require_once ( dirname(__DIR__) . '/index.php' );
use AnuDev\CurlHttpRequest\HttpRequest;
// make a post request
if ( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST' ) :
// your post request body
$postdata = json_encode($_POST);
$req = new HttpRequest(HOST_API."endpoint/", "POST", $postdata, HEADERS);
try {
$response = $req->post();
// check for errors
if( $req->errors ) throw new Exception($req->errors, 1);
// check for additional info
if( $req->info !== 201 ) throw new Exception("Error code: ". $req->info, 1);
// decode json object to php array
$results = json_decode($response, true);
// $results['status'] === "Created" => $results['message'] // you could check api response here
// success response
$res = array("status" => true, "success" => $results);
} catch (\Throwable $th) {
$res = array("status" => false, "error" => $th->getMessage());
$req->close(); // close the request
echo json_encode($res); // output to json