Generate a RSS Feed based on a directory containing audio files and automatically save the XML and display the content found in a page/gallery
The RSS generator part was created based in this amazing gist
I got info from files based in getID3. It's a submodule, located in feed/getID3
Download the last release .zip and extract it in your server
Put your audio files (just mp3 for now) in feed/content/
You can put images with the same name as the .mp3 files. The script will recognize it and use as cover images for each item
Edit the infos of the podcast in <code>feed/Rss.php</code>:
private $feedName = 'My Audio Feed';
private $feedDesc = 'Feed for the my audio files in some server folder';
private $feedURL = '';
private $explicit = 'NO'; //explicit content?
private $coverImg = '//localhost/kaiceph/img/play_cover.png'; //cover image src
private $copyright = 'Copyright of feed content';
private $language = 'en-us'; //pt-br, en-us
Access first, so it will generate the .xml rss feed