"object" == typeof navigator && function (e, t) { "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = t() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define("Plyr", t) : (e = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : e || self).Plyr = t() }(this, (function () { "use strict"; function e(e, t, i) { return (t = function (e) { var t = function (e, t) { if ("object" != typeof e || null === e) return e; var i = e[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (void 0 !== i) { var s = i.call(e, t || "default"); if ("object" != typeof s) return s; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.") } return ("string" === t ? String : Number)(e) }(e, "string"); return "symbol" == typeof t ? t : String(t) }(t)) in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { value: i, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : e[t] = i, e } function t(e, t) { for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) { var s = t[i]; s.enumerable = s.enumerable || !1, s.configurable = !0, "value" in s && (s.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, s.key, s) } } function i(e, t, i) { return t in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { value: i, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : e[t] = i, e } function s(e, t) { var i = Object.keys(e); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var s = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); t && (s = s.filter((function (t) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t).enumerable }))), i.push.apply(i, s) } return i } function n(e) { for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { var n = null != arguments[t] ? arguments[t] : {}; t % 2 ? s(Object(n), !0).forEach((function (t) { i(e, t, n[t]) })) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)) : s(Object(n)).forEach((function (t) { Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t)) })) } return e } var a = { addCSS: !0, thumbWidth: 15, watch: !0 }; var l = function (e) { return null != e ? e.constructor : null }, r = function (e, t) { return !!(e && t && e instanceof t) }, o = function (e) { return null == e }, c = function (e) { return l(e) === Object }, u = function (e) { return l(e) === String }, h = function (e) { return Array.isArray(e) }, d = function (e) { return r(e, NodeList) }, m = { nullOrUndefined: o, object: c, number: function (e) { return l(e) === Number && !Number.isNaN(e) }, string: u, boolean: function (e) { return l(e) === Boolean }, function: function (e) { return l(e) === Function }, array: h, nodeList: d, element: function (e) { return r(e, Element) }, event: function (e) { return r(e, Event) }, empty: function (e) { return o(e) || (u(e) || h(e) || d(e)) && !e.length || c(e) && !Object.keys(e).length } }; function p(e, t) { if (1 > t) { var i = function (e) { var t = "".concat(e).match(/(?:\.(\d+))?(?:[eE]([+-]?\d+))?$/); return t ? Math.max(0, (t[1] ? t[1].length : 0) - (t[2] ? +t[2] : 0)) : 0 }(t); return parseFloat(e.toFixed(i)) } return Math.round(e / t) * t } var g = function () { function e(t, i) { (function (e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") })(this, e), m.element(t) ? this.element = t : m.string(t) && (this.element = document.querySelector(t)), m.element(this.element) && m.empty(this.element.rangeTouch) && (this.config = n({}, a, {}, i), this.init()) } return function (e, i, s) { i && t(e.prototype, i), s && t(e, s) }(e, [{ key: "init", value: function () { e.enabled && (this.config.addCSS && (this.element.style.userSelect = "none", this.element.style.webKitUserSelect = "none", this.element.style.touchAction = "manipulation"), this.listeners(!0), this.element.rangeTouch = this) } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { e.enabled && (this.config.addCSS && (this.element.style.userSelect = "", this.element.style.webKitUserSelect = "", this.element.style.touchAction = ""), this.listeners(!1), this.element.rangeTouch = null) } }, { key: "listeners", value: function (e) { var t = this, i = e ? "addEventListener" : "removeEventListener";["touchstart", "touchmove", "touchend"].forEach((function (e) { t.element[i](e, (function (e) { return t.set(e) }), !1) })) } }, { key: "get", value: function (t) { if (!e.enabled || !m.event(t)) return null; var i, s = t.target, n = t.changedTouches[0], a = parseFloat(s.getAttribute("min")) || 0, l = parseFloat(s.getAttribute("max")) || 100, r = parseFloat(s.getAttribute("step")) || 1, o = s.getBoundingClientRect(), c = 100 / o.width * (this.config.thumbWidth / 2) / 100; return 0 > (i = 100 / o.width * (n.clientX - o.left)) ? i = 0 : 100 < i && (i = 100), 50 > i ? i -= (100 - 2 * i) * c : 50 < i && (i += 2 * (i - 50) * c), a + p(i / 100 * (l - a), r) } }, { key: "set", value: function (t) { e.enabled && m.event(t) && !t.target.disabled && (t.preventDefault(), t.target.value = this.get(t), function (e, t) { if (e && t) { var i = new Event(t, { bubbles: !0 }); e.dispatchEvent(i) } }(t.target, "touchend" === t.type ? "change" : "input")) } }], [{ key: "setup", value: function (t) { var i = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, s = null; if (m.empty(t) || m.string(t) ? s = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(m.string(t) ? t : 'input[type="range"]')) : m.element(t) ? s = [t] : m.nodeList(t) ? s = Array.from(t) : m.array(t) && (s = t.filter(m.element)), m.empty(s)) return null; var l = n({}, a, {}, i); if (m.string(t) && l.watch) { var r = new MutationObserver((function (i) { Array.from(i).forEach((function (i) { Array.from(i.addedNodes).forEach((function (i) { m.element(i) && function (e, t) { return function () { return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(t)).includes(this) }.call(e, t) }(i, t) && new e(i, l) })) })) })); r.observe(document.body, { childList: !0, subtree: !0 }) } return s.map((function (t) { return new e(t, i) })) } }, { key: "enabled", get: function () { return "ontouchstart" in document.documentElement } }]), e }(); const f = e => null != e ? e.constructor : null, y = (e, t) => Boolean(e && t && e instanceof t), b = e => null == e, v = e => f(e) === Object, w = e => f(e) === String, T = e => "function" == typeof e, k = e => Array.isArray(e), C = e => y(e, NodeList), A = e => b(e) || (w(e) || k(e) || C(e)) && !e.length || v(e) && !Object.keys(e).length; var S = { nullOrUndefined: b, object: v, number: e => f(e) === Number && !Number.isNaN(e), string: w, boolean: e => f(e) === Boolean, function: T, array: k, weakMap: e => y(e, WeakMap), nodeList: C, element: e => null !== e && "object" == typeof e && 1 === e.nodeType && "object" == typeof e.style && "object" == typeof e.ownerDocument, textNode: e => f(e) === Text, event: e => y(e, Event), keyboardEvent: e => y(e, KeyboardEvent), cue: e => y(e, window.TextTrackCue) || y(e, window.VTTCue), track: e => y(e, TextTrack) || !b(e) && w(e.kind), promise: e => y(e, Promise) && T(e.then), url: e => { if (y(e, window.URL)) return !0; if (!w(e)) return !1; let t = e; e.startsWith("http://") && e.startsWith("https://") || (t = `http://${e}`); try { return !A(new URL(t).hostname) } catch (e) { return !1 } }, empty: A }; const E = (() => { const e = document.createElement("span"), t = { WebkitTransition: "webkitTransitionEnd", MozTransition: "transitionend", OTransition: "oTransitionEnd otransitionend", transition: "transitionend" }, i = Object.keys(t).find((t => void 0 !== e.style[t])); return !!S.string(i) && t[i] })(); function P(e, t) { setTimeout((() => { try { e.hidden = !0, e.offsetHeight, e.hidden = !1 } catch (e) { } }), t) } var M = { isIE: Boolean(window.document.documentMode), isEdge: /Edge/g.test(navigator.userAgent), isWebKit: "WebkitAppearance" in document.documentElement.style && !/Edge/g.test(navigator.userAgent), isIPhone: /iPhone|iPod/gi.test(navigator.userAgent) && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1, isIPadOS: "MacIntel" === navigator.platform && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1, isIos: /iPad|iPhone|iPod/gi.test(navigator.userAgent) && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1 }; function N(e, t) { return t.split(".").reduce(((e, t) => e && e[t]), e) } function x(e = {}, ...t) { if (!t.length) return e; const i = t.shift(); return S.object(i) ? (Object.keys(i).forEach((t => { S.object(i[t]) ? (Object.keys(e).includes(t) || Object.assign(e, { [t]: {} }), x(e[t], i[t])) : Object.assign(e, { [t]: i[t] }) })), x(e, ...t)) : e } function L(e, t) { const i = e.length ? e : [e]; Array.from(i).reverse().forEach(((e, i) => { const s = i > 0 ? t.cloneNode(!0) : t, n = e.parentNode, a = e.nextSibling; s.appendChild(e), a ? n.insertBefore(s, a) : n.appendChild(s) })) } function I(e, t) { S.element(e) && !S.empty(t) && Object.entries(t).filter((([, e]) => !S.nullOrUndefined(e))).forEach((([t, i]) => e.setAttribute(t, i))) } function $(e, t, i) { const s = document.createElement(e); return S.object(t) && I(s, t), S.string(i) && (s.innerText = i), s } function _(e, t, i, s) { S.element(t) && t.appendChild($(e, i, s)) } function O(e) { S.nodeList(e) || S.array(e) ? Array.from(e).forEach(O) : S.element(e) && S.element(e.parentNode) && e.parentNode.removeChild(e) } function j(e) { if (!S.element(e)) return; let { length: t } = e.childNodes; for (; t > 0;)e.removeChild(e.lastChild), t -= 1 } function q(e, t) { return S.element(t) && S.element(t.parentNode) && S.element(e) ? (t.parentNode.replaceChild(e, t), e) : null } function D(e, t) { if (!S.string(e) || S.empty(e)) return {}; const i = {}, s = x({}, t); return e.split(",").forEach((e => { const t = e.trim(), n = t.replace(".", ""), a = t.replace(/[[\]]/g, "").split("="), [l] = a, r = a.length > 1 ? a[1].replace(/["']/g, "") : ""; switch (t.charAt(0)) { case ".": S.string(s.class) ? i.class = `${s.class} ${n}` : i.class = n; break; case "#": i.id = t.replace("#", ""); break; case "[": i[l] = r } })), x(s, i) } function H(e, t) { if (!S.element(e)) return; let i = t; S.boolean(i) || (i = !e.hidden), e.hidden = i } function R(e, t, i) { if (S.nodeList(e)) return Array.from(e).map((e => R(e, t, i))); if (S.element(e)) { let s = "toggle"; return void 0 !== i && (s = i ? "add" : "remove"), e.classList[s](t), e.classList.contains(t) } return !1 } function F(e, t) { return S.element(e) && e.classList.contains(t) } function V(e, t) { const { prototype: i } = Element; return (i.matches || i.webkitMatchesSelector || i.mozMatchesSelector || i.msMatchesSelector || function () { return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(t)).includes(this) }).call(e, t) } function U(e) { return this.elements.container.querySelectorAll(e) } function B(e) { return this.elements.container.querySelector(e) } function W(e = null, t = !1) { S.element(e) && e.focus({ preventScroll: !0, focusVisible: t }) } const z = { "audio/ogg": "vorbis", "audio/wav": "1", "video/webm": "vp8, vorbis", "video/mp4": "avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2", "video/ogg": "theora" }, K = { audio: "canPlayType" in document.createElement("audio"), video: "canPlayType" in document.createElement("video"), check(e, t) { const i = K[e] || "html5" !== t; return { api: i, ui: i && K.rangeInput } }, pip: !(M.isIPhone || !S.function($("video").webkitSetPresentationMode) && (!document.pictureInPictureEnabled || $("video").disablePictureInPicture)), airplay: S.function(window.WebKitPlaybackTargetAvailabilityEvent), playsinline: "playsInline" in document.createElement("video"), mime(e) { if (S.empty(e)) return !1; const [t] = e.split("/"); let i = e; if (!this.isHTML5 || t !== this.type) return !1; Object.keys(z).includes(i) && (i += `; codecs="${z[e]}"`); try { return Boolean(i && this.media.canPlayType(i).replace(/no/, "")) } catch (e) { return !1 } }, textTracks: "textTracks" in document.createElement("video"), rangeInput: (() => { const e = document.createElement("input"); return e.type = "range", "range" === e.type })(), touch: "ontouchstart" in document.documentElement, transitions: !1 !== E, reducedMotion: "matchMedia" in window && window.matchMedia("(prefers-reduced-motion)").matches }, Y = (() => { let e = !1; try { const t = Object.defineProperty({}, "passive", { get: () => (e = !0, null) }); window.addEventListener("test", null, t), window.removeEventListener("test", null, t) } catch (e) { } return e })(); function Q(e, t, i, s = !1, n = !0, a = !1) { if (!e || !("addEventListener" in e) || S.empty(t) || !S.function(i)) return; const l = t.split(" "); let r = a; Y && (r = { passive: n, capture: a }), l.forEach((t => { this && this.eventListeners && s && this.eventListeners.push({ element: e, type: t, callback: i, options: r }), e[s ? "addEventListener" : "removeEventListener"](t, i, r) })) } function X(e, t = "", i, s = !0, n = !1) { Q.call(this, e, t, i, !0, s, n) } function J(e, t = "", i, s = !0, n = !1) { Q.call(this, e, t, i, !1, s, n) } function G(e, t = "", i, s = !0, n = !1) { const a = (...l) => { J(e, t, a, s, n), i.apply(this, l) }; Q.call(this, e, t, a, !0, s, n) } function Z(e, t = "", i = !1, s = {}) { if (!S.element(e) || S.empty(t)) return; const n = new CustomEvent(t, { bubbles: i, detail: { ...s, plyr: this } }); e.dispatchEvent(n) } function ee() { this && this.eventListeners && (this.eventListeners.forEach((e => { const { element: t, type: i, callback: s, options: n } = e; t.removeEventListener(i, s, n) })), this.eventListeners = []) } function te() { return new Promise((e => this.ready ? setTimeout(e, 0) : X.call(this, this.elements.container, "ready", e))).then((() => { })) } function ie(e) { S.promise(e) && e.then(null, (() => { })) } function se(e) { return S.array(e) ? e.filter(((t, i) => e.indexOf(t) === i)) : e } function ne(e, t) { return S.array(e) && e.length ? e.reduce(((e, i) => Math.abs(i - t) < Math.abs(e - t) ? i : e)) : null } function ae(e) { return !(!window || !window.CSS) && window.CSS.supports(e) } const le = [[1, 1], [4, 3], [3, 4], [5, 4], [4, 5], [3, 2], [2, 3], [16, 10], [10, 16], [16, 9], [9, 16], [21, 9], [9, 21], [32, 9], [9, 32]].reduce(((e, [t, i]) => ({ ...e, [t / i]: [t, i] })), {}); function re(e) { if (!(S.array(e) || S.string(e) && e.includes(":"))) return !1; return (S.array(e) ? e : e.split(":")).map(Number).every(S.number) } function oe(e) { if (!S.array(e) || !e.every(S.number)) return null; const [t, i] = e, s = (e, t) => 0 === t ? e : s(t, e % t), n = s(t, i); return [t / n, i / n] } function ce(e) { const t = e => re(e) ? e.split(":").map(Number) : null; let i = t(e); if (null === i && (i = t(this.config.ratio)), null === i && !S.empty(this.embed) && S.array(this.embed.ratio) && ({ ratio: i } = this.embed), null === i && this.isHTML5) { const { videoWidth: e, videoHeight: t } = this.media; i = [e, t] } return oe(i) } function ue(e) { if (!this.isVideo) return {}; const { wrapper: t } = this.elements, i = ce.call(this, e); if (!S.array(i)) return {}; const [s, n] = oe(i), a = 100 / s * n; if (ae(`aspect-ratio: ${s}/${n}`) ? t.style.aspectRatio = `${s}/${n}` : t.style.paddingBottom = `${a}%`, this.isVimeo && !this.config.vimeo.premium && this.supported.ui) { const e = 100 / this.media.offsetWidth * parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(this.media).paddingBottom, 10), i = (e - a) / (e / 50); this.fullscreen.active ? t.style.paddingBottom = null : this.media.style.transform = `translateY(-${i}%)` } else this.isHTML5 && t.classList.add(this.config.classNames.videoFixedRatio); return { padding: a, ratio: i } } function he(e, t, i = .05) { const s = e / t, n = ne(Object.keys(le), s); return Math.abs(n - s) <= i ? le[n] : [e, t] } const de = { getSources() { if (!this.isHTML5) return []; return Array.from(this.media.querySelectorAll("source")).filter((e => { const t = e.getAttribute("type"); return !!S.empty(t) || K.mime.call(this, t) })) }, getQualityOptions() { return this.config.quality.forced ? this.config.quality.options : de.getSources.call(this).map((e => Number(e.getAttribute("size")))).filter(Boolean) }, setup() { if (!this.isHTML5) return; const e = this; e.options.speed = e.config.speed.options, S.empty(this.config.ratio) || ue.call(e), Object.defineProperty(e.media, "quality", { get() { const t = de.getSources.call(e).find((t => t.getAttribute("src") === e.source)); return t && Number(t.getAttribute("size")) }, set(t) { if (e.quality !== t) { if (e.config.quality.forced && S.function(e.config.quality.onChange)) e.config.quality.onChange(t); else { const i = de.getSources.call(e).find((e => Number(e.getAttribute("size")) === t)); if (!i) return; const { currentTime: s, paused: n, preload: a, readyState: l, playbackRate: r } = e.media; e.media.src = i.getAttribute("src"), ("none" !== a || l) && (e.once("loadedmetadata", (() => { e.speed = r, e.currentTime = s, n || ie(e.play()) })), e.media.load()) } Z.call(e, e.media, "qualitychange", !1, { quality: t }) } } }) }, cancelRequests() { this.isHTML5 && (O(de.getSources.call(this)), this.media.setAttribute("src", this.config.blankVideo), this.media.load(), this.debug.log("Cancelled network requests")) } }; function me(e, ...t) { return S.empty(e) ? e : e.toString().replace(/{(\d+)}/g, ((e, i) => t[i].toString())) } const pe = (e = "", t = "", i = "") => e.replace(new RegExp(t.toString().replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|[\]/\\])/g, "\\$1"), "g"), i.toString()), ge = (e = "") => e.toString().replace(/\w\S*/g, (e => e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.slice(1).toLowerCase())); function fe(e = "") { let t = e.toString(); return t = function (e = "") { let t = e.toString(); return t = pe(t, "-", " "), t = pe(t, "_", " "), t = ge(t), pe(t, " ", "") }(t), t.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + t.slice(1) } function ye(e) { const t = document.createElement("div"); return t.appendChild(e), t.innerHTML } const be = { pip: "PIP", airplay: "AirPlay", html5: "HTML5", vimeo: "Vimeo", youtube: "YouTube" }, ve = { get(e = "", t = {}) { if (S.empty(e) || S.empty(t)) return ""; let i = N(t.i18n, e); if (S.empty(i)) return Object.keys(be).includes(e) ? be[e] : ""; const s = { "{seektime}": t.seekTime, "{title}": t.title }; return Object.entries(s).forEach((([e, t]) => { i = pe(i, e, t) })), i } }; class we { constructor(t) { e(this, "get", (e => { if (!we.supported || !this.enabled) return null; const t = window.localStorage.getItem(this.key); if (S.empty(t)) return null; const i = JSON.parse(t); return S.string(e) && e.length ? i[e] : i })), e(this, "set", (e => { if (!we.supported || !this.enabled) return; if (!S.object(e)) return; let t = this.get(); S.empty(t) && (t = {}), x(t, e); try { window.localStorage.setItem(this.key, JSON.stringify(t)) } catch (e) { } })), this.enabled = t.config.storage.enabled, this.key = t.config.storage.key } static get supported() { try { if (!("localStorage" in window)) return !1; const e = "___test"; return window.localStorage.setItem(e, e), window.localStorage.removeItem(e), !0 } catch (e) { return !1 } } } function Te(e, t = "text") { return new Promise(((i, s) => { try { const s = new XMLHttpRequest; if (!("withCredentials" in s)) return; s.addEventListener("load", (() => { if ("text" === t) try { i(JSON.parse(s.responseText)) } catch (e) { i(s.responseText) } else i(s.response) })), s.addEventListener("error", (() => { throw new Error(s.status) })), s.open("GET", e, !0), s.responseType = t, s.send() } catch (e) { s(e) } })) } function ke(e, t) { if (!S.string(e)) return; const i = "cache", s = S.string(t); let n = !1; const a = () => null !== document.getElementById(t), l = (e, t) => { e.innerHTML = t, s && a() || document.body.insertAdjacentElement("afterbegin", e) }; if (!s || !a()) { const a = we.supported, r = document.createElement("div"); if (r.setAttribute("hidden", ""), s && r.setAttribute("id", t), a) { const e = window.localStorage.getItem(`${i}-${t}`); if (n = null !== e, n) { const t = JSON.parse(e); l(r, t.content) } } Te(e).then((e => { if (!S.empty(e)) { if (a) try { window.localStorage.setItem(`${i}-${t}`, JSON.stringify({ content: e })) } catch (e) { } l(r, e) } })).catch((() => { })) } } const Ce = e => Math.trunc(e / 60 / 60 % 60, 10), Ae = e => Math.trunc(e / 60 % 60, 10), Se = e => Math.trunc(e % 60, 10); function Ee(e = 0, t = !1, i = !1) { if (!S.number(e)) return Ee(void 0, t, i); const s = e => `0${e}`.slice(-2); let n = Ce(e); const a = Ae(e), l = Se(e); return n = t || n > 0 ? `${n}:` : "", `${i && e > 0 ? "-" : ""}${n}${s(a)}:${s(l)}` } const Pe = { getIconUrl() { const e = new URL(this.config.iconUrl, window.location), t = window.location.host ? window.location.host : window.top.location.host, i = e.host !== t || M.isIE && !window.svg4everybody; return { url: this.config.iconUrl, cors: i } }, findElements() { try { return this.elements.controls = B.call(this, this.config.selectors.controls.wrapper), this.elements.buttons = { play: U.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.play), pause: B.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.pause), restart: B.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.restart), rewind: B.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.rewind), fastForward: B.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.fastForward), mute: B.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.mute), pip: B.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.pip), airplay: B.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.airplay), settings: B.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.settings), captions: B.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.captions), fullscreen: B.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.fullscreen) }, this.elements.progress = B.call(this, this.config.selectors.progress), this.elements.inputs = { seek: B.call(this, this.config.selectors.inputs.seek), volume: B.call(this, this.config.selectors.inputs.volume) }, this.elements.display = { buffer: B.call(this, this.config.selectors.display.buffer), currentTime: B.call(this, this.config.selectors.display.currentTime), duration: B.call(this, this.config.selectors.display.duration) }, S.element(this.elements.progress) && (this.elements.display.seekTooltip = this.elements.progress.querySelector(`.${this.config.classNames.tooltip}`)), !0 } catch (e) { return this.debug.warn("It looks like there is a problem with your custom controls HTML", e), this.toggleNativeControls(!0), !1 } }, createIcon(e, t) { const i = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", s = Pe.getIconUrl.call(this), n = `${s.cors ? "" : s.url}#${this.config.iconPrefix}`, a = document.createElementNS(i, "svg"); I(a, x(t, { "aria-hidden": "true", focusable: "false" })); const l = document.createElementNS(i, "use"), r = `${n}-${e}`; return "href" in l && l.setAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "href", r), l.setAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "xlink:href", r), a.appendChild(l), a }, createLabel(e, t = {}) { const i = ve.get(e, this.config); return $("span", { ...t, class: [t.class, this.config.classNames.hidden].filter(Boolean).join(" ") }, i) }, createBadge(e) { if (S.empty(e)) return null; const t = $("span", { class: this.config.classNames.menu.value }); return t.appendChild($("span", { class: this.config.classNames.menu.badge }, e)), t }, createButton(e, t) { const i = x({}, t); let s = fe(e); const n = { element: "button", toggle: !1, label: null, icon: null, labelPressed: null, iconPressed: null }; switch (["element", "icon", "label"].forEach((e => { Object.keys(i).includes(e) && (n[e] = i[e], delete i[e]) })), "button" !== n.element || Object.keys(i).includes("type") || (i.type = "button"), Object.keys(i).includes("class") ? i.class.split(" ").some((e => e === this.config.classNames.control)) || x(i, { class: `${i.class} ${this.config.classNames.control}` }) : i.class = this.config.classNames.control, e) { case "play": n.toggle = !0, n.label = "play", n.labelPressed = "pause", n.icon = "play", n.iconPressed = "pause"; break; case "mute": n.toggle = !0, n.label = "mute", n.labelPressed = "unmute", n.icon = "volume", n.iconPressed = "muted"; break; case "captions": n.toggle = !0, n.label = "enableCaptions", n.labelPressed = "disableCaptions", n.icon = "captions-off", n.iconPressed = "captions-on"; break; case "fullscreen": n.toggle = !0, n.label = "enterFullscreen", n.labelPressed = "exitFullscreen", n.icon = "enter-fullscreen", n.iconPressed = "exit-fullscreen"; break; case "play-large": i.class += ` ${this.config.classNames.control}--overlaid`, s = "play", n.label = "play", n.icon = "play"; break; default: S.empty(n.label) && (n.label = s), S.empty(n.icon) && (n.icon = e) }const a = $(n.element); return n.toggle ? (a.appendChild(Pe.createIcon.call(this, n.iconPressed, { class: "icon--pressed" })), a.appendChild(Pe.createIcon.call(this, n.icon, { class: "icon--not-pressed" })), a.appendChild(Pe.createLabel.call(this, n.labelPressed, { class: "label--pressed" })), a.appendChild(Pe.createLabel.call(this, n.label, { class: "label--not-pressed" }))) : (a.appendChild(Pe.createIcon.call(this, n.icon)), a.appendChild(Pe.createLabel.call(this, n.label))), x(i, D(this.config.selectors.buttons[s], i)), I(a, i), "play" === s ? (S.array(this.elements.buttons[s]) || (this.elements.buttons[s] = []), this.elements.buttons[s].push(a)) : this.elements.buttons[s] = a, a }, createRange(e, t) { const i = $("input", x(D(this.config.selectors.inputs[e]), { type: "range", min: 0, max: 100, step: .01, value: 0, autocomplete: "off", role: "slider", "aria-label": ve.get(e, this.config), "aria-valuemin": 0, "aria-valuemax": 100, "aria-valuenow": 0 }, t)); return this.elements.inputs[e] = i, Pe.updateRangeFill.call(this, i), g.setup(i), i }, createProgress(e, t) { const i = $("progress", x(D(this.config.selectors.display[e]), { min: 0, max: 100, value: 0, role: "progressbar", "aria-hidden": !0 }, t)); if ("volume" !== e) { i.appendChild($("span", null, "0")); const t = { played: "played", buffer: "buffered" }[e], s = t ? ve.get(t, this.config) : ""; i.innerText = `% ${s.toLowerCase()}` } return this.elements.display[e] = i, i }, createTime(e, t) { const i = D(this.config.selectors.display[e], t), s = $("div", x(i, { class: `${i.class ? i.class : ""} ${this.config.classNames.display.time} `.trim(), "aria-label": ve.get(e, this.config), role: "timer" }), "00:00"); return this.elements.display[e] = s, s }, bindMenuItemShortcuts(e, t) { X.call(this, e, "keydown keyup", (i => { if (![" ", "ArrowUp", "ArrowDown", "ArrowRight"].includes(i.key)) return; if (i.preventDefault(), i.stopPropagation(), "keydown" === i.type) return; const s = V(e, '[role="menuitemradio"]'); if (!s && [" ", "ArrowRight"].includes(i.key)) Pe.showMenuPanel.call(this, t, !0); else { let t; " " !== i.key && ("ArrowDown" === i.key || s && "ArrowRight" === i.key ? (t = e.nextElementSibling, S.element(t) || (t = e.parentNode.firstElementChild)) : (t = e.previousElementSibling, S.element(t) || (t = e.parentNode.lastElementChild)), W.call(this, t, !0)) } }), !1), X.call(this, e, "keyup", (e => { "Return" === e.key && Pe.focusFirstMenuItem.call(this, null, !0) })) }, createMenuItem({ value: e, list: t, type: i, title: s, badge: n = null, checked: a = !1 }) { const l = D(this.config.selectors.inputs[i]), r = $("button", x(l, { type: "button", role: "menuitemradio", class: `${this.config.classNames.control} ${l.class ? l.class : ""}`.trim(), "aria-checked": a, value: e })), o = $("span"); o.innerHTML = s, S.element(n) && o.appendChild(n), r.appendChild(o), Object.defineProperty(r, "checked", { enumerable: !0, get: () => "true" === r.getAttribute("aria-checked"), set(e) { e && Array.from(r.parentNode.children).filter((e => V(e, '[role="menuitemradio"]'))).forEach((e => e.setAttribute("aria-checked", "false"))), r.setAttribute("aria-checked", e ? "true" : "false") } }), this.listeners.bind(r, "click keyup", (t => { if (!S.keyboardEvent(t) || " " === t.key) { switch (t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation(), r.checked = !0, i) { case "language": this.currentTrack = Number(e); break; case "quality": this.quality = e; break; case "speed": this.speed = parseFloat(e) }Pe.showMenuPanel.call(this, "home", S.keyboardEvent(t)) } }), i, !1), Pe.bindMenuItemShortcuts.call(this, r, i), t.appendChild(r) }, formatTime(e = 0, t = !1) { if (!S.number(e)) return e; return Ee(e, Ce(this.duration) > 0, t) }, updateTimeDisplay(e = null, t = 0, i = !1) { S.element(e) && S.number(t) && (e.innerText = Pe.formatTime(t, i)) }, updateVolume() { this.supported.ui && (S.element(this.elements.inputs.volume) && Pe.setRange.call(this, this.elements.inputs.volume, this.muted ? 0 : this.volume), S.element(this.elements.buttons.mute) && (this.elements.buttons.mute.pressed = this.muted || 0 === this.volume)) }, setRange(e, t = 0) { S.element(e) && (e.value = t, Pe.updateRangeFill.call(this, e)) }, updateProgress(e) { if (!this.supported.ui || !S.event(e)) return; let t = 0; const i = (e, t) => { const i = S.number(t) ? t : 0, s = S.element(e) ? e : this.elements.display.buffer; if (S.element(s)) { s.value = i; const e = s.getElementsByTagName("span")[0]; S.element(e) && (e.childNodes[0].nodeValue = i) } }; if (e) switch (e.type) { case "timeupdate": case "seeking": case "seeked": s = this.currentTime, n = this.duration, t = 0 === s || 0 === n || Number.isNaN(s) || Number.isNaN(n) ? 0 : (s / n * 100).toFixed(2), "timeupdate" === e.type && Pe.setRange.call(this, this.elements.inputs.seek, t); break; case "playing": case "progress": i(this.elements.display.buffer, 100 * this.buffered) }var s, n }, updateRangeFill(e) { const t = S.event(e) ? e.target : e; if (S.element(t) && "range" === t.getAttribute("type")) { if (V(t, this.config.selectors.inputs.seek)) { t.setAttribute("aria-valuenow", this.currentTime); const e = Pe.formatTime(this.currentTime), i = Pe.formatTime(this.duration), s = ve.get("seekLabel", this.config); t.setAttribute("aria-valuetext", s.replace("{currentTime}", e).replace("{duration}", i)) } else if (V(t, this.config.selectors.inputs.volume)) { const e = 100 * t.value; t.setAttribute("aria-valuenow", e), t.setAttribute("aria-valuetext", `${e.toFixed(1)}%`) } else t.setAttribute("aria-valuenow", t.value); (M.isWebKit || M.isIPadOS) && t.style.setProperty("--value", t.value / t.max * 100 + "%") } }, updateSeekTooltip(e) { var t, i; if (!this.config.tooltips.seek || !S.element(this.elements.inputs.seek) || !S.element(this.elements.display.seekTooltip) || 0 === this.duration) return; const s = this.elements.display.seekTooltip, n = `${this.config.classNames.tooltip}--visible`, a = e => R(s, n, e); if (this.touch) return void a(!1); let l = 0; const r = this.elements.progress.getBoundingClientRect(); if (S.event(e)) l = 100 / r.width * (e.pageX - r.left); else { if (!F(s, n)) return; l = parseFloat(s.style.left, 10) } l < 0 ? l = 0 : l > 100 && (l = 100); const o = this.duration / 100 * l; s.innerText = Pe.formatTime(o); const c = null === (t = this.config.markers) || void 0 === t || null === (i = t.points) || void 0 === i ? void 0 : i.find((({ time: e }) => e === Math.round(o))); c && s.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", `${c.label}<br>`), s.style.left = `${l}%`, S.event(e) && ["mouseenter", "mouseleave"].includes(e.type) && a("mouseenter" === e.type) }, timeUpdate(e) { const t = !S.element(this.elements.display.duration) && this.config.invertTime; Pe.updateTimeDisplay.call(this, this.elements.display.currentTime, t ? this.duration - this.currentTime : this.currentTime, t), e && "timeupdate" === e.type && this.media.seeking || Pe.updateProgress.call(this, e) }, durationUpdate() { if (!this.supported.ui || !this.config.invertTime && this.currentTime) return; if (this.duration >= 2 ** 32) return H(this.elements.display.currentTime, !0), void H(this.elements.progress, !0); S.element(this.elements.inputs.seek) && this.elements.inputs.seek.setAttribute("aria-valuemax", this.duration); const e = S.element(this.elements.display.duration); !e && this.config.displayDuration && this.paused && Pe.updateTimeDisplay.call(this, this.elements.display.currentTime, this.duration), e && Pe.updateTimeDisplay.call(this, this.elements.display.duration, this.duration), this.config.markers.enabled && Pe.setMarkers.call(this), Pe.updateSeekTooltip.call(this) }, toggleMenuButton(e, t) { H(this.elements.settings.buttons[e], !t) }, updateSetting(e, t, i) { const s = this.elements.settings.panels[e]; let n = null, a = t; if ("captions" === e) n = this.currentTrack; else { if (n = S.empty(i) ? this[e] : i, S.empty(n) && (n = this.config[e].default), !S.empty(this.options[e]) && !this.options[e].includes(n)) return void this.debug.warn(`Unsupported value of '${n}' for ${e}`); if (!this.config[e].options.includes(n)) return void this.debug.warn(`Disabled value of '${n}' for ${e}`) } if (S.element(a) || (a = s && s.querySelector('[role="menu"]')), !S.element(a)) return; this.elements.settings.buttons[e].querySelector(`.