PHP Classes


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  Classes of ASCOOS CMS   PHP Backwards Compatibility Library   Download  
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/markdown
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Backwards Compatibility Library
Functions of newer PHP versions for older versions
Author: By
Last change: Updated to 1.1.0
Date: 3 months ago
Size: 3,886 bytes


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1.1.0 [2024-03-20]

  • Updated
  • ADDED FILE : `` -- Package License `AGL-F` (Ascoos General License - Free Use).
  • ADDED EXAMPLE FILE : `84__http_get_last_response_headers.php`

PHP < 8.4

  • Added Function `http_get_last_response_headers`
  • Added Function `http_clear_last_response_headers`
  • UPDATED FUNCTIONS : `mb_trim`, `mb_ltrim`, `mbrtrim`


1.0.9 [2024-02-28]

PHP < 8.3.0

  • Added Function `stream_context_set_options` -- Sets options on the specified context.

PHP < 8.2.0

  • Added Function `openssl_cipher_key_length` -- Gets the cipher key length.

PHP < 8.0.0

  • Added Function `preg_last_error_msg` -- Returns the error message of the last PCRE regex execution.
  • Added Function `get_debug_type` -- Returns the resolved name of the PHP variable value.
  • Added Function `get_resource_id` -- Returns an integer identifier for the given resource
  • Added Function `fdiv` -- Divides two numbers, according to IEEE 754

PHP < 7.1.0

  • Added Function `openssl_get_curve_names` -- Gets the list of available curve names

PHP < 7.0.0

  • Added Function `intdiv` -- Integer division


  • Added Function `alf_get_class()` -- For return getClass() without parameters on PHP >= 8.3.0


1.0.8 [2024-02-27]

  • ADDED FILE : compat_error.php
  • Added Class Error `Error`
  • Added Class Error `TypeError`
  • Added Class Error `ValueError`

PHP < 8.2.0

  • Added Function `ini_parse_quantity`
  • FIXED FUNCTION : `mysqli_execute_query`


1.0.7 [2024-02-22]

PHP < 8.4.0

  • Added phpBCL Function `alf_preg_quote`
  • FIXED FUNCTIONS : `mb_trim`, `mb_ltrim`, `mbrtrim` for use on PHP 5.6
  • FIXED EXAMPLE : `84__mb_trim.php`


1.0.6 [2024-02-21]

  • FIXED EXAMPLE : `81__array_is_list.php`
  • FIXED EXAMPLE : `84_mb_ucfirst.php`


1.0.5 [2024-02-20]

PHP < 8.4.0

  • ADDED FILE: `/src/phpBCL.php`
  • Added phpBCL Function `validate_encoding`
  • Added Function `mb_ltrim`
  • Added Function `mb_rtrim`
  • Added Function `mb_trim`
  • ADDED EXAMPLE: `/test/84__mb_trim.php`
  • Updated Function `mb_ucfirst`
  • Updated Function `mb_lcfirst`
  • Updated Example `/test/84__mb_ucfirst.php`


1.0.4 [2024-02-17]

PHP < 8.4.0

  • Added file `src/compat/compat_php84x.php`
  • Added Function `mb_ucfirst`
  • Added Function `mb_lcfirst`
  • ADDED EXAMPLE: `/test/84__mb_ucfirst.php`


1.0.3 [2023-07-12]

PHP < 8.2.0

  • Added Function `mysqli_execute_query`


1.0.2 [2023-07-07]

  • ADDED EXAMPLES: In folder /phpBCL/test/
  • Fixed : Fixed paths for call phpBCL library.

PHP < 4.3.0

  • Added Constants: `MB_CASE_UPPER`, `MB_CASE_LOWER`, `MB_CASE_TITLE`
  • Added Function: `mb_convert_case`

PHP < 5.5.0

  • Added Functions: `array_column`, `boolval`, `json_last_error_msg`

PHP < 7.3.0

  • Added Constants: `MB_CASE_FOLD`, `MB_CASE_UPPER_SIMPLE`, `MB_CASE_LOWER_SIMPLE`, `MB_CASE_TITLE_SIMPLE`, `MB_CASE_FOLD_SIMPLE`. Used by ASCOOS LIBRARY FUNCTION `alf_mb_convert_case` (compat_similar.php)
  • Updated Functions: `array_key_first`, `array_key_last`
  • Added `alf_mb_convert_case` For full compatible similar mb_convert_case.

PHP < 7.4.0

  • Added Function: `mb_str_split`

PHP < 8.0.0

  • Updated Functions: `str_contains`, `str_ends_with`, `str_starts_with`
  • Updated Classes : `Stringable`, `PhpToken`

PHP < 8.1.0

  • Updated Function: `array_is_list`

PHP < 8.3.0

  • Added Function: `mb_str_pad`


1.0.1 [2023-06-27]

  • Added file compat_similar.php (for similar functions)

PHP < 7.1.0

  • Added Function: `is_iterable`

PHP < 7.3.0

  • Added Functions: `array_key_first`, `array_key_last`, `is_countable`

PHP < 8.0.0

  • Added Class `ValueError` (For php < 8.0.0)



  • Creating Compatibilities