* examples 3
* using the callback function to add a new file attribute
// ----------- initialise ------------
$t=new pfpFileTree($src);
$t->addCallBack('getMimeType'); // NB we can add multiple callbacks
$t->delCallBack('dummyCallBack'); // ... and remove them
function getMimeType($file)
global $t;
// note that if we want to manipulate $t->data here
// $file is a canonical path - but we need the path
// relative to the baseDir to find the right array
// entry...
$effPath = substr($file, strlen($t->baseDir));
if (@array_key_exists($attribute, $t->data[$effPath])) {
// already populated - return the current value
return array($attribute=>$t->data[$effPath][$attribute]);
} else {
// NB mime_content_type() is deprecated
return array($attribute=>mime_content_type($file));
function dummyCallBack($file)
print "this code is never called";
// but the following would be valid...
return array('dummy'=>true, 'backwards'=>strrev($file));