${this.config.classNames.menu.value}`).innerHTML = Pe.getLabel.call(this, e, n); const l = a && a.querySelector(`[value="${n}"]`); S.element(l) && (l.checked = !0) }, getLabel(e, t) { switch (e) { case "speed": return 1 === t ? ve.get("normal", this.config) : `${t}×`; case "quality": if (S.number(t)) { const e = ve.get(`qualityLabel.${t}`, this.config); return e.length ? e : `${t}p` } return ge(t); case "captions": return xe.getLabel.call(this); default: return null } }, setQualityMenu(e) { if (!S.element(this.elements.settings.panels.quality)) return; const t = "quality", i = this.elements.settings.panels.quality.querySelector('[role="menu"]'); S.array(e) && (this.options.quality = se(e).filter((e => this.config.quality.options.includes(e)))); const s = !S.empty(this.options.quality) && this.options.quality.length > 1; if (Pe.toggleMenuButton.call(this, t, s), j(i), Pe.checkMenu.call(this), !s) return; const n = e => { const t = ve.get(`qualityBadge.${e}`, this.config); return t.length ? Pe.createBadge.call(this, t) : null }; this.options.quality.sort(((e, t) => { const i = this.config.quality.options; return i.indexOf(e) > i.indexOf(t) ? 1 : -1 })).forEach((e => { Pe.createMenuItem.call(this, { value: e, list: i, type: t, title: Pe.getLabel.call(this, "quality", e), badge: n(e) }) })), Pe.updateSetting.call(this, t, i) }, setCaptionsMenu() { if (!S.element(this.elements.settings.panels.captions)) return; const e = "captions", t = this.elements.settings.panels.captions.querySelector('[role="menu"]'), i = xe.getTracks.call(this), s = Boolean(i.length); if (Pe.toggleMenuButton.call(this, e, s), j(t), Pe.checkMenu.call(this), !s) return; const n = i.map(((e, i) => ({ value: i, checked: this.captions.toggled && this.currentTrack === i, title: xe.getLabel.call(this, e), badge: e.language && Pe.createBadge.call(this, e.language.toUpperCase()), list: t, type: "language" }))); n.unshift({ value: -1, checked: !this.captions.toggled, title: ve.get("disabled", this.config), list: t, type: "language" }), n.forEach(Pe.createMenuItem.bind(this)), Pe.updateSetting.call(this, e, t) }, setSpeedMenu() { if (!S.element(this.elements.settings.panels.speed)) return; const e = "speed", t = this.elements.settings.panels.speed.querySelector('[role="menu"]'); this.options.speed = this.options.speed.filter((e => e >= this.minimumSpeed && e <= this.maximumSpeed)); const i = !S.empty(this.options.speed) && this.options.speed.length > 1; Pe.toggleMenuButton.call(this, e, i), j(t), Pe.checkMenu.call(this), i && (this.options.speed.forEach((i => { Pe.createMenuItem.call(this, { value: i, list: t, type: e, title: Pe.getLabel.call(this, "speed", i) }) })), Pe.updateSetting.call(this, e, t)) }, checkMenu() { const { buttons: e } = this.elements.settings, t = !S.empty(e) && Object.values(e).some((e => !e.hidden)); H(this.elements.settings.menu, !t) }, focusFirstMenuItem(e, t = !1) { if (this.elements.settings.popup.hidden) return; let i = e; S.element(i) || (i = Object.values(this.elements.settings.panels).find((e => !e.hidden))); const s = i.querySelector('[role^="menuitem"]'); W.call(this, s, t) }, toggleMenu(e) { const { popup: t } = this.elements.settings, i = this.elements.buttons.settings; if (!S.element(t) || !S.element(i)) return; const { hidden: s } = t; let n = s; if (S.boolean(e)) n = e; else if (S.keyboardEvent(e) && "Escape" === e.key) n = !1; else if (S.event(e)) { const s = S.function(e.composedPath) ? e.composedPath()[0] : e.target, a = t.contains(s); if (a || !a && e.target !== i && n) return } i.setAttribute("aria-expanded", n), H(t, !n), R(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.menu.open, n), n && S.keyboardEvent(e) ? Pe.focusFirstMenuItem.call(this, null, !0) : n || s || W.call(this, i, S.keyboardEvent(e)) }, getMenuSize(e) { const t = e.cloneNode(!0); t.style.position = "absolute", t.style.opacity = 0, t.removeAttribute("hidden"), e.parentNode.appendChild(t); const i = t.scrollWidth, s = t.scrollHeight; return O(t), { width: i, height: s } }, showMenuPanel(e = "", t = !1) { const i = this.elements.container.querySelector(`#plyr-settings-${this.id}-${e}`); if (!S.element(i)) return; const s = i.parentNode, n = Array.from(s.children).find((e => !e.hidden)); if (K.transitions && !K.reducedMotion) { s.style.width = `${n.scrollWidth}px`, s.style.height = `${n.scrollHeight}px`; const e = Pe.getMenuSize.call(this, i), t = e => { e.target === s && ["width", "height"].includes(e.propertyName) && (s.style.width = "", s.style.height = "", J.call(this, s, E, t)) }; X.call(this, s, E, t), s.style.width = `${e.width}px`, s.style.height = `${e.height}px` } H(n, !0), H(i, !1), Pe.focusFirstMenuItem.call(this, i, t) }, setDownloadUrl() { const e = this.elements.buttons.download; S.element(e) && e.setAttribute("href", this.download) }, create(e) { const { bindMenuItemShortcuts: t, createButton: i, createProgress: s, createRange: n, createTime: a, setQualityMenu: l, setSpeedMenu: r, showMenuPanel: o } = Pe; this.elements.controls = null, S.array(this.config.controls) && this.config.controls.includes("play-large") && this.elements.container.appendChild(i.call(this, "play-large")); const c = $("div", D(this.config.selectors.controls.wrapper)); this.elements.controls = c; const u = { class: "plyr__controls__item" }; return se(S.array(this.config.controls) ? this.config.controls : []).forEach((l => { if ("restart" === l && c.appendChild(i.call(this, "restart", u)), "rewind" === l && c.appendChild(i.call(this, "rewind", u)), "play" === l && c.appendChild(i.call(this, "play", u)), "fast-forward" === l && c.appendChild(i.call(this, "fast-forward", u)), "progress" === l) { const t = $("div", { class: `${u.class} plyr__progress__container` }), i = $("div", D(this.config.selectors.progress)); if (i.appendChild(n.call(this, "seek", { id: `plyr-seek-${e.id}` })), i.appendChild(s.call(this, "buffer")), this.config.tooltips.seek) { const e = $("span", { class: this.config.classNames.tooltip }, "00:00"); i.appendChild(e), this.elements.display.seekTooltip = e } this.elements.progress = i, t.appendChild(this.elements.progress), c.appendChild(t) } if ("current-time" === l && c.appendChild(a.call(this, "currentTime", u)), "duration" === l && c.appendChild(a.call(this, "duration", u)), "mute" === l || "volume" === l) { let { volume: t } = this.elements; if (S.element(t) && c.contains(t) || (t = $("div", x({}, u, { class: `${u.class} plyr__volume`.trim() })), this.elements.volume = t, c.appendChild(t)), "mute" === l && t.appendChild(i.call(this, "mute")), "volume" === l && !M.isIos && !M.isIPadOS) { const i = { max: 1, step: .05, value: this.config.volume }; t.appendChild(n.call(this, "volume", x(i, { id: `plyr-volume-${e.id}` }))) } } if ("captions" === l && c.appendChild(i.call(this, "captions", u)), "settings" === l && !S.empty(this.config.settings)) { const s = $("div", x({}, u, { class: `${u.class} plyr__menu`.trim(), hidden: "" })); s.appendChild(i.call(this, "settings", { "aria-haspopup": !0, "aria-controls": `plyr-settings-${e.id}`, "aria-expanded": !1 })); const n = $("div", { class: "plyr__menu__container", id: `plyr-settings-${e.id}`, hidden: "" }), a = $("div"), l = $("div", { id: `plyr-settings-${e.id}-home` }), r = $("div", { role: "menu" }); l.appendChild(r), a.appendChild(l), this.elements.settings.panels.home = l, this.config.settings.forEach((i => { const s = $("button", x(D(this.config.selectors.buttons.settings), { type: "button", class: `${this.config.classNames.control} ${this.config.classNames.control}--forward`, role: "menuitem", "aria-haspopup": !0, hidden: "" })); t.call(this, s, i), X.call(this, s, "click", (() => { o.call(this, i, !1) })); const n = $("span", null, ve.get(i, this.config)), l = $("span", { class: this.config.classNames.menu.value }); l.innerHTML = e[i], n.appendChild(l), s.appendChild(n), r.appendChild(s); const c = $("div", { id: `plyr-settings-${e.id}-${i}`, hidden: "" }), u = $("button", { type: "button", class: `${this.config.classNames.control} ${this.config.classNames.control}--back` }); u.appendChild($("span", { "aria-hidden": !0 }, ve.get(i, this.config))), u.appendChild($("span", { class: this.config.classNames.hidden }, ve.get("menuBack", this.config))), X.call(this, c, "keydown", (e => { "ArrowLeft" === e.key && (e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), o.call(this, "home", !0)) }), !1), X.call(this, u, "click", (() => { o.call(this, "home", !1) })), c.appendChild(u), c.appendChild($("div", { role: "menu" })), a.appendChild(c), this.elements.settings.buttons[i] = s, this.elements.settings.panels[i] = c })), n.appendChild(a), s.appendChild(n), c.appendChild(s), this.elements.settings.popup = n, this.elements.settings.menu = s } if ("pip" === l && K.pip && c.appendChild(i.call(this, "pip", u)), "airplay" === l && K.airplay && c.appendChild(i.call(this, "airplay", u)), "download" === l) { const e = x({}, u, { element: "a", href: this.download, target: "_blank" }); this.isHTML5 && (e.download = ""); const { download: t } = this.config.urls; !S.url(t) && this.isEmbed && x(e, { icon: `logo-${this.provider}`, label: this.provider }), c.appendChild(i.call(this, "download", e)) } "fullscreen" === l && c.appendChild(i.call(this, "fullscreen", u)) })), this.isHTML5 && l.call(this, de.getQualityOptions.call(this)), r.call(this), c }, inject() { if (this.config.loadSprite) { const e = Pe.getIconUrl.call(this); e.cors && ke(e.url, "sprite-plyr") } this.id = Math.floor(1e4 * Math.random()); let e = null; this.elements.controls = null; const t = { id: this.id, seektime: this.config.seekTime, title: this.config.title }; let i = !0; S.function(this.config.controls) && (this.config.controls = this.config.controls.call(this, t)), this.config.controls || (this.config.controls = []), S.element(this.config.controls) || S.string(this.config.controls) ? e = this.config.controls : (e = Pe.create.call(this, { id: this.id, seektime: this.config.seekTime, speed: this.speed, quality: this.quality, captions: xe.getLabel.call(this) }), i = !1); let s; i && S.string(this.config.controls) && (e = (e => { let i = e; return Object.entries(t).forEach((([e, t]) => { i = pe(i, `{${e}}`, t) })), i })(e)), S.string(this.config.selectors.controls.container) && (s = document.querySelector(this.config.selectors.controls.container)), S.element(s) || (s = this.elements.container); if (s[S.element(e) ? "insertAdjacentElement" : "insertAdjacentHTML"]("afterbegin", e), S.element(this.elements.controls) || Pe.findElements.call(this), !S.empty(this.elements.buttons)) { const e = e => { const t = this.config.classNames.controlPressed; e.setAttribute("aria-pressed", "false"), Object.defineProperty(e, "pressed", { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, get: () => F(e, t), set(i = !1) { R(e, t, i), e.setAttribute("aria-pressed", i ? "true" : "false") } }) }; Object.values(this.elements.buttons).filter(Boolean).forEach((t => { S.array(t) || S.nodeList(t) ? Array.from(t).filter(Boolean).forEach(e) : e(t) })) } if (M.isEdge && P(s), this.config.tooltips.controls) { const { classNames: e, selectors: t } = this.config, i = `${t.controls.wrapper} ${t.labels} .${e.hidden}`, s = U.call(this, i); Array.from(s).forEach((e => { R(e, this.config.classNames.hidden, !1), R(e, this.config.classNames.tooltip, !0) })) } }, setMediaMetadata() { try { "mediaSession" in navigator && (navigator.mediaSession.metadata = new window.MediaMetadata({ title: this.config.mediaMetadata.title, artist: this.config.mediaMetadata.artist, album: this.config.mediaMetadata.album, artwork: this.config.mediaMetadata.artwork })) } catch (e) { } }, setMarkers() { var e, t; if (!this.duration || this.elements.markers) return; const i = null === (e = this.config.markers) || void 0 === e || null === (t = e.points) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.filter((({ time: e }) => e > 0 && e < this.duration)); if (null == i || !i.length) return; const s = document.createDocumentFragment(), n = document.createDocumentFragment(); let a = null; const l = `${this.config.classNames.tooltip}--visible`, r = e => R(a, l, e); i.forEach((e => { const t = $("span", { class: this.config.classNames.marker }, ""), i = e.time / this.duration * 100 + "%"; a && (t.addEventListener("mouseenter", (() => { e.label || (a.style.left = i, a.innerHTML = e.label, r(!0)) })), t.addEventListener("mouseleave", (() => { r(!1) }))), t.addEventListener("click", (() => { this.currentTime = e.time })), t.style.left = i, n.appendChild(t) })), s.appendChild(n), this.config.tooltips.seek || (a = $("span", { class: this.config.classNames.tooltip }, ""), s.appendChild(a)), this.elements.markers = { points: n, tip: a }, this.elements.progress.appendChild(s) } }; function Me(e, t = !0) { let i = e; if (t) { const e = document.createElement("a"); e.href = i, i = e.href } try { return new URL(i) } catch (e) { return null } } function Ne(e) { const t = new URLSearchParams; return S.object(e) && Object.entries(e).forEach((([e, i]) => { t.set(e, i) })), t } const xe = { setup() { if (!this.supported.ui) return; if (!this.isVideo || this.isYouTube || this.isHTML5 && !K.textTracks) return void (S.array(this.config.controls) && this.config.controls.includes("settings") && this.config.settings.includes("captions") && Pe.setCaptionsMenu.call(this)); var e, t; if (S.element(this.elements.captions) || (this.elements.captions = $("div", D(this.config.selectors.captions)), this.elements.captions.setAttribute("dir", "auto"), e = this.elements.captions, t = this.elements.wrapper, S.element(e) && S.element(t) && t.parentNode.insertBefore(e, t.nextSibling)), M.isIE && window.URL) { const e = this.media.querySelectorAll("track"); Array.from(e).forEach((e => { const t = e.getAttribute("src"), i = Me(t); null !== i && i.hostname !== window.location.href.hostname && ["http:", "https:"].includes(i.protocol) && Te(t, "blob").then((t => { e.setAttribute("src", window.URL.createObjectURL(t)) })).catch((() => { O(e) })) })) } const i = se((navigator.languages || [navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage || "en"]).map((e => e.split("-")[0]))); let s = (this.storage.get("language") || this.config.captions.language || "auto").toLowerCase(); "auto" === s && ([s] = i); let n = this.storage.get("captions"); if (S.boolean(n) || ({ active: n } = this.config.captions), Object.assign(this.captions, { toggled: !1, active: n, language: s, languages: i }), this.isHTML5) { const e = this.config.captions.update ? "addtrack removetrack" : "removetrack"; X.call(this, this.media.textTracks, e, xe.update.bind(this)) } setTimeout(xe.update.bind(this), 0) }, update() { const e = xe.getTracks.call(this, !0), { active: t, language: i, meta: s, currentTrackNode: n } = this.captions, a = Boolean(e.find((e => e.language === i))); this.isHTML5 && this.isVideo && e.filter((e => !s.get(e))).forEach((e => { this.debug.log("Track added", e), s.set(e, { default: "showing" === e.mode }), "showing" === e.mode && (e.mode = "hidden"), X.call(this, e, "cuechange", (() => xe.updateCues.call(this))) })), (a && this.language !== i || !e.includes(n)) && (xe.setLanguage.call(this, i), xe.toggle.call(this, t && a)), this.elements && R(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.captions.enabled, !S.empty(e)), S.array(this.config.controls) && this.config.controls.includes("settings") && this.config.settings.includes("captions") && Pe.setCaptionsMenu.call(this) }, toggle(e, t = !0) { if (!this.supported.ui) return; const { toggled: i } = this.captions, s = this.config.classNames.captions.active, n = S.nullOrUndefined(e) ? !i : e; if (n !== i) { if (t || (this.captions.active = n, this.storage.set({ captions: n })), !this.language && n && !t) { const e = xe.getTracks.call(this), t = xe.findTrack.call(this, [this.captions.language, ...this.captions.languages], !0); return this.captions.language = t.language, void xe.set.call(this, e.indexOf(t)) } this.elements.buttons.captions && (this.elements.buttons.captions.pressed = n), R(this.elements.container, s, n), this.captions.toggled = n, Pe.updateSetting.call(this, "captions"), Z.call(this, this.media, n ? "captionsenabled" : "captionsdisabled") } setTimeout((() => { n && this.captions.toggled && (this.captions.currentTrackNode.mode = "hidden") })) }, set(e, t = !0) { const i = xe.getTracks.call(this); if (-1 !== e) if (S.number(e)) if (e in i) { if (this.captions.currentTrack !== e) { this.captions.currentTrack = e; const s = i[e], { language: n } = s || {}; this.captions.currentTrackNode = s, Pe.updateSetting.call(this, "captions"), t || (this.captions.language = n, this.storage.set({ language: n })), this.isVimeo && this.embed.enableTextTrack(n), Z.call(this, this.media, "languagechange") } xe.toggle.call(this, !0, t), this.isHTML5 && this.isVideo && xe.updateCues.call(this) } else this.debug.warn("Track not found", e); else this.debug.warn("Invalid caption argument", e); else xe.toggle.call(this, !1, t) }, setLanguage(e, t = !0) { if (!S.string(e)) return void this.debug.warn("Invalid language argument", e); const i = e.toLowerCase(); this.captions.language = i; const s = xe.getTracks.call(this), n = xe.findTrack.call(this, [i]); xe.set.call(this, s.indexOf(n), t) }, getTracks(e = !1) { return Array.from((this.media || {}).textTracks || []).filter((t => !this.isHTML5 || e || this.captions.meta.has(t))).filter((e => ["captions", "subtitles"].includes(e.kind))) }, findTrack(e, t = !1) { const i = xe.getTracks.call(this), s = e => Number((this.captions.meta.get(e) || {}).default), n = Array.from(i).sort(((e, t) => s(t) - s(e))); let a; return e.every((e => (a = n.find((t => t.language === e)), !a))), a || (t ? n[0] : void 0) }, getCurrentTrack() { return xe.getTracks.call(this)[this.currentTrack] }, getLabel(e) { let t = e; return !S.track(t) && K.textTracks && this.captions.toggled && (t = xe.getCurrentTrack.call(this)), S.track(t) ? S.empty(t.label) ? S.empty(t.language) ? ve.get("enabled", this.config) : e.language.toUpperCase() : t.label : ve.get("disabled", this.config) }, updateCues(e) { if (!this.supported.ui) return; if (!S.element(this.elements.captions)) return void this.debug.warn("No captions element to render to"); if (!S.nullOrUndefined(e) && !Array.isArray(e)) return void this.debug.warn("updateCues: Invalid input", e); let t = e; if (!t) { const e = xe.getCurrentTrack.call(this); t = Array.from((e || {}).activeCues || []).map((e => e.getCueAsHTML())).map(ye) } const i = t.map((e => e.trim())).join("\n"); if (i !== this.elements.captions.innerHTML) { j(this.elements.captions); const e = $("span", D(this.config.selectors.caption)); e.innerHTML = i, this.elements.captions.appendChild(e), Z.call(this, this.media, "cuechange") } } }, Le = { enabled: !0, title: "", debug: !1, autoplay: !1, autopause: !0, playsinline: !0, seekTime: 10, volume: 1, muted: !1, duration: null, displayDuration: !0, invertTime: !0, toggleInvert: !0, ratio: null, clickToPlay: !0, hideControls: !0, resetOnEnd: !1, disableContextMenu: !0, loadSprite: !0, iconPrefix: "plyr", iconUrl: "https://cdn.plyr.io/3.7.8/plyr.svg", blankVideo: "https://cdn.plyr.io/static/blank.mp4", quality: { default: 576, options: [4320, 2880, 2160, 1440, 1080, 720, 576, 480, 360, 240], forced: !1, onChange: null }, loop: { active: !1 }, speed: { selected: 1, options: [.5, .75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 4] }, keyboard: { focused: !0, global: !1 }, tooltips: { controls: !1, seek: !0 }, captions: { active: !1, language: "auto", update: !1 }, fullscreen: { enabled: !0, fallback: !0, iosNative: !1 }, storage: { enabled: !0, key: "plyr" }, controls: ["play-large", "play", "progress", "current-time", "mute", "volume", "captions", "settings", "pip", "airplay", "fullscreen"], settings: ["captions", "quality", "speed"], i18n: { restart: "Restart", rewind: "Rewind {seektime}s", play: "Play", pause: "Pause", fastForward: "Forward {seektime}s", seek: "Seek", seekLabel: "{currentTime} of {duration}", played: "Played", buffered: "Buffered", currentTime: "Current time", duration: "Duration", volume: "Volume", mute: "Mute", unmute: "Unmute", enableCaptions: "Enable captions", disableCaptions: "Disable captions", download: "Download", enterFullscreen: "Enter fullscreen", exitFullscreen: "Exit fullscreen", frameTitle: "Player for {title}", captions: "Captions", settings: "Settings", pip: "PIP", menuBack: "Go back to previous menu", speed: "Speed", normal: "Normal", quality: "Quality", loop: "Loop", start: "Start", end: "End", all: "All", reset: "Reset", disabled: "Disabled", enabled: "Enabled", advertisement: "Ad", qualityBadge: { 2160: "4K", 1440: "HD", 1080: "HD", 720: "HD", 576: "SD", 480: "SD" } }, urls: { download: null, vimeo: { sdk: "https://player.vimeo.com/api/player.js", iframe: "https://player.vimeo.com/video/{0}?{1}", api: "https://vimeo.com/api/oembed.json?url={0}" }, youtube: { sdk: "https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api", api: "https://noembed.com/embed?url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v={0}" }, googleIMA: { sdk: "https://imasdk.googleapis.com/js/sdkloader/ima3.js" } }, listeners: { seek: null, play: null, pause: null, restart: null, rewind: null, fastForward: null, mute: null, volume: null, captions: null, download: null, fullscreen: null, pip: null, airplay: null, speed: null, quality: null, loop: null, language: null }, events: ["ended", "progress", "stalled", "playing", "waiting", "canplay", "canplaythrough", "loadstart", "loadeddata", "loadedmetadata", "timeupdate", "volumechange", "play", "pause", "error", "seeking", "seeked", "emptied", "ratechange", "cuechange", "download", "enterfullscreen", "exitfullscreen", "captionsenabled", "captionsdisabled", "languagechange", "controlshidden", "controlsshown", "ready", "statechange", "qualitychange", "adsloaded", "adscontentpause", "adscontentresume", "adstarted", "adsmidpoint", "adscomplete", "adsallcomplete", "adsimpression", "adsclick"], selectors: { editable: "input, textarea, select, [contenteditable]", container: ".plyr", controls: { container: null, wrapper: ".plyr__controls" }, labels: "[data-plyr]", buttons: { play: '[data-plyr="play"]', pause: '[data-plyr="pause"]', restart: '[data-plyr="restart"]', rewind: '[data-plyr="rewind"]', fastForward: '[data-plyr="fast-forward"]', mute: '[data-plyr="mute"]', captions: '[data-plyr="captions"]', download: '[data-plyr="download"]', fullscreen: '[data-plyr="fullscreen"]', pip: '[data-plyr="pip"]', airplay: '[data-plyr="airplay"]', settings: '[data-plyr="settings"]', loop: '[data-plyr="loop"]' }, inputs: { seek: '[data-plyr="seek"]', volume: '[data-plyr="volume"]', speed: '[data-plyr="speed"]', language: '[data-plyr="language"]', quality: '[data-plyr="quality"]' }, display: { currentTime: ".plyr__time--current", duration: ".plyr__time--duration", buffer: ".plyr__progress__buffer", loop: ".plyr__progress__loop", volume: ".plyr__volume--display" }, progress: ".plyr__progress", captions: ".plyr__captions", caption: ".plyr__caption" }, classNames: { type: "plyr--{0}", provider: "plyr--{0}", video: "plyr__video-wrapper", embed: "plyr__video-embed", videoFixedRatio: "plyr__video-wrapper--fixed-ratio", embedContainer: "plyr__video-embed__container", poster: "plyr__poster", posterEnabled: "plyr__poster-enabled", ads: "plyr__ads", control: "plyr__control", controlPressed: "plyr__control--pressed", playing: "plyr--playing", paused: "plyr--paused", stopped: "plyr--stopped", loading: "plyr--loading", hover: "plyr--hover", tooltip: "plyr__tooltip", cues: "plyr__cues", marker: "plyr__progress__marker", hidden: "plyr__sr-only", hideControls: "plyr--hide-controls", isTouch: "plyr--is-touch", uiSupported: "plyr--full-ui", noTransition: "plyr--no-transition", display: { time: "plyr__time" }, menu: { value: "plyr__menu__value", badge: "plyr__badge", open: "plyr--menu-open" }, captions: { enabled: "plyr--captions-enabled", active: "plyr--captions-active" }, fullscreen: { enabled: "plyr--fullscreen-enabled", fallback: "plyr--fullscreen-fallback" }, pip: { supported: "plyr--pip-supported", active: "plyr--pip-active" }, airplay: { supported: "plyr--airplay-supported", active: "plyr--airplay-active" }, previewThumbnails: { thumbContainer: "plyr__preview-thumb", thumbContainerShown: "plyr__preview-thumb--is-shown", imageContainer: "plyr__preview-thumb__image-container", timeContainer: "plyr__preview-thumb__time-container", scrubbingContainer: "plyr__preview-scrubbing", scrubbingContainerShown: "plyr__preview-scrubbing--is-shown" } }, attributes: { embed: { provider: "data-plyr-provider", id: "data-plyr-embed-id", hash: "data-plyr-embed-hash" } }, ads: { enabled: !1, publisherId: "", tagUrl: "" }, previewThumbnails: { enabled: !1, src: "" }, vimeo: { byline: !1, portrait: !1, title: !1, speed: !0, transparent: !1, customControls: !0, referrerPolicy: null, premium: !1 }, youtube: { rel: 0, showinfo: 0, iv_load_policy: 3, modestbranding: 1, customControls: !0, noCookie: !1 }, mediaMetadata: { title: "", artist: "", album: "", artwork: [] }, markers: { enabled: !1, points: [] } }, Ie = "picture-in-picture", $e = "inline", _e = { html5: "html5", youtube: "youtube", vimeo: "vimeo" }, Oe = "audio", je = "video"; const qe = () => { }; class De { constructor(e = !1) { this.enabled = window.console && e, this.enabled && this.log("Debugging enabled") } get log() { return this.enabled ? Function.prototype.bind.call(console.log, console) : qe } get warn() { return this.enabled ? Function.prototype.bind.call(console.warn, console) : qe } get error() { return this.enabled ? Function.prototype.bind.call(console.error, console) : qe } } class He { constructor(t) { e(this, "onChange", (() => { if (!this.supported) return; const e = this.player.elements.buttons.fullscreen; S.element(e) && (e.pressed = this.active); const t = this.target === this.player.media ? this.target : this.player.elements.container; Z.call(this.player, t, this.active ? "enterfullscreen" : "exitfullscreen", !0) })), e(this, "toggleFallback", ((e = !1) => { if (e ? this.scrollPosition = { x: window.scrollX ?? 0, y: window.scrollY ?? 0 } : window.scrollTo(this.scrollPosition.x, this.scrollPosition.y), document.body.style.overflow = e ? "hidden" : "", R(this.target, this.player.config.classNames.fullscreen.fallback, e), M.isIos) { let t = document.head.querySelector('meta[name="viewport"]'); const i = "viewport-fit=cover"; t || (t = document.createElement("meta"), t.setAttribute("name", "viewport")); const s = S.string(t.content) && t.content.includes(i); e ? (this.cleanupViewport = !s, s || (t.content += `,${i}`)) : this.cleanupViewport && (t.content = t.content.split(",").filter((e => e.trim() !== i)).join(",")) } this.onChange() })), e(this, "trapFocus", (e => { if (M.isIos || M.isIPadOS || !this.active || "Tab" !== e.key) return; const t = document.activeElement, i = U.call(this.player, "a[href], button:not(:disabled), input:not(:disabled), [tabindex]"), [s] = i, n = i[i.length - 1]; t !== n || e.shiftKey ? t === s && e.shiftKey && (n.focus(), e.preventDefault()) : (s.focus(), e.preventDefault()) })), e(this, "update", (() => { if (this.supported) { let e; e = this.forceFallback ? "Fallback (forced)" : He.nativeSupported ? "Native" : "Fallback", this.player.debug.log(`${e} fullscreen enabled`) } else this.player.debug.log("Fullscreen not supported and fallback disabled"); R(this.player.elements.container, this.player.config.classNames.fullscreen.enabled, this.supported) })), e(this, "enter", (() => { this.supported && (M.isIos && this.player.config.fullscreen.iosNative ? this.player.isVimeo ? this.player.embed.requestFullscreen() : this.target.webkitEnterFullscreen() : !He.nativeSupported || this.forceFallback ? this.toggleFallback(!0) : this.prefix ? S.empty(this.prefix) || this.target[`${this.prefix}Request${this.property}`]() : this.target.requestFullscreen({ navigationUI: "hide" })) })), e(this, "exit", (() => { if (this.supported) if (M.isIos && this.player.config.fullscreen.iosNative) this.player.isVimeo ? this.player.embed.exitFullscreen() : this.target.webkitEnterFullscreen(), ie(this.player.play()); else if (!He.nativeSupported || this.forceFallback) this.toggleFallback(!1); else if (this.prefix) { if (!S.empty(this.prefix)) { const e = "moz" === this.prefix ? "Cancel" : "Exit"; document[`${this.prefix}${e}${this.property}`]() } } else (document.cancelFullScreen || document.exitFullscreen).call(document) })), e(this, "toggle", (() => { this.active ? this.exit() : this.enter() })), this.player = t, this.prefix = He.prefix, this.property = He.property, this.scrollPosition = { x: 0, y: 0 }, this.forceFallback = "force" === t.config.fullscreen.fallback, this.player.elements.fullscreen = t.config.fullscreen.container && function (e, t) { const { prototype: i } = Element; return (i.closest || function () { let e = this; do { if (V.matches(e, t)) return e; e = e.parentElement || e.parentNode } while (null !== e && 1 === e.nodeType); return null }).call(e, t) }(this.player.elements.container, t.config.fullscreen.container), X.call(this.player, document, "ms" === this.prefix ? "MSFullscreenChange" : `${this.prefix}fullscreenchange`, (() => { this.onChange() })), X.call(this.player, this.player.elements.container, "dblclick", (e => { S.element(this.player.elements.controls) && this.player.elements.controls.contains(e.target) || this.player.listeners.proxy(e, this.toggle, "fullscreen") })), X.call(this, this.player.elements.container, "keydown", (e => this.trapFocus(e))), this.update() } static get nativeSupported() { return !!(document.fullscreenEnabled || document.webkitFullscreenEnabled || document.mozFullScreenEnabled || document.msFullscreenEnabled) } get useNative() { return He.nativeSupported && !this.forceFallback } static get prefix() { if (S.function(document.exitFullscreen)) return ""; let e = ""; return ["webkit", "moz", "ms"].some((t => !