();
// Find countries (by country code or by name)
$unitedStates = $countries->findByCountryCode('US');
$japan        = $countries->findByCountryName('Japan');
// Country information
$usCountryCode = $unitedStates->getCountryCode();  // US
$usCountryName = $unitedStates->getCountryName();  // United States
$usDialingCode = $unitedStates->getDialingCode();  // +1
$japanCountryCode = $japan->getCountryCode();       // JP
$japanCountryName = $japan->getCountryName();       // Japan
$japanDialingCode = $japan->getDialingCode();       // +81
// Country collection is iterable
foreach ($countries as $country) {
    $countryCode = $country->getCountryCode();
    $countryName = $country->getCountryName();
    $dialingCode = $country->getDialingCode();
// Country collection PHP interfaces
$numberOfCountries  = count($countries);
$jsonRepresentation = json_encode($numberOfCountries);
// Country PHP interfaces
$stringRepresentation = (string) $unitedStates;      // US: United States (+1)
$jsonRepresentation   = json_encode($unitedStates);


// Construct API to use HTTPS for API calls
$useHttps = true;
$api      = new \Numverify\Api($accessKey, $useHttps);  // Optional second parameter


API failures throw a `NumverifyApiFailureException`

// Numverify API server error
try {
    $validatedPhoneNumber = $api->validatePhoneNumber($phoneNumber);
} catch (\Numverify\Exception\NumverifyApiFailureException $e) {
    $statusCode = $e->getStatusCode();  // 500
    $message    = $e->getMessage();     // Unknown error - 500 Internal Server Error

// Numverify API failure response
try {
    $validatedPhoneNumber = $api->validatePhoneNumber($phoneNumber);
} catch (\Numverify\Exception\NumverifyApiFailureException $e) {
    $statusCode = $e->getStatusCode();  // 200
    $message    = $e->getMessage();     // Type:invalid_access_key Code:101 Info:You have not supplied a valid API Access Key.

Unit Tests

$ cd tests
$ phpunit

Coverage Status


Numverify API Client Library for PHP conforms to the following standards:

* PSR-1 - Basic coding standard ( * PSR-4 - Autoloader ( * PSR-12 - Extended coding style guide (


Numverify API Client Library for PHP is licensed under the MIT License.