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* @ASCOOS-VERSION : 24.0.0 *
* @ASCOOS-CATEGORY : Kernel (Frontend and Administration Side) *
* @ASCOOS-CREATOR : Drogidis Christos *
* @ASCOOS-SITE : www.ascoos.com *
* @ASCOOS-LICENSE : [Commercial] http://docs.ascoos.com/lics/ascoos/AGL-F.html *
* @ASCOOS-COPYRIGHT : Copyright (c) 2007 - 2023, AlexSoft Software. *
* @package : ASCOOS CMS - phpBCL
* @subpackage : Core Compatibilities Manager for PHP < 8.0.0
* @source : /phpBCL/src/compat/compat_php81x.php
* @version : 1.1.3
* @created : 2021-12-07 07:00:00 UTC+3
* @updated : 2024-10-22 07:00:00 UTC+3
* @author : Drogidis Christos
* @authorSite : www.alexsoft.gr
* If the function [ array_is_list ] does not exist then we create it.
* ++ 8.1.0 ---- https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.array-is-list.php
if (!function_exists('array_is_list'))
* Checks whether a given array is a list
* DESCRIPT : Determines if the given array is a list.
* An array is considered a list if its keys consist of consecutive numbers from 0 to count($array)-1.
* @link https://www.php.net/manual/function.array-is-list.php
* @param array $array: The array being evaluated.
* @return bool Returns true if array is a list, false otherwise.
function array_is_list($array)
$errors = array(
'array_is_list(): expects parameter 1 to be array, '.gettype($array).' given',
'array_is_list(): The array does not start at 0',
'array_is_list(): Non-integer keys',
'array_is_list(): Non-consecutive keys'
* Check for Errors
// If it is not an array, it returns a string with the error and the value False.
if (!is_array($array)) {
trigger_error($errors[0], E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
// If the array is empty, return True
if ($array === []) return true;
// If the first key is greater than 0, it returns a string with the error and the value False.
if (array_key_first($array) !== 0) {
trigger_error($errors[1], E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
$i = 0;
foreach ($array as $k => $v) {
// Non-integer keys
if (!is_int($k)) {
trigger_error($errors[2], E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
// Non-consecutive keys
if ($k !== $i++) {
trigger_error($errors[3], E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
return true;