(!S.function(document[`${t}ExitFullscreen`]) && !S.function(document[`${t}CancelFullScreen`])) && (e = t, !0))), e } static get property() { return "moz" === this.prefix ? "FullScreen" : "Fullscreen" } get supported() { return [this.player.config.fullscreen.enabled, this.player.isVideo, He.nativeSupported || this.player.config.fullscreen.fallback, !this.player.isYouTube || He.nativeSupported || !M.isIos || this.player.config.playsinline && !this.player.config.fullscreen.iosNative].every(Boolean) } get active() { if (!this.supported) return !1; if (!He.nativeSupported || this.forceFallback) return F(this.target, this.player.config.classNames.fullscreen.fallback); const e = this.prefix ? this.target.getRootNode()[`${this.prefix}${this.property}Element`] : this.target.getRootNode().fullscreenElement; return e && e.shadowRoot ? e === this.target.getRootNode().host : e === this.target } get target() { return M.isIos && this.player.config.fullscreen.iosNative ? this.player.media : this.player.elements.fullscreen ?? this.player.elements.container } } function Re(e, t = 1) { return new Promise(((i, s) => { const n = new Image, a = () => { delete n.onload, delete n.onerror, (n.naturalWidth >= t ? i : s)(n) }; Object.assign(n, { onload: a, onerror: a, src: e }) })) } const Fe = { addStyleHook() { R(this.elements.container, this.config.selectors.container.replace(".", ""), !0), R(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.uiSupported, this.supported.ui) }, toggleNativeControls(e = !1) { e && this.isHTML5 ? this.media.setAttribute("controls", "") : this.media.removeAttribute("controls") }, build() { if (this.listeners.media(), !this.supported.ui) return this.debug.warn(`Basic support only for ${this.provider} ${this.type}`), void Fe.toggleNativeControls.call(this, !0); S.element(this.elements.controls) || (Pe.inject.call(this), this.listeners.controls()), Fe.toggleNativeControls.call(this), this.isHTML5 && xe.setup.call(this), this.volume = null, this.muted = null, this.loop = null, this.quality = null, this.speed = null, Pe.updateVolume.call(this), Pe.timeUpdate.call(this), Pe.durationUpdate.call(this), Fe.checkPlaying.call(this), R(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.pip.supported, K.pip && this.isHTML5 && this.isVideo), R(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.airplay.supported, K.airplay && this.isHTML5), R(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.isTouch, this.touch), this.ready = !0, setTimeout((() => { Z.call(this, this.media, "ready") }), 0), Fe.setTitle.call(this), this.poster && Fe.setPoster.call(this, this.poster, !1).catch((() => { })), this.config.duration && Pe.durationUpdate.call(this), this.config.mediaMetadata && Pe.setMediaMetadata.call(this) }, setTitle() { let e = ve.get("play", this.config); if (S.string(this.config.title) && !S.empty(this.config.title) && (e += `, ${this.config.title}`), Array.from(this.elements.buttons.play || []).forEach((t => { t.setAttribute("aria-label", e) })), this.isEmbed) { const e = B.call(this, "iframe"); if (!S.element(e)) return; const t = S.empty(this.config.title) ? "video" : this.config.title, i = ve.get("frameTitle", this.config); e.setAttribute("title", i.replace("{title}", t)) } }, togglePoster(e) { R(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.posterEnabled, e) }, setPoster(e, t = !0) { return t && this.poster ? Promise.reject(new Error("Poster already set")) : (this.media.setAttribute("data-poster", e), this.elements.poster.removeAttribute("hidden"), te.call(this).then((() => Re(e))).catch((t => { throw e === this.poster && Fe.togglePoster.call(this, !1), t })).then((() => { if (e !== this.poster) throw new Error("setPoster cancelled by later call to setPoster") })).then((() => (Object.assign(this.elements.poster.style, { backgroundImage: `url('${e}')`, backgroundSize: "" }), Fe.togglePoster.call(this, !0), e)))) }, checkPlaying(e) { R(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.playing, this.playing), R(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.paused, this.paused), R(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.stopped, this.stopped), Array.from(this.elements.buttons.play || []).forEach((e => { Object.assign(e, { pressed: this.playing }), e.setAttribute("aria-label", ve.get(this.playing ? "pause" : "play", this.config)) })), S.event(e) && "timeupdate" === e.type || Fe.toggleControls.call(this) }, checkLoading(e) { this.loading = ["stalled", "waiting"].includes(e.type), clearTimeout(this.timers.loading), this.timers.loading = setTimeout((() => { R(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.loading, this.loading), Fe.toggleControls.call(this) }), this.loading ? 250 : 0) }, toggleControls(e) { const { controls: t } = this.elements; if (t && this.config.hideControls) { const i = this.touch && this.lastSeekTime + 2e3 > Date.now(); this.toggleControls(Boolean(e || this.loading || this.paused || t.pressed || t.hover || i)) } }, migrateStyles() { Object.values({ ...this.media.style }).filter((e => !S.empty(e) && S.string(e) && e.startsWith("--plyr"))).forEach((e => { this.elements.container.style.setProperty(e, this.media.style.getPropertyValue(e)), this.media.style.removeProperty(e) })), S.empty(this.media.style) && this.media.removeAttribute("style") } }; class Ve { constructor(t) { e(this, "firstTouch", (() => { const { player: e } = this, { elements: t } = e; e.touch = !0, R(t.container, e.config.classNames.isTouch, !0) })), e(this, "global", ((e = !0) => { const { player: t } = this; t.config.keyboard.global && Q.call(t, window, "keydown keyup", this.handleKey, e, !1), Q.call(t, document.body, "click", this.toggleMenu, e), G.call(t, document.body, "touchstart", this.firstTouch) })), e(this, "container", (() => { const { player: e } = this, { config: t, elements: i, timers: s } = e; !t.keyboard.global && t.keyboard.focused && X.call(e, i.container, "keydown keyup", this.handleKey, !1), X.call(e, i.container, "mousemove mouseleave touchstart touchmove enterfullscreen exitfullscreen", (t => { const { controls: n } = i; n && "enterfullscreen" === t.type && (n.pressed = !1, n.hover = !1); let a = 0;["touchstart", "touchmove", "mousemove"].includes(t.type) && (Fe.toggleControls.call(e, !0), a = e.touch ? 3e3 : 2e3), clearTimeout(s.controls), s.controls = setTimeout((() => Fe.toggleControls.call(e, !1)), a) })); const n = () => { if (!e.isVimeo || e.config.vimeo.premium) return; const t = i.wrapper, { active: s } = e.fullscreen, [n, a] = ce.call(e), l = ae(`aspect-ratio: ${n} / ${a}`); if (!s) return void (l ? (t.style.width = null, t.style.height = null) : (t.style.maxWidth = null, t.style.margin = null)); const [r, o] = [Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth || 0, window.innerWidth || 0), Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight || 0, window.innerHeight || 0)], c = r / o > n / a; l ? (t.style.width = c ? "auto" : "100%", t.style.height = c ? "100%" : "auto") : (t.style.maxWidth = c ? o / a * n + "px" : null, t.style.margin = c ? "0 auto" : null) }, a = () => { clearTimeout(s.resized), s.resized = setTimeout(n, 50) }; X.call(e, i.container, "enterfullscreen exitfullscreen", (t => { const { target: s } = e.fullscreen; if (s !== i.container) return; if (!e.isEmbed && S.empty(e.config.ratio)) return; n(); ("enterfullscreen" === t.type ? X : J).call(e, window, "resize", a) })) })), e(this, "media", (() => { const { player: e } = this, { elements: t } = e; if (X.call(e, e.media, "timeupdate seeking seeked", (t => Pe.timeUpdate.call(e, t))), X.call(e, e.media, "durationchange loadeddata loadedmetadata", (t => Pe.durationUpdate.call(e, t))), X.call(e, e.media, "ended", (() => { e.isHTML5 && e.isVideo && e.config.resetOnEnd && (e.restart(), e.pause()) })), X.call(e, e.media, "progress playing seeking seeked", (t => Pe.updateProgress.call(e, t))), X.call(e, e.media, "volumechange", (t => Pe.updateVolume.call(e, t))), X.call(e, e.media, "playing play pause ended emptied timeupdate", (t => Fe.checkPlaying.call(e, t))), X.call(e, e.media, "waiting canplay seeked playing", (t => Fe.checkLoading.call(e, t))), e.supported.ui && e.config.clickToPlay && !e.isAudio) { const i = B.call(e, `.${e.config.classNames.video}`); if (!S.element(i)) return; X.call(e, t.container, "click", (s => { ([t.container, i].includes(s.target) || i.contains(s.target)) && (e.touch && e.config.hideControls || (e.ended ? (this.proxy(s, e.restart, "restart"), this.proxy(s, (() => { ie(e.play()) }), "play")) : this.proxy(s, (() => { ie(e.togglePlay()) }), "play"))) })) } e.supported.ui && e.config.disableContextMenu && X.call(e, t.wrapper, "contextmenu", (e => { e.preventDefault() }), !1), X.call(e, e.media, "volumechange", (() => { e.storage.set({ volume: e.volume, muted: e.muted }) })), X.call(e, e.media, "ratechange", (() => { Pe.updateSetting.call(e, "speed"), e.storage.set({ speed: e.speed }) })), X.call(e, e.media, "qualitychange", (t => { Pe.updateSetting.call(e, "quality", null, t.detail.quality) })), X.call(e, e.media, "ready qualitychange", (() => { Pe.setDownloadUrl.call(e) })); const i = e.config.events.concat(["keyup", "keydown"]).join(" "); X.call(e, e.media, i, (i => { let { detail: s = {} } = i; "error" === i.type && (s = e.media.error), Z.call(e, t.container, i.type, !0, s) })) })), e(this, "proxy", ((e, t, i) => { const { player: s } = this, n = s.config.listeners[i]; let a = !0; S.function(n) && (a = n.call(s, e)), !1 !== a && S.function(t) && t.call(s, e) })), e(this, "bind", ((e, t, i, s, n = !0) => { const { player: a } = this, l = a.config.listeners[s], r = S.function(l); X.call(a, e, t, (e => this.proxy(e, i, s)), n && !r) })), e(this, "controls", (() => { const { player: e } = this, { elements: t } = e, i = M.isIE ? "change" : "input"; if (t.buttons.play && Array.from(t.buttons.play).forEach((t => { this.bind(t, "click", (() => { ie(e.togglePlay()) }), "play") })), this.bind(t.buttons.restart, "click", e.restart, "restart"), this.bind(t.buttons.rewind, "click", (() => { e.lastSeekTime = Date.now(), e.rewind() }), "rewind"), this.bind(t.buttons.fastForward, "click", (() => { e.lastSeekTime = Date.now(), e.forward() }), "fastForward"), this.bind(t.buttons.mute, "click", (() => { e.muted = !e.muted }), "mute"), this.bind(t.buttons.captions, "click", (() => e.toggleCaptions())), this.bind(t.buttons.download, "click", (() => { Z.call(e, e.media, "download") }), "download"), this.bind(t.buttons.fullscreen, "click", (() => { e.fullscreen.toggle() }), "fullscreen"), this.bind(t.buttons.pip, "click", (() => { e.pip = "toggle" }), "pip"), this.bind(t.buttons.airplay, "click", e.airplay, "airplay"), this.bind(t.buttons.settings, "click", (t => { t.stopPropagation(), t.preventDefault(), Pe.toggleMenu.call(e, t) }), null, !1), this.bind(t.buttons.settings, "keyup", (t => { [" ", "Enter"].includes(t.key) && ("Enter" !== t.key ? (t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation(), Pe.toggleMenu.call(e, t)) : Pe.focusFirstMenuItem.call(e, null, !0)) }), null, !1), this.bind(t.settings.menu, "keydown", (t => { "Escape" === t.key && Pe.toggleMenu.call(e, t) })), this.bind(t.inputs.seek, "mousedown mousemove", (e => { const i = t.progress.getBoundingClientRect(), s = 100 / i.width * (e.pageX - i.left); e.currentTarget.setAttribute("seek-value", s) })), this.bind(t.inputs.seek, "mousedown mouseup keydown keyup touchstart touchend", (t => { const i = t.currentTarget, s = "play-on-seeked"; if (S.keyboardEvent(t) && !["ArrowLeft", "ArrowRight"].includes(t.key)) return; e.lastSeekTime = Date.now(); const n = i.hasAttribute(s), a = ["mouseup", "touchend", "keyup"].includes(t.type); n && a ? (i.removeAttribute(s), ie(e.play())) : !a && e.playing && (i.setAttribute(s, ""), e.pause()) })), M.isIos) { const t = U.call(e, 'input[type="range"]'); Array.from(t).forEach((e => this.bind(e, i, (e => P(e.target))))) } this.bind(t.inputs.seek, i, (t => { const i = t.currentTarget; let s = i.getAttribute("seek-value"); S.empty(s) && (s = i.value), i.removeAttribute("seek-value"), e.currentTime = s / i.max * e.duration }), "seek"), this.bind(t.progress, "mouseenter mouseleave mousemove", (t => Pe.updateSeekTooltip.call(e, t))), this.bind(t.progress, "mousemove touchmove", (t => { const { previewThumbnails: i } = e; i && i.loaded && i.startMove(t) })), this.bind(t.progress, "mouseleave touchend click", (() => { const { previewThumbnails: t } = e; t && t.loaded && t.endMove(!1, !0) })), this.bind(t.progress, "mousedown touchstart", (t => { const { previewThumbnails: i } = e; i && i.loaded && i.startScrubbing(t) })), this.bind(t.progress, "mouseup touchend", (t => { const { previewThumbnails: i } = e; i && i.loaded && i.endScrubbing(t) })), M.isWebKit && Array.from(U.call(e, 'input[type="range"]')).forEach((t => { this.bind(t, "input", (t => Pe.updateRangeFill.call(e, t.target))) })), e.config.toggleInvert && !S.element(t.display.duration) && this.bind(t.display.currentTime, "click", (() => { 0 !== e.currentTime && (e.config.invertTime = !e.config.invertTime, Pe.timeUpdate.call(e)) })), this.bind(t.inputs.volume, i, (t => { e.volume = t.target.value }), "volume"), this.bind(t.controls, "mouseenter mouseleave", (i => { t.controls.hover = !e.touch && "mouseenter" === i.type })), t.fullscreen && Array.from(t.fullscreen.children).filter((e => !e.contains(t.container))).forEach((i => { this.bind(i, "mouseenter mouseleave", (i => { t.controls && (t.controls.hover = !e.touch && "mouseenter" === i.type) })) })), this.bind(t.controls, "mousedown mouseup touchstart touchend touchcancel", (e => { t.controls.pressed = ["mousedown", "touchstart"].includes(e.type) })), this.bind(t.controls, "focusin", (() => { const { config: i, timers: s } = e; R(t.controls, i.classNames.noTransition, !0), Fe.toggleControls.call(e, !0), setTimeout((() => { R(t.controls, i.classNames.noTransition, !1) }), 0); const n = this.touch ? 3e3 : 4e3; clearTimeout(s.controls), s.controls = setTimeout((() => Fe.toggleControls.call(e, !1)), n) })), this.bind(t.inputs.volume, "wheel", (t => { const i = t.webkitDirectionInvertedFromDevice, [s, n] = [t.deltaX, -t.deltaY].map((e => i ? -e : e)), a = Math.sign(Math.abs(s) > Math.abs(n) ? s : n); e.increaseVolume(a / 50); const { volume: l } = e.media; (1 === a && l < 1 || -1 === a && l > 0) && t.preventDefault() }), "volume", !1) })), this.player = t, this.lastKey = null, this.focusTimer = null, this.lastKeyDown = null, this.handleKey = this.handleKey.bind(this), this.toggleMenu = this.toggleMenu.bind(this), this.firstTouch = this.firstTouch.bind(this) } handleKey(e) { const { player: t } = this, { elements: i } = t, { key: s, type: n, altKey: a, ctrlKey: l, metaKey: r, shiftKey: o } = e, c = "keydown" === n, u = c && s === this.lastKey; if (a || l || r || o) return; if (!s) return; if (c) { const n = document.activeElement; if (S.element(n)) { const { editable: s } = t.config.selectors, { seek: a } = i.inputs; if (n !== a && V(n, s)) return; if (" " === e.key && V(n, 'button, [role^="menuitem"]')) return } switch ([" ", "ArrowLeft", "ArrowUp", "ArrowRight", "ArrowDown", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "c", "f", "k", "l", "m"].includes(s) && (e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation()), s) { case "0": case "1": case "2": case "3": case "4": case "5": case "6": case "7": case "8": case "9": u || (h = parseInt(s, 10), t.currentTime = t.duration / 10 * h); break; case " ": case "k": u || ie(t.togglePlay()); break; case "ArrowUp": t.increaseVolume(.1); break; case "ArrowDown": t.decreaseVolume(.1); break; case "m": u || (t.muted = !t.muted); break; case "ArrowRight": t.forward(); break; case "ArrowLeft": t.rewind(); break; case "f": t.fullscreen.toggle(); break; case "c": u || t.toggleCaptions(); break; case "l": t.loop = !t.loop }"Escape" === s && !t.fullscreen.usingNative && t.fullscreen.active && t.fullscreen.toggle(), this.lastKey = s } else this.lastKey = null; var h } toggleMenu(e) { Pe.toggleMenu.call(this.player, e) } } "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : "undefined" != typeof window ? window : "undefined" != typeof global ? global : "undefined" != typeof self && self; var Ue = function (e, t) { return e(t = { exports: {} }, t.exports), t.exports }((function (e, t) { e.exports = function () { var e = function () { }, t = {}, i = {}, s = {}; function n(e, t) { e = e.push ? e : [e]; var n, a, l, r = [], o = e.length, c = o; for (n = function (e, i) { i.length && r.push(e), --c || t(r) }; o--;)a = e[o], (l = i[a]) ? n(a, l) : (s[a] = s[a] || []).push(n) } function a(e, t) { if (e) { var n = s[e]; if (i[e] = t, n) for (; n.length;)n[0](e, t), n.splice(0, 1) } } function l(t, i) { t.call && (t = { success: t }), i.length ? (t.error || e)(i) : (t.success || e)(t) } function r(t, i, s, n) { var a, l, o = document, c = s.async, u = (s.numRetries || 0) + 1, h = s.before || e, d = t.replace(/[\?|#].*$/, ""), m = t.replace(/^(css|img)!/, ""); n = n || 0, /(^css!|\.css$)/.test(d) ? ((l = o.createElement("link")).rel = "stylesheet", l.href = m, (a = "hideFocus" in l) && l.relList && (a = 0, l.rel = "preload", l.as = "style")) : /(^img!|\.(png|gif|jpg|svg|webp)$)/.test(d) ? (l = o.createElement("img")).src = m : ((l = o.createElement("script")).src = t, l.async = void 0 === c || c), l.onload = l.onerror = l.onbeforeload = function (e) { var o = e.type[0]; if (a) try { l.sheet.cssText.length || (o = "e") } catch (e) { 18 != e.code && (o = "e") } if ("e" == o) { if ((n += 1) < u) return r(t, i, s, n) } else if ("preload" == l.rel && "style" == l.as) return l.rel = "stylesheet"; i(t, o, e.defaultPrevented) }, !1 !