* PHPProxyChecker documetation.
* @author Stanislav Afanasiev <stas.progger[at]gmail.com>
* @created 15.12.2010
* @version 1.0
Documentation for PHPProxyChecker class
Requirements for use:
PHP 5.2 .*
How do I use?
1) You should put the file gate.php on hosting with support for all requirements
2) You must declare a constant HTTP_GATE, HTTPS_GATE, CHECK_TIMEOUT before calling checkProxy ()
Return Values
If the proxy is working, it returns an array of the following structure:
TYPE - Type of proxy (HTTP or SOCKS)
TYPE_NAME - The level of anonymity
TYPE_CODE - The numeric value of the level of anonymity (0 - Transparent, 1 - Anonymous, 2 - Elite 3 - Indefinite)
QUERY_TIME - response time to a GET request
SUPPORT_GET - Support for GET requests (Y | N)
SUPPORT_COOKIE - Support transfer COOKIES (Y | N)
SUPPORT_REFERER - Support transfer REFERER (Y | N)
SUPPORT_POST - Support for POST requests (Y | N)
SUPPORT_SSL - Support for SSL (for HTTP) (Y | N)
PROXY_IP - Ip address
If the proxy is not working, it returns an array of the following structure: