const { clickButton, createNewPost, getEditedPostContent, insertBlock } = require( '@wordpress/e2e-test-utils' );
const blockTitle = 'Spacex Data';
describe( 'Spacex Data block', () => {
beforeEach( async () => {
jest.setTimeout( 100 * 1000 );
await createNewPost();
} );
it( 'should be able to add the block', async () => {
await insertBlock( blockTitle );
const blockContent = await getEditedPostContent();
expect( blockContent ).toMatchSnapshot();
} );
it( 'should display the correct content on the frontend', async () => {
await insertBlock( blockTitle );
await clickButton( 'Publish' );
const pageContent = await page.evaluate( () => document.body.innerHTML );
expect( pageContent ).toMatchSnapshot();
} );
it('should change the button colors', async () => {
await insertBlock(blockTitle);
// Change the button colors
await page.evaluate( ( newButtonColorBg, newButtonColorText ) => { 'core/block-editor' ).updateBlockAttributes( 'core/block-editor' ).getSelectedBlockClientId(),
buttonColorBg: newButtonColorBg,
buttonColorText: newButtonColorText,
}, '#ff0000', '#ffffff' );
await clickButton( 'Publish' );
// Get the frontend HTML and compare it against the expected HTML
const pageContent = await page.evaluate( () => document.body.innerHTML );
expect( pageContent ).toMatchSnapshot();
} );