== h(t, l) && o.head.appendChild(l) } function o(e, t, i) { var s, n, a = (e = e.push ? e : [e]).length, l = a, o = []; for (s = function (e, i, s) { if ("e" == i && o.push(e), "b" == i) { if (!s) return; o.push(e) } --a || t(o) }, n = 0; n < l; n++)r(e[n], s, i) } function c(e, i, s) { var n, r; if (i && i.trim && (n = i), r = (n ? s : i) || {}, n) { if (n in t) throw "LoadJS"; t[n] = !0 } function c(t, i) { o(e, (function (e) { l(r, e), t && l({ success: t, error: i }, e), a(n, e) }), r) } if (r.returnPromise) return new Promise(c); c() } return c.ready = function (e, t) { return n(e, (function (e) { l(t, e) })), c }, c.done = function (e) { a(e, []) }, c.reset = function () { t = {}, i = {}, s = {} }, c.isDefined = function (e) { return e in t }, c }() })); function Be(e) { return new Promise(((t, i) => { Ue(e, { success: t, error: i }) })) } function We(e) { e && !this.embed.hasPlayed && (this.embed.hasPlayed = !0), this.media.paused === e && (this.media.paused = !e, Z.call(this, this.media, e ? "play" : "pause")) } const ze = { setup() { const e = this; R(e.elements.wrapper, e.config.classNames.embed, !0), e.options.speed = e.config.speed.options, ue.call(e), S.object(window.Vimeo) ? ze.ready.call(e) : Be(e.config.urls.vimeo.sdk).then((() => { ze.ready.call(e) })).catch((t => { e.debug.warn("Vimeo SDK (player.js) failed to load", t) })) }, ready() { const e = this, t = e.config.vimeo, { premium: i, referrerPolicy: s, ...n } = t; let a = e.media.getAttribute("src"), l = ""; S.empty(a) ? (a = e.media.getAttribute(e.config.attributes.embed.id), l = e.media.getAttribute(e.config.attributes.embed.hash)) : l = function (e) { const t = e.match(/^.*(vimeo.com\/|video\/)(\d+)(\?.*&*h=|\/)+([\d,a-f]+)/); return t && 5 === t.length ? t[4] : null }(a); const r = l ? { h: l } : {}; i && Object.assign(n, { controls: !1, sidedock: !1 }); const o = Ne({ loop: e.config.loop.active, autoplay: e.autoplay, muted: e.muted, gesture: "media", playsinline: e.config.playsinline, ...r, ...n }), c = (u = a, S.empty(u) ? null : S.number(Number(u)) ? u : u.match(/^.*(vimeo.com\/|video\/)(\d+).*/) ? RegExp.$2 : u); var u; const h = $("iframe"), d = me(e.config.urls.vimeo.iframe, c, o); if (h.setAttribute("src", d), h.setAttribute("allowfullscreen", ""), h.setAttribute("allow", ["autoplay", "fullscreen", "picture-in-picture", "encrypted-media", "accelerometer", "gyroscope"].join("; ")), S.empty(s) || h.setAttribute("referrerPolicy", s), i || !t.customControls) h.setAttribute("data-poster", e.poster), e.media = q(h, e.media); else { const t = $("div", { class: e.config.classNames.embedContainer, "data-poster": e.poster }); t.appendChild(h), e.media = q(t, e.media) } t.customControls || Te(me(e.config.urls.vimeo.api, d)).then((t => { !S.empty(t) && t.thumbnail_url && Fe.setPoster.call(e, t.thumbnail_url).catch((() => { })) })), e.embed = new window.Vimeo.Player(h, { autopause: e.config.autopause, muted: e.muted }), e.media.paused = !0, e.media.currentTime = 0, e.supported.ui && e.embed.disableTextTrack(), e.media.play = () => (We.call(e, !0), e.embed.play()), e.media.pause = () => (We.call(e, !1), e.embed.pause()), e.media.stop = () => { e.pause(), e.currentTime = 0 }; let { currentTime: m } = e.media; Object.defineProperty(e.media, "currentTime", { get: () => m, set(t) { const { embed: i, media: s, paused: n, volume: a } = e, l = n && !i.hasPlayed; s.seeking = !0, Z.call(e, s, "seeking"), Promise.resolve(l && i.setVolume(0)).then((() => i.setCurrentTime(t))).then((() => l && i.pause())).then((() => l && i.setVolume(a))).catch((() => { })) } }); let p = e.config.speed.selected; Object.defineProperty(e.media, "playbackRate", { get: () => p, set(t) { e.embed.setPlaybackRate(t).then((() => { p = t, Z.call(e, e.media, "ratechange") })).catch((() => { e.options.speed = [1] })) } }); let { volume: g } = e.config; Object.defineProperty(e.media, "volume", { get: () => g, set(t) { e.embed.setVolume(t).then((() => { g = t, Z.call(e, e.media, "volumechange") })) } }); let { muted: f } = e.config; Object.defineProperty(e.media, "muted", { get: () => f, set(t) { const i = !!S.boolean(t) && t; e.embed.setMuted(!!i || e.config.muted).then((() => { f = i, Z.call(e, e.media, "volumechange") })) } }); let y, { loop: b } = e.config; Object.defineProperty(e.media, "loop", { get: () => b, set(t) { const i = S.boolean(t) ? t : e.config.loop.active; e.embed.setLoop(i).then((() => { b = i })) } }), e.embed.getVideoUrl().then((t => { y = t, Pe.setDownloadUrl.call(e) })).catch((e => { this.debug.warn(e) })), Object.defineProperty(e.media, "currentSrc", { get: () => y }), Object.defineProperty(e.media, "ended", { get: () => e.currentTime === e.duration }), Promise.all([e.embed.getVideoWidth(), e.embed.getVideoHeight()]).then((t => { const [i, s] = t; e.embed.ratio = he(i, s), ue.call(this) })), e.embed.setAutopause(e.config.autopause).then((t => { e.config.autopause = t })), e.embed.getVideoTitle().then((t => { e.config.title = t, Fe.setTitle.call(this) })), e.embed.getCurrentTime().then((t => { m = t, Z.call(e, e.media, "timeupdate") })), e.embed.getDuration().then((t => { e.media.duration = t, Z.call(e, e.media, "durationchange") })), e.embed.getTextTracks().then((t => { e.media.textTracks = t, xe.setup.call(e) })), e.embed.on("cuechange", (({ cues: t = [] }) => { const i = t.map((e => function (e) { const t = document.createDocumentFragment(), i = document.createElement("div"); return t.appendChild(i), i.innerHTML = e, t.firstChild.innerText }(e.text))); xe.updateCues.call(e, i) })), e.embed.on("loaded", (() => { if (e.embed.getPaused().then((t => { We.call(e, !t), t || Z.call(e, e.media, "playing") })), S.element(e.embed.element) && e.supported.ui) { e.embed.element.setAttribute("tabindex", -1) } })), e.embed.on("bufferstart", (() => { Z.call(e, e.media, "waiting") })), e.embed.on("bufferend", (() => { Z.call(e, e.media, "playing") })), e.embed.on("play", (() => { We.call(e, !0), Z.call(e, e.media, "playing") })), e.embed.on("pause", (() => { We.call(e, !1) })), e.embed.on("timeupdate", (t => { e.media.seeking = !1, m = t.seconds, Z.call(e, e.media, "timeupdate") })), e.embed.on("progress", (t => { e.media.buffered = t.percent, Z.call(e, e.media, "progress"), 1 === parseInt(t.percent, 10) && Z.call(e, e.media, "canplaythrough"), e.embed.getDuration().then((t => { t !== e.media.duration && (e.media.duration = t, Z.call(e, e.media, "durationchange")) })) })), e.embed.on("seeked", (() => { e.media.seeking = !1, Z.call(e, e.media, "seeked") })), e.embed.on("ended", (() => { e.media.paused = !0, Z.call(e, e.media, "ended") })), e.embed.on("error", (t => { e.media.error = t, Z.call(e, e.media, "error") })), t.customControls && setTimeout((() => Fe.build.call(e)), 0) } }; function Ke(e) { e && !this.embed.hasPlayed && (this.embed.hasPlayed = !0), this.media.paused === e && (this.media.paused = !e, Z.call(this, this.media, e ? "play" : "pause")) } function Ye(e) { return e.noCookie ? "https://www.youtube-nocookie.com" : "http:" === window.location.protocol ? "http://www.youtube.com" : void 0 } const Qe = { setup() { if (R(this.elements.wrapper, this.config.classNames.embed, !0), S.object(window.YT) && S.function(window.YT.Player)) Qe.ready.call(this); else { const e = window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady; window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = () => { S.function(e) && e(), Qe.ready.call(this) }, Be(this.config.urls.youtube.sdk).catch((e => { this.debug.warn("YouTube API failed to load", e) })) } }, getTitle(e) { Te(me(this.config.urls.youtube.api, e)).then((e => { if (S.object(e)) { const { title: t, height: i, width: s } = e; this.config.title = t, Fe.setTitle.call(this), this.embed.ratio = he(s, i) } ue.call(this) })).catch((() => { ue.call(this) })) }, ready() { const e = this, t = e.config.youtube, i = e.media && e.media.getAttribute("id"); if (!S.empty(i) && i.startsWith("youtube-")) return; let s = e.media.getAttribute("src"); S.empty(s) && (s = e.media.getAttribute(this.config.attributes.embed.id)); const n = (a = s, S.empty(a) ? null : a.match(/^.*(youtu.be\/|v\/|u\/\w\/|embed\/|watch\?v=|&v=)([^#&?]*).*/) ? RegExp.$2 : a); var a; const l = $("div", { id: `${e.provider}-${Math.floor(1e4 * Math.random())}`, "data-poster": t.customControls ? e.poster : void 0 }); if (e.media = q(l, e.media), t.customControls) { const t = e => `https://i.ytimg.com/vi/${n}/${e}default.jpg`; Re(t("maxres"), 121).catch((() => Re(t("sd"), 121))).catch((() => Re(t("hq")))).then((t => Fe.setPoster.call(e, t.src))).then((t => { t.includes("maxres") || (e.elements.poster.style.backgroundSize = "cover") })).catch((() => { })) } e.embed = new window.YT.Player(e.media, { videoId: n, host: Ye(t), playerVars: x({}, { autoplay: e.config.autoplay ? 1 : 0, hl: e.config.hl, controls: e.supported.ui && t.customControls ? 0 : 1, disablekb: 1, playsinline: e.config.playsinline && !e.config.fullscreen.iosNative ? 1 : 0, cc_load_policy: e.captions.active ? 1 : 0, cc_lang_pref: e.config.captions.language, widget_referrer: window ? window.location.href : null }, t), events: { onError(t) { if (!e.media.error) { const i = t.data, s = { 2: "The request contains an invalid parameter value. For example, this error occurs if you specify a video ID that does not have 11 characters, or if the video ID contains invalid characters, such as exclamation points or asterisks.", 5: "The requested content cannot be played in an HTML5 player or another error related to the HTML5 player has occurred.", 100: "The video requested was not found. This error occurs when a video has been removed (for any reason) or has been marked as private.", 101: "The owner of the requested video does not allow it to be played in embedded players.", 150: "The owner of the requested video does not allow it to be played in embedded players." }[i] || "An unknown error occurred"; e.media.error = { code: i, message: s }, Z.call(e, e.media, "error") } }, onPlaybackRateChange(t) { const i = t.target; e.media.playbackRate = i.getPlaybackRate(), Z.call(e, e.media, "ratechange") }, onReady(i) { if (S.function(e.media.play)) return; const s = i.target; Qe.getTitle.call(e, n), e.media.play = () => { Ke.call(e, !0), s.playVideo() }, e.media.pause = () => { Ke.call(e, !1), s.pauseVideo() }, e.media.stop = () => { s.stopVideo() }, e.media.duration = s.getDuration(), e.media.paused = !0, e.media.currentTime = 0, Object.defineProperty(e.media, "currentTime", { get: () => Number(s.getCurrentTime()), set(t) { e.paused && !e.embed.hasPlayed && e.embed.mute(), e.media.seeking = !0, Z.call(e, e.media, "seeking"), s.seekTo(t) } }), Object.defineProperty(e.media, "playbackRate", { get: () => s.getPlaybackRate(), set(e) { s.setPlaybackRate(e) } }); let { volume: a } = e.config; Object.defineProperty(e.media, "volume", { get: () => a, set(t) { a = t, s.setVolume(100 * a), Z.call(e, e.media, "volumechange") } }); let { muted: l } = e.config; Object.defineProperty(e.media, "muted", { get: () => l, set(t) { const i = S.boolean(t) ? t : l; l = i, s[i ? "mute" : "unMute"](), s.setVolume(100 * a), Z.call(e, e.media, "volumechange") } }), Object.defineProperty(e.media, "currentSrc", { get: () => s.getVideoUrl() }), Object.defineProperty(e.media, "ended", { get: () => e.currentTime === e.duration }); const r = s.getAvailablePlaybackRates(); e.options.speed = r.filter((t => e.config.speed.options.includes(t))), e.supported.ui && t.customControls && e.media.setAttribute("tabindex", -1), Z.call(e, e.media, "timeupdate"), Z.call(e, e.media, "durationchange"), clearInterval(e.timers.buffering), e.timers.buffering = setInterval((() => { e.media.buffered = s.getVideoLoadedFraction(), (null === e.media.lastBuffered || e.media.lastBuffered < e.media.buffered) && Z.call(e, e.media, "progress"), e.media.lastBuffered = e.media.buffered, 1 === e.media.buffered && (clearInterval(e.timers.buffering), Z.call(e, e.media, "canplaythrough")) }), 200), t.customControls && setTimeout((() => Fe.build.call(e)), 50) }, onStateChange(i) { const s = i.target; clearInterval(e.timers.playing); switch (e.media.seeking && [1, 2].includes(i.data) && (e.media.seeking = !1, Z.call(e, e.media, "seeked")), i.data) { case -1: Z.call(e, e.media, "timeupdate"), e.media.buffered = s.getVideoLoadedFraction(), Z.call(e, e.media, "progress"); break; case 0: Ke.call(e, !1), e.media.loop ? (s.stopVideo(), s.playVideo()) : Z.call(e, e.media, "ended"); break; case 1: t.customControls && !e.config.autoplay && e.media.paused && !e.embed.hasPlayed ? e.media.pause() : (Ke.call(e, !0), Z.call(e, e.media, "playing"), e.timers.playing = setInterval((() => { Z.call(e, e.media, "timeupdate") }), 50), e.media.duration !== s.getDuration() && (e.media.duration = s.getDuration(), Z.call(e, e.media, "durationchange"))); break; case 2: e.muted || e.embed.unMute(), Ke.call(e, !1); break; case 3: Z.call(e, e.media, "waiting") }Z.call(e, e.elements.container, "statechange", !1, { code: i.data }) } } }) } }, Xe = { setup() { this.media ? (R(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.type.replace("{0}", this.type), !0), R(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.provider.replace("{0}", this.provider), !0), this.isEmbed && R(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.type.replace("{0}", "video"), !0), this.isVideo && (this.elements.wrapper = $("div", { class: this.config.classNames.video }), L(this.media, this.elements.wrapper), this.elements.poster = $("div", { class: this.config.classNames.poster }), this.elements.wrapper.appendChild(this.elements.poster)), this.isHTML5 ? de.setup.call(this) : this.isYouTube ? Qe.setup.call(this) : this.isVimeo && ze.setup.call(this)) : this.debug.warn("No media element found!") } }; class Je { constructor(t) { e(this, "load", (() => { this.enabled && (S.object(window.google) && S.object(window.google.ima) ? this.ready() : Be(this.player.config.urls.googleIMA.sdk).then((() => { this.ready() })).catch((() => { this.trigger("error", new Error("Google IMA SDK failed to load")) }))) })), e(this, "ready", (() => { var e; this.enabled || ((e = this).manager && e.manager.destroy(), e.elements.displayContainer && e.elements.displayContainer.destroy(), e.elements.container.remove()), this.startSafetyTimer(12e3, "ready()"), this.managerPromise.then((() => { this.clearSafetyTimer("onAdsManagerLoaded()") })), this.listeners(), this.setupIMA() })), e(this, "setupIMA", (() => { this.elements.container = $("div", { class: this.player.config.classNames.ads }), this.player.elements.container.appendChild(this.elements.container), google.ima.settings.setVpaidMode(google.ima.ImaSdkSettings.VpaidMode.ENABLED), google.ima.settings.setLocale(this.player.config.ads.language), google.ima.settings.setDisableCustomPlaybackForIOS10Plus(this.player.config.playsinline), this.elements.displayContainer = new google.ima.AdDisplayContainer(this.elements.container, this.player.media), this.loader = new google.ima.AdsLoader(this.elements.displayContainer), this.loader.addEventListener(google.ima.AdsManagerLoadedEvent.Type.ADS_MANAGER_LOADED, (e => this.onAdsManagerLoaded(e)), !1), this.loader.addEventListener(google.ima.AdErrorEvent.Type.AD_ERROR, (e => this.onAdError(e)), !1), this.requestAds() })), e(this, "requestAds", (() => { const { container: e } = this.player.elements; try { const t = new google.ima.AdsRequest; t.adTagUrl = this.tagUrl, t.linearAdSlotWidth = e.offsetWidth, t.linearAdSlotHeight = e.offsetHeight, t.nonLinearAdSlotWidth = e.offsetWidth, t.nonLinearAdSlotHeight = e.offsetHeight, t.forceNonLinearFullSlot = !1, t.setAdWillPlayMuted(!this.player.muted), this.loader.requestAds(t) } catch (e) { this.onAdError(e) } })), e(this, "pollCountdown", ((e = !1) => { if (!e) return clearInterval(this.countdownTimer), void this.elements.container.removeAttribute("data-badge-text"); this.countdownTimer = setInterval((() => { const e = Ee(Math.max(this.manager.getRemainingTime(), 0)), t = `${ve.get("advertisement", this.player.config)} - ${e}`; this.elements.container.setAttribute("data-badge-text", t) }), 100) })), e(this, "onAdsManagerLoaded", (e => { if (!this.enabled) return; const t = new google.ima.AdsRenderingSettings; t.restoreCustomPlaybackStateOnAdBreakComplete = !0, t.enablePreloading = !0, this.manager = e.getAdsManager(this.player, t), this.cuePoints = this.manager.getCuePoints(), this.manager.addEventListener(google.ima.AdErrorEvent.Type.AD_ERROR, (e => this.onAdError(e))), Object.keys(google.ima.AdEvent.Type).forEach((e => { this.manager.addEventListener(google.ima.AdEvent.Type[e], (e => this.onAdEvent(e))) })), this.trigger("loaded") })), e(this, "addCuePoints", (() => { S.empty(this.cuePoints) || this.cuePoints.forEach((e => { if (0 !