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  Classes of Colin McKinnon   pfpFileTree   Download  
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Class: pfpFileTree
Manipulates files in directories recursively
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<?php /** * * * tools formanipulating file trees * @author Colin Mckinnon * * NB manipulating large trees of files can quickly fill up available memory - and * this class makes deleting lots of files in a single go very easy - please be * careful */ class pfpFileTree { // ------------------- properties -------------- /** * @var string - canonical path this object refers to * @access protected */ var $baseDir; /** * read-only * @var integer - number of files affected by the last operation * @access public - read only */ var $opsCompleted; /** * config setting * normally if an action cannot be carried on a file/subdir * it will cause the current recusrion to stop - setting this * to true will make the recursion press on with the files it * is able to access * @var bool * @access public */ var $ignoreNoDescend; /** * config setting * @var bool * @access public */ var $caseSensitive; /** * config setting - amount of memory used to stop processing (as a ratio) * @var float * @access public */ var $maxMemRatio; /** * config settings - how long to wait between memory checks * @var integer * @access public */ var $memFreq; /** * because call_user_func does not support pass-by-reference we keep * any data at the object level */ var $data; /** * populated when something unplanned happenned * @var string * @access public */ var $error; /** * user callbacks - these add additional attributes to files * populated by addCallback * @var mixed * @access protected */ var $userFn; // -------------------- methods ------------------------ /** * @param string baseDir - directory to consider as tree root * * Constructor */ function pfpFileTree($baseDir) { $this->ignoreNoDescend=false; $this->caseSensitive=true; if (stristr(PHP_OS, 'WIN')) { $this->caseSensitive=false; } $this->data=array(); $this->baseDir=$this->fixUpRoot($baseDir); $this->userFn=array(); $this->maxMemRatio=0.9; $this->memFreq=50; } /** * @access public * * clear the data stored for the current fileTree */ function clear() { clearstatcache(); $this->opsCompleted=count($this->data); $this->data=array(); $this->error=''; } /** * @access protected * @param string treeRoot - path to base directory * @return mixed - false if failed, string otherwise * * utility method */ function fixUpRoot($treeRoot) { $treeRoot=realpath($treeRoot); if (is_dir($treeRoot)) { if (substr($treeRoot,-1,1)!=='/') { $treeRoot.='/'; } } else { $this->error=$treeRoot . "is not a directory"; return false; } return $treeRoot; } /** * @access public * @param mixed $cb - a callback - either a function name or an array($obj, 'method') * * callBacks are applied to decorate each file read with additional attributes * called with 1 argument: * canonical path * and should return an array with the attribute(s) as key(s) * and the corresponding values */ function addCallback($cb) { $this->userFn[]=$cb; } /** * @access public */ function delCallBack($cb) { foreach ($this->userFn as $key=>$val) { if ($val===$cb) { unset($this->userFn[$key]); // don't break - there may be duplicates } } } /** * @access public * @param array filter - optional pattern to apply to files * @return array - key is path relative to basedir, value is array of attributes * * Note that this function creates an entry point into a reseable recursion which * uses a callback to perfrom required action on files * i.e. will only be called once usually * See readTreeStat method for attributes * * The filter array is an array with attrbutes as key names * and conditions as values. * Integer values (times and sizes) can be prefixed by * + or > to extract files with a value greater than passed * or prefixed by - or < to extract files with a value less * otherwise those with an exact match or returned * * e.g. * filter( array( * 'name'=>'*.png', * 'size' => '>4096', * 'w' => false)); * will strip out everything except files with a .png extension * and size greater than 4k which are not writeable */ function readTree($filter=array()) { $this->error=''; $d=$this->baseDir; $this->opsCompleted=0; $this->error=''; $callback=array($this, 'readTreeWorker'); $ret=$this->runRecursion($callback,$this->baseDir,$filter); if ($ret===true) return $this->data; return false; } /** * @access protected */ function readTreeWorker($f, $filter) { $this->opsCompleted++; $effPath=substr($f, strlen($this->baseDir)); $this->data[$effPath]=$this->readTreeStat($f); if (!$this->filterFile($effPath,$filter)) { unset($this->data[$effPath]); $this->opsCompleted--; } return true; } /** * @access protected * @param string $f - canonical file path * @return array of attributes * * Attributes are: * 'exists': bool * 'size': in bytes * 'mtime': timestamp when file last modified * 'type': f/d/o (file/directory/other) * 'w': bool - is the file writeable * 'r': bool - is the file readable */ function readTreeStat($f) { $out=array(); $out['exists']=file_exists($f); $out['size']=filesize($f); $out['mtime']=filemtime($f); if (is_dir($f)) { $out['type']='d'; } else if (is_file($f) || is_link($f)) { $out['type']='f'; } else { $out['type']='o'; } // the is_ fns return 1 or null on my installation???!!!! $out['w']=is_writable($f) ? true : false; $out['r']=is_readable($f) ? true : false; foreach ($this->userFn as $callback) { $out=array_merge($out, call_user_func($callback, $f)); } return $out; } /** * utility function to print the files and attributes measured */ function ls() { print "ls output:\n"; foreach ($this->data as $k=>$f) { print "$k"; // print "$k " . json_encode($f) . "\n"; foreach ($this->data[$k] as $attr=>$val) { print ",$attr=>$val"; } print "\n"; } } /** * This does the recursion on behalf of all the other public methods * Note that recursion runs depth first */ function runRecursion($callback,$dir,$arg) { $dh=opendir($dir); if (!$dh && $this->ignoreNoDescend) { return true; } if (!$dh) { $this->error='unable to read dir ' . dir; return false; } while ($f=readdir($dh)) { if (!$this->checkMem()) return false; if (($f=='.') || ($f=='..')) continue; if (is_dir($dir . $f)) { if (!$this->runRecursion($callback, $dir . $f . '/', $arg)) { return false; } } if (!call_user_func($callback, $dir . $f, $arg)) return false; } closedir($dh); return true; } /** * @access public * @return bool - true if successful * * $this->data no longer contains the filetree after this operatiion * NB $this->data is not updated automatically - to find the current * state of the files: * $this->clear(); * $this->readTree() */ function delFiles() { $this->opsCompleted=0; $this->error=''; if ($this->canDelete()) { $this->sortFiles(array('name'=>'-')); // ^ since we want delete cotents of a dir before the dir foreach ($this->data as $f=>$k) { if (!$this->data[$k]['exists']) continue; $file=$this->baseDir . $f; if (is_file($file) && @unlink($file)) { $this->opsCompleted++; $this->data[$effPath]['exists']=false; continue; } else if (is_dir($file) && @rmdir($file)) { $this->opsCompleted++; $this->data[$effPath]['exists']=false; continue; } // not bothered about other file types } } else { $this->error="Permissions do not allow forall files to be deleted"; return false; } return true; } /** * @param mixed $callback - string (function name) or array (object, method) to apply * @param mixed $arg - static data passed to callback - changes are lost * @return bool the value returