DownloadString Vars
Get vars from a string
composer require mateodioev/string-vars
use Mateodioev\StringVars\{Config, Matcher};
Example: $matcher = new Matcher(format: "Hello {name}");
// Validate input
var_dump($matcher->isValid('Hello Juan')); // true
var_dump($matcher->isValid('Hello _ Juan')); // false
$vars = $matcher->match('Hello Juan'); // $vars contain an array of parameters
var_dump($vars['name']); // "Juan"
Match with data types
// "w": all string
// "d": all numbers
// "f": all decimals
// "all": all characters
// "": all characters except /
$matcher = new Matcher(format: "Hello {w:name}");
Using custom formats
$conf = new Config();
// This match only decimals numbers
$conf->addFormat('c', '([\d]+\.[\d]+)');
$matcher = new Matcher('The price is {c:price}', $conf);
var_dump($matcher->isValid('The price is 33.03')); // true
var_dump($matcher->isValid('The price is 33')); // false
$vars = $matcher->match('The price is 33.03');
var_dump($vars['price']); // "33.03"