== e && -1 !== e && e < this.player.duration) { const t = this.player.elements.progress; if (S.element(t)) { const i = 100 / this.player.duration * e, s = $("span", { class: this.player.config.classNames.cues }); s.style.left = `${i.toString()}%`, t.appendChild(s) } } })) })), e(this, "onAdEvent", (e => { const { container: t } = this.player.elements, i = e.getAd(), s = e.getAdData(); switch ((e => { Z.call(this.player, this.player.media, `ads${e.replace(/_/g, "").toLowerCase()}`) })(e.type), e.type) { case google.ima.AdEvent.Type.LOADED: this.trigger("loaded"), this.pollCountdown(!0), i.isLinear() || (i.width = t.offsetWidth, i.height = t.offsetHeight); break; case google.ima.AdEvent.Type.STARTED: this.manager.setVolume(this.player.volume); break; case google.ima.AdEvent.Type.ALL_ADS_COMPLETED: this.player.ended ? this.loadAds() : this.loader.contentComplete(); break; case google.ima.AdEvent.Type.CONTENT_PAUSE_REQUESTED: this.pauseContent(); break; case google.ima.AdEvent.Type.CONTENT_RESUME_REQUESTED: this.pollCountdown(), this.resumeContent(); break; case google.ima.AdEvent.Type.LOG: s.adError && this.player.debug.warn(`Non-fatal ad error: ${s.adError.getMessage()}`) } })), e(this, "onAdError", (e => { this.cancel(), this.player.debug.warn("Ads error", e) })), e(this, "listeners", (() => { const { container: e } = this.player.elements; let t; this.player.on("canplay", (() => { this.addCuePoints() })), this.player.on("ended", (() => { this.loader.contentComplete() })), this.player.on("timeupdate", (() => { t = this.player.currentTime })), this.player.on("seeked", (() => { const e = this.player.currentTime; S.empty(this.cuePoints) || this.cuePoints.forEach(((i, s) => { t < i && i < e && (this.manager.discardAdBreak(), this.cuePoints.splice(s, 1)) })) })), window.addEventListener("resize", (() => { this.manager && this.manager.resize(e.offsetWidth, e.offsetHeight, google.ima.ViewMode.NORMAL) })) })), e(this, "play", (() => { const { container: e } = this.player.elements; this.managerPromise || this.resumeContent(), this.managerPromise.then((() => { this.manager.setVolume(this.player.volume), this.elements.displayContainer.initialize(); try { this.initialized || (this.manager.init(e.offsetWidth, e.offsetHeight, google.ima.ViewMode.NORMAL), this.manager.start()), this.initialized = !0 } catch (e) { this.onAdError(e) } })).catch((() => { })) })), e(this, "resumeContent", (() => { this.elements.container.style.zIndex = "", this.playing = !1, ie(this.player.media.play()) })), e(this, "pauseContent", (() => { this.elements.container.style.zIndex = 3, this.playing = !0, this.player.media.pause() })), e(this, "cancel", (() => { this.initialized && this.resumeContent(), this.trigger("error"), this.loadAds() })), e(this, "loadAds", (() => { this.managerPromise.then((() => { this.manager && this.manager.destroy(), this.managerPromise = new Promise((e => { this.on("loaded", e), this.player.debug.log(this.manager) })), this.initialized = !1, this.requestAds() })).catch((() => { })) })), e(this, "trigger", ((e, ...t) => { const i = this.events[e]; S.array(i) && i.forEach((e => { S.function(e) && e.apply(this, t) })) })), e(this, "on", ((e, t) => (S.array(this.events[e]) || (this.events[e] = []), this.events[e].push(t), this))), e(this, "startSafetyTimer", ((e, t) => { this.player.debug.log(`Safety timer invoked from: ${t}`), this.safetyTimer = setTimeout((() => { this.cancel(), this.clearSafetyTimer("startSafetyTimer()") }), e) })), e(this, "clearSafetyTimer", (e => { S.nullOrUndefined(this.safetyTimer) || (this.player.debug.log(`Safety timer cleared from: ${e}`), clearTimeout(this.safetyTimer), this.safetyTimer = null) })), this.player = t, this.config = t.config.ads, this.playing = !1, this.initialized = !1, this.elements = { container: null, displayContainer: null }, this.manager = null, this.loader = null, this.cuePoints = null, this.events = {}, this.safetyTimer = null, this.countdownTimer = null, this.managerPromise = new Promise(((e, t) => { this.on("loaded", e), this.on("error", t) })), this.load() } get enabled() { const { config: e } = this; return this.player.isHTML5 && this.player.isVideo && e.enabled && (!S.empty(e.publisherId) || S.url(e.tagUrl)) } get tagUrl() { const { config: e } = this; if (S.url(e.tagUrl)) return e.tagUrl; return `https://go.aniview.com/api/adserver6/vast/?${Ne({ AV_PUBLISHERID: "58c25bb0073ef448b1087ad6", AV_CHANNELID: "5a0458dc28a06145e4519d21", AV_URL: window.location.hostname, cb: Date.now(), AV_WIDTH: 640, AV_HEIGHT: 480, AV_CDIM2: e.publisherId })}` } } function Ge(e = 0, t = 0, i = 255) { return Math.min(Math.max(e, t), i) } const Ze = e => { const t = []; return e.split(/\r\n\r\n|\n\n|\r\r/).forEach((e => { const i = {}; e.split(/\r\n|\n|\r/).forEach((e => { if (S.number(i.startTime)) { if (!S.empty(e.trim()) && S.empty(i.text)) { const t = e.trim().split("#xywh=");[i.text] = t, t[1] && ([i.x, i.y, i.w, i.h] = t[1].split(",")) } } else { const t = e.match(/([0-9]{2})?:?([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}).([0-9]{2,3})( ?--> ?)([0-9]{2})?:?([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}).([0-9]{2,3})/); t && (i.startTime = 60 * Number(t[1] || 0) * 60 + 60 * Number(t[2]) + Number(t[3]) + Number(`0.${t[4]}`), i.endTime = 60 * Number(t[6] || 0) * 60 + 60 * Number(t[7]) + Number(t[8]) + Number(`0.${t[9]}`)) } })), i.text && t.push(i) })), t }, et = (e, t) => { const i = {}; return e > t.width / t.height ? (i.width = t.width, i.height = 1 / e * t.width) : (i.height = t.height, i.width = e * t.height), i }; class tt { constructor(t) { e(this, "load", (() => { this.player.elements.display.seekTooltip && (this.player.elements.display.seekTooltip.hidden = this.enabled), this.enabled && this.getThumbnails().then((() => { this.enabled && (this.render(), this.determineContainerAutoSizing(), this.listeners(), this.loaded = !0) })) })), e(this, "getThumbnails", (() => new Promise((e => { const { src: t } = this.player.config.previewThumbnails; if (S.empty(t)) throw new Error("Missing previewThumbnails.src config attribute"); const i = () => { this.thumbnails.sort(((e, t) => e.height - t.height)), this.player.debug.log("Preview thumbnails", this.thumbnails), e() }; if (S.function(t)) t((e => { this.thumbnails = e, i() })); else { const e = (S.string(t) ? [t] : t).map((e => this.getThumbnail(e))); Promise.all(e).then(i) } })))), e(this, "getThumbnail", (e => new Promise((t => { Te(e).then((i => { const s = { frames: Ze(i), height: null, urlPrefix: "" }; s.frames[0].text.startsWith("/") || s.frames[0].text.startsWith("http://") || s.frames[0].text.startsWith("https://") || (s.urlPrefix = e.substring(0, e.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)); const n = new Image; n.onload = () => { s.height = n.naturalHeight, s.width = n.naturalWidth, this.thumbnails.push(s), t() }, n.src = s.urlPrefix + s.frames[0].text })) })))), e(this, "startMove", (e => { if (this.loaded && S.event(e) && ["touchmove", "mousemove"].includes(e.type) && this.player.media.duration) { if ("touchmove" === e.type) this.seekTime = this.player.media.duration * (this.player.elements.inputs.seek.value / 100); else { var t, i; const s = this.player.elements.progress.getBoundingClientRect(), n = 100 / s.width * (e.pageX - s.left); this.seekTime = this.player.media.duration * (n / 100), this.seekTime < 0 && (this.seekTime = 0), this.seekTime > this.player.media.duration - 1 && (this.seekTime = this.player.media.duration - 1), this.mousePosX = e.pageX, this.elements.thumb.time.innerText = Ee(this.seekTime); const a = null === (t = this.player.config.markers) || void 0 === t || null === (i = t.points) || void 0 === i ? void 0 : i.find((({ time: e }) => e === Math.round(this.seekTime))); a && this.elements.thumb.time.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", `${a.label}<br>`) } this.showImageAtCurrentTime() } })), e(this, "endMove", (() => { this.toggleThumbContainer(!1, !0) })), e(this, "startScrubbing", (e => { (S.nullOrUndefined(e.button) || !1 === e.button || 0 === e.button) && (this.mouseDown = !0, this.player.media.duration && (this.toggleScrubbingContainer(!0), this.toggleThumbContainer(!1, !0), this.showImageAtCurrentTime())) })), e(this, "endScrubbing", (() => { this.mouseDown = !1, Math.ceil(this.lastTime) === Math.ceil(this.player.media.currentTime) ? this.toggleScrubbingContainer(!1) : G.call(this.player, this.player.media, "timeupdate", (() => { this.mouseDown || this.toggleScrubbingContainer(!1) })) })), e(this, "listeners", (() => { this.player.on("play", (() => { this.toggleThumbContainer(!1, !0) })), this.player.on("seeked", (() => { this.toggleThumbContainer(!1) })), this.player.on("timeupdate", (() => { this.lastTime = this.player.media.currentTime })) })), e(this, "render", (() => { this.elements.thumb.container = $("div", { class: this.player.config.classNames.previewThumbnails.thumbContainer }), this.elements.thumb.imageContainer = $("div", { class: this.player.config.classNames.previewThumbnails.imageContainer }), this.elements.thumb.container.appendChild(this.elements.thumb.imageContainer); const e = $("div", { class: this.player.config.classNames.previewThumbnails.timeContainer }); this.elements.thumb.time = $("span", {}, "00:00"), e.appendChild(this.elements.thumb.time), this.elements.thumb.imageContainer.appendChild(e), S.element(this.player.elements.progress) && this.player.elements.progress.appendChild(this.elements.thumb.container), this.elements.scrubbing.container = $("div", { class: this.player.config.classNames.previewThumbnails.scrubbingContainer }), this.player.elements.wrapper.appendChild(this.elements.scrubbing.container) })), e(this, "destroy", (() => { this.elements.thumb.container && this.elements.thumb.container.remove(), this.elements.scrubbing.container && this.elements.scrubbing.container.remove() })), e(this, "showImageAtCurrentTime", (() => { this.mouseDown ? this.setScrubbingContainerSize() : this.setThumbContainerSizeAndPos(); const e = this.thumbnails[0].frames.findIndex((e => this.seekTime >= e.startTime && this.seekTime <= e.endTime)), t = e >= 0; let i = 0; this.mouseDown || this.toggleThumbContainer(t), t && (this.thumbnails.forEach(((t, s) => { this.loadedImages.includes(t.frames[e].text) && (i = s) })), e !== this.showingThumb && (this.showingThumb = e, this.loadImage(i))) })), e(this, "loadImage", ((e = 0) => { const t = this.showingThumb, i = this.thumbnails[e], { urlPrefix: s } = i, n = i.frames[t], a = i.frames[t].text, l = s + a; if (this.currentImageElement && this.currentImageElement.dataset.filename === a) this.showImage(this.currentImageElement, n, e, t, a, !1), this.currentImageElement.dataset.index = t, this.removeOldImages(this.currentImageElement); else { this.loadingImage && this.usingSprites && (this.loadingImage.onload = null); const i = new Image; i.src = l, i.dataset.index = t, i.dataset.filename = a, this.showingThumbFilename = a, this.player.debug.log(`Loading image: ${l}`), i.onload = () => this.showImage(i, n, e, t, a, !0), this.loadingImage = i, this.removeOldImages(i) } })), e(this, "showImage", ((e, t, i, s, n, a = !0) => { this.player.debug.log(`Showing thumb: ${n}. num: ${s}. qual: ${i}. newimg: ${a}`), this.setImageSizeAndOffset(e, t), a && (this.currentImageContainer.appendChild(e), this.currentImageElement = e, this.loadedImages.includes(n) || this.loadedImages.push(n)), this.preloadNearby(s, !0).then(this.preloadNearby(s, !1)).then(this.getHigherQuality(i, e, t, n)) })), e(this, "removeOldImages", (e => { Array.from(this.currentImageContainer.children).forEach((t => { if ("img" !== t.tagName.toLowerCase()) return; const i = this.usingSprites ? 500 : 1e3; if (t.dataset.index !== e.dataset.index && !t.dataset.deleting) { t.dataset.deleting = !0; const { currentImageContainer: e } = this; setTimeout((() => { e.removeChild(t), this.player.debug.log(`Removing thumb: ${t.dataset.filename}`) }), i) } })) })), e(this, "preloadNearby", ((e, t = !0) => new Promise((i => { setTimeout((() => { const s = this.thumbnails[0].frames[e].text; if (this.showingThumbFilename === s) { let n; n = t ? this.thumbnails[0].frames.slice(e) : this.thumbnails[0].frames.slice(0, e).reverse(); let a = !1; n.forEach((e => { const t = e.text; if (t !== s && !this.loadedImages.includes(t)) { a = !0, this.player.debug.log(`Preloading thumb filename: ${t}`); const { urlPrefix: e } = this.thumbnails[0], s = e + t, n = new Image; n.src = s, n.onload = () => { this.player.debug.log(`Preloaded thumb filename: ${t}`), this.loadedImages.includes(t) || this.loadedImages.push(t), i() } } })), a || i() } }), 300) })))), e(this, "getHigherQuality", ((e, t, i, s) => { if (e < this.thumbnails.length - 1) { let n = t.naturalHeight; this.usingSprites && (n = i.h), n < this.thumbContainerHeight && setTimeout((() => { this.showingThumbFilename === s && (this.player.debug.log(`Showing higher quality thumb for: ${s}`), this.loadImage(e + 1)) }), 300) } })), e(this, "toggleThumbContainer", ((e = !1, t = !1) => { const i = this.player.config.classNames.previewThumbnails.thumbContainerShown; this.elements.thumb.container.classList.toggle(i, e), !e && t && (this.showingThumb = null, this.showingThumbFilename = null) })), e(this, "toggleScrubbingContainer", ((e = !1) => { const t = this.player.config.classNames.previewThumbnails.scrubbingContainerShown; this.elements.scrubbing.container.classList.toggle(t, e), e || (this.showingThumb = null, this.showingThumbFilename = null) })), e(this, "determineContainerAutoSizing", (() => { (this.elements.thumb.imageContainer.clientHeight > 20 || this.elements.thumb.imageContainer.clientWidth > 20) && (this.sizeSpecifiedInCSS = !0) })), e(this, "setThumbContainerSizeAndPos", (() => { const { imageContainer: e } = this.elements.thumb; if (this.sizeSpecifiedInCSS) { if (e.clientHeight > 20 && e.clientWidth < 20) { const t = Math.floor(e.clientHeight * this.thumbAspectRatio); e.style.width = `${t}px` } else if (e.clientHeight < 20 && e.clientWidth > 20) { const t = Math.floor(e.clientWidth / this.thumbAspectRatio); e.style.height = `${t}px` } } else { const t = Math.floor(this.thumbContainerHeight * this.thumbAspectRatio); e.style.height = `${this.thumbContainerHeight}px`, e.style.width = `${t}px` } this.setThumbContainerPos() })), e(this, "setThumbContainerPos", (() => { const e = this.player.elements.progress.getBoundingClientRect(), t = this.player.elements.container.getBoundingClientRect(), { container: i } = this.elements.thumb, s = t.left - e.left + 10, n = t.right - e.left - i.clientWidth - 10, a = this.mousePosX - e.left - i.clientWidth / 2, l = Ge(a, s, n); i.style.left = `${l}px`, i.style.setProperty("--preview-arrow-offset", a - l + "px") })), e(this, "setScrubbingContainerSize", (() => { const { width: e, height: t } = et(this.thumbAspectRatio, { width: this.player.media.clientWidth, height: this.player.media.clientHeight }); this.elements.scrubbing.container.style.width = `${e}px`, this.elements.scrubbing.container.style.height = `${t}px` })), e(this, "setImageSizeAndOffset", ((e, t) => { if (!this.usingSprites) return; const i = this.thumbContainerHeight / t.h; e.style.height = e.naturalHeight * i + "px", e.style.width = e.naturalWidth * i + "px", e.style.left = `-${t.x * i}px`, e.style.top = `-${t.y * i}px` })), this.player = t, this.thumbnails = [], this.loaded = !1, this.lastMouseMoveTime = Date.now(), this.mouseDown = !1, this.loadedImages = [], this.elements = { thumb: {}, scrubbing: {} }, this.load() } get enabled() { return this.player.isHTML5 && this.player.isVideo && this.player.config.previewThumbnails.enabled } get currentImageContainer() { return this.mouseDown ? this.elements.scrubbing.container : this.elements.thumb.imageContainer } get usingSprites() { return Object.keys(this.thumbnails[0].frames[0]).includes("w") } get thumbAspectRatio() { return this.usingSprites ? this.thumbnails[0].frames[0].w / this.thumbnails[0].frames[0].h : this.thumbnails[0].width / this.thumbnails[0].height } get thumbContainerHeight() { if (this.mouseDown) { const { height: e } = et(this.thumbAspectRatio, { width: this.player.media.clientWidth, height: this.player.media.clientHeight }); return e } return this.sizeSpecifiedInCSS ? this.elements.thumb.imageContainer.clientHeight : Math.floor(this.player.media.clientWidth / this.thumbAspectRatio / 4) } get currentImageElement() { return this.mouseDown ? this.currentScrubbingImageElement : this.currentThumbnailImageElement } set currentImageElement(e) { this.mouseDown ? this.currentScrubbingImageElement = e : this.currentThumbnailImageElement = e } } const it = { insertElements(e, t) { S.string(t) ? _(e, this.media, { src: t }) : S.array(t) && t.forEach((t => { _(e, this.media, t) })) }, change(e) { N(e, "sources.length") ? (de.cancelRequests.call(this), this.destroy.call(this, (() => { this.options.quality = [], O(this.media), this.media = null, S.element(this.elements.container) && this.elements.container.removeAttribute("class"); const { sources: t, type: i } = e, [{ provider: s = _e.html5, src: n }] = t, a = "html5" === s ? i : "div", l = "html5" === s ? {} : { src: n }; Object.assign(this, { provider: s, type: i, supported: K.check(i, s, this.config.playsinline), media: $(a, l) }), this.elements.container.appendChild(this.media), S.boolean(e.autoplay) && (this.config.autoplay = e.autoplay), this.isHTML5 && (this.config.crossorigin && this.media.setAttribute("crossorigin", ""), this.config.autoplay && this.media.setAttribute("autoplay", ""), S.empty(e.poster) || (this.poster = e.poster), this.config.loop.active && this.media.setAttribute("loop", ""), this.config.muted && this.media.setAttribute("muted", ""), this.config.playsinline && this.media.setAttribute("playsinline", "")), Fe.addStyleHook.call(this), this.isHTML5 && it.insertElements.call(this, "source", t), this.config.title = e.title, Xe.setup.call(this), this.isHTML5 && Object.keys(e).includes("tracks") && it.insertElements.call(this, "track", e.tracks), (this.isHTML5 || this.isEmbed && !this.supported.ui) && Fe.build.call(this), this.isHTML5 && this.media.load(), S.empty(e.previewThumbnails) || (Object.assign(this.config.previewThumbnails, e.previewThumbnails), this.previewThumbnails && this.previewThumbnails.loaded && (this.previewThumbnails.destroy(), this.previewThumbnails = null), this.config.previewThumbnails.enabled && (this.previewThumbnails = new tt(this))), this.fullscreen.update() }), !0)) : this.debug.warn("Invalid source format") } }; class st { constructor(t, i) { if (e(this, "play", (() => S.function(this.media.play) ? (this.ads && this.ads.enabled && this.ads.managerPromise.then((() => this.ads.play())).catch((() => ie(this.media.play()))), this.media.play()) : null)), e(this, "pause", (() => this.playing && S.function(this.media.pause) ? this.media.pause() : null)), e(this, "togglePlay", (e => (S.boolean(e) ? e : !this.playing) ? this.play() : this.pause())), e(this, "stop", (() => { this.isHTML5 ? (this.pause(), this.restart()) : S.function(this.media.stop) && this.media.stop() })), e(this, "restart", (() => { this.currentTime = 0 })), e(this, "rewind", (e => { this.currentTime -= S.number(e) ? e : this.config.seekTime })), e(this, "forward", (e => { this.currentTime += S.number(e) ? e : this.config.seekTime })), e(this, "increaseVolume", (e => { const t = this.media.muted ? 0 : this.volume; this.volume = t + (S.number(e) ? e : 0) })), e(this, "decreaseVolume", (e => { this.increaseVolume(-e) })), e(this, "airplay", (() => { K.airplay && this.media.webkitShowPlaybackTargetPicker() })), e(this, "toggleControls", (e => { if (this.supported.ui && !this.isAudio) { const t = F(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.hideControls), i = void 0 === e ? void 0 : !e, s = R(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.hideControls, i); if (s && S.array(this.config.controls) && this.config.controls.includes("settings") && !S.empty(this.config.settings) && Pe.toggleMenu.call(this, !1), s !== t) { const e = s ? "controlshidden" : "controlsshown"; Z.call(this, this.media, e) } return !s } return !1 })), e(this, "on", ((e, t) => { X.call(this, this.elements.container, e, t) })), e(this, "once", ((e, t) => { G.call(this, this.elements.container, e, t) })), e(this, "off", ((e, t) => { J(this.elements.container, e, t) })), e(this, "destroy", ((e, t = !1) => { if (!this.ready) return; const i = () => { document.body.style.overflow = "", this.embed = null, t ? (Object.keys(this.elements).length && (O(this.elements.buttons.play), O(this.elements.captions), O(this.elements.controls), O(this.elements.wrapper), this.elements.buttons.play = null, this.elements.captions = null, this.elements.controls = null, this.elements.wrapper = null), S.function(e) && e()) : (ee.call(this), de.cancelRequests.call(this), q(this.elements.original, this.elements.container), Z.call(this, this.elements.original, "destroyed", !0), S.function(e) && e.call(this.elements.original), this.ready = !1, setTimeout((() => { this.elements = null, this.media = null }), 200)) }; this.stop(), clearTimeout(this.timers.loading), clearTimeout(this.timers.controls), clearTimeout(this.timers.resized), this.isHTML5 ? (Fe.toggleNativeControls.call(this, !0), i()) : this.isYouTube ? (clearInterval(this.timers.buffering), clearInterval(this.timers.playing), null !== this.embed && S.function(this.embed.destroy) && this.embed.destroy(), i()) : this.isVimeo && (null !== this.embed && this.embed.unload().then(i), setTimeout(i, 200)) })), e(this, "supports", (e => K.mime.call(this, e))), this.timers = {}, this.ready = !1, this.loading = !1, this.failed = !1, this.touch = K.touch, this.media = t, S.string(this.media) && (this.media = document.querySelectorAll(this.media)), (window.jQuery && this.media instanceof jQuery || S.nodeList(this.media) || S.array(this.media)) && (this.media = this.media[0]), this.config = x({}, Le, st.defaults, i || {}, (() => { try { return JSON.parse(this.media.getAttribute("data-plyr-config")) } catch (e) { return {} } })()), this.elements = { container: null, fullscreen: null, captions: null, buttons: {}, display: {}, progress: {}, inputs: {}, settings: { popup: null, menu: null, panels: {}, buttons: {} } }, this.captions = { active: null, currentTrack: -1, meta: new WeakMap }, this.fullscreen = { active: !1 }, this.options = { speed: [], quality: [] }, this.debug = new De(this.config.debug), this.debug.log("Config", this.config), this.debug.log("Support", K), S.nullOrUndefined(this.media) || !S.element(this.media)) return void this.debug.error("Setup failed: no suitable element passed"); if (this.media.plyr) return void this.debug.warn("Target already setup"); if (!this.config.enabled) return void this.debug.error("Setup failed: disabled by config"); if (!K.check().api) return void this.debug.error("Setup failed: no support"); const s = this.media.cloneNode(!0); s.autoplay = !1, this.elements.original = s; const n = this.media.tagName.toLowerCase(); let a = null, l = null; switch (n) { case "div": if (a = this.media.querySelector("iframe"), S.element(a)) { if (l = Me(a.getAttribute("src")), this.provider = function (e) { return /^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?(youtube\.com|youtube-nocookie\.com|youtu\.?be)\/.+$/.test(e) ? _e.youtube : /^https?:\/\/player.vimeo.com\/video\/\d{0,9}(?=\b|\/)/.test(e) ? _e.vimeo : null }(l.toString()), this.elements.container = this.media, this.media = a, this.elements.container.className = "", l.search.length) { const e = ["1", "true"]; e.includes(l.searchParams.get("autoplay")) && (this.config.autoplay = !0), e.includes(l.searchParams.get("loop")) && (this.config.loop.active = !0), this.isYouTube ? (this.config.playsinline = e.includes(l.searchParams.get("playsinline")), this.config.youtube.hl = l.searchParams.get("hl")) : this.config.playsinline = !0 } } else this.provider = this.media.getAttribute(this.config.attributes.embed.provider), this.media.removeAttribute(this.config.attributes.embed.provider); if (S.empty(this.provider) || !Object.values(_e).includes(this.provider)) return void this.debug.error("Setup failed: Invalid provider"); this.type = je; break; case "video": case "audio": this.type = n, this.provider = _e.html5, this.media.hasAttribute("crossorigin") && (this.config.crossorigin = !0), this.media.hasAttribute("autoplay") && (this.config.autoplay = !0), (this.media.hasAttribute("playsinline") || this.media.hasAttribute("webkit-playsinline")) && (this.config.playsinline = !0), this.media.hasAttribute("muted") && (this.config.muted = !0), this.media.hasAttribute("loop") && (this.config.loop.active = !0); break; default: return void this.debug.error("Setup failed: unsupported type") }this.supported = K.check(this.type, this.provider), this.supported.api ? (this.eventListeners = [], this.listeners = new Ve(this), this.storage = new we(this), this.media.plyr = this, S.element(this.elements.container) || (this.elements.container = $("div"), L(this.media, this.elements.container)), Fe.migrateStyles.call(this), Fe.addStyleHook.call(this), Xe.setup.call(this), this.config.debug && X.call(this, this.elements.container, this.config.events.join(" "), (e => { this.debug.log(`event: ${e.type}`) })), this.fullscreen = new He(this), (this.isHTML5 || this.isEmbed && !this.supported.ui) && Fe.build.call(this), this.listeners.container(), this.listeners.global(), this.config.ads.enabled && (this.ads = new Je(this)), this.isHTML5 && this.config.autoplay && this.once("canplay", (() => ie(this.play()))), this.lastSeekTime = 0, this.config.previewThumbnails.enabled && (this.previewThumbnails = new tt(this))) : this.debug.error("Setup failed: no support") } get isHTML5() { return this.provider === _e.html5 } get isEmbed() { return this.isYouTube || this.isVimeo } get isYouTube() { return this.provider === _e.youtube } get isVimeo() { return this.provider === _e.vimeo } get isVideo() { return this.type === je } get isAudio() { return this.type === Oe } get playing() { return Boolean(this.ready && !this.paused && !this.ended) } get paused() { return Boolean(this.media.paused) } get stopped() { return Boolean(this.paused && 0 === this.currentTime) } get ended() { return Boolean(this.media.ended) } set currentTime(e) { if (!this.duration) return; const t = S.number(e) && e > 0; this.media.currentTime = t ? Math.min(e, this.duration) : 0, this.debug.log(`Seeking to ${this.currentTime} seconds`) } get currentTime() { return Number(this.media.currentTime) } get buffered() { const { buffered: e } = this.media; return S.number(e) ? e : e && e.length && this.duration > 0 ? e.end(0) / this.duration : 0 } get seeking() { return Boolean(this.media.seeking) } get duration() { const e = parseFloat(this.config.duration), t = (this.media || {}).duration, i = S.number(t) && t !== 1 / 0 ? t : 0; return e || i } set volume(e) { let t = e; S.string(t) && (t = Number(t)), S.number(t) || (t = this.storage.get("volume")), S.number(t) || ({ volume: t } = this.config), t > 1 && (t = 1), t < 0 && (t = 0), this.config.volume = t, this.media.volume = t, !S.empty(e) && this.muted && t > 0 && (this.muted = !1) } get volume() { return Number(this.media.volume) } set muted(e) { let t = e; S.boolean(t) || (t = this.storage.get("muted")), S.boolean(t) || (t = this.config.muted), this.config.muted = t, this.media.muted = t } get muted() { return Boolean(this.media.muted) } get hasAudio() { return !this.isHTML5 || (!!this.isAudio || (Boolean(this.media.mozHasAudio) || Boolean(this.media.webkitAudioDecodedByteCount) || Boolean(this.media.audioTracks && this.media.audioTracks.length))) } set speed(e) { let t = null; S.number(e) && (t = e), S.number(t) || (t = this.storage.get("speed")), S.number(t) || (t = this.config.speed.selected); const { minimumSpeed: i, maximumSpeed: s } = this; t = Ge(t, i, s), this.config.speed.selected = t, setTimeout((() => { this.media && (this.media.playbackRate = t) }), 0) } get speed() { return Number(this.media.playbackRate) } get minimumSpeed() { return this.isYouTube ? Math.min(...this.options.speed) : this.isVimeo ? .5 : .0625 } get maximumSpeed() { return this.isYouTube ? Math.max(...this.options.speed) : this.isVimeo ? 2 : 16 } set quality(e) { const t = this.config.quality, i = this.options.quality; if (!i.length) return; let s = [!S.empty(e) && Number(e), this.storage.get("quality"), t.selected, t.default].find(S.number), n = !0; if (!i.includes(s)) { const e = ne(i, s); this.debug.warn(`Unsupported quality option: ${s}, using ${e} instead`), s = e, n = !1 } t.selected = s, this.media.quality = s, n && this.storage.set({ quality: s }) } get quality() { return this.media.quality } set loop(e) { const t = S.boolean(e) ? e : this.config.loop.active; this.config.loop.active = t, this.media.loop = t } get loop() { return Boolean(this.media.loop) } set source(e) { it.change.call(this, e) } get source() { return this.media.currentSrc } get download() { const { download: e } = this.config.urls; return S.url(e) ? e : this.source } set download(e) { S.url(e) && (this.config.urls.download = e, Pe.setDownloadUrl.call(this)) } set poster(e) { this.isVideo ? Fe.setPoster.call(this, e, !1).catch((() => { })) : this.debug.warn("Poster can only be set for video") } get poster() { return this.isVideo ? this.media.getAttribute("poster") || this.media.getAttribute("data-poster") : null } get ratio() { if (!this.isVideo) return null; const e = oe(ce.call(this)); return S.array(e) ? e.join(":") : e } set ratio(e) { this.isVideo ? S.string(e) && re(e) ? (this.config.ratio = oe(e), ue.call(this)) : this.debug.error(`Invalid aspect ratio specified (${e})`) : this.debug.warn("Aspect ratio can only be set for video") } set autoplay(e) { this.config.autoplay = S.boolean(e) ? e : this.config.autoplay } get autoplay() { return Boolean(this.config.autoplay) } toggleCaptions(e) { xe.toggle.call(this, e, !1) } set currentTrack(e) { xe.set.call(this, e, !1), xe.setup.call(this) } get currentTrack() { const { toggled: e, currentTrack: t } = this.captions; return e ? t : -1 } set language(e) { xe.setLanguage.call(this, e, !1) } get language() { return (xe.getCurrentTrack.call(this) || {}).language } set pip(e) { if (!K.pip) return; const t = S.boolean(e) ? e : !this.pip; S.function(this.media.webkitSetPresentationMode) && this.media.webkitSetPresentationMode(t ? Ie : $e), S.function(this.media.requestPictureInPicture) && (!this.pip && t ? this.media.requestPictureInPicture() : this.pip && !t && document.exitPictureInPicture()) } get pip() { return K.pip ? S.empty(this.media.webkitPresentationMode) ? this.media === document.pictureInPictureElement : this.media.webkitPresentationMode === Ie : null } setPreviewThumbnails(e) { this.previewThumbnails && this.previewThumbnails.loaded && (this.previewThumbnails.destroy(), this.previewThumbnails = null), Object.assign(this.config.previewThumbnails, e), this.config.previewThumbnails.enabled && (this.previewThumbnails = new tt(this)) } static supported(e, t) { return K.check(e, t) } static loadSprite(e, t) { return ke(e, t) } static setup(e, t = {}) { let i = null; return S.string(e) ? i = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(e)) : S.nodeList(e) ? i = Array.from(e) : S.array(e) && (i = e.filter(S.element)), S.empty(i) ? null : i.map((e => new st(e, t))) } } var nt; return st.defaults = (nt = Le, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(nt))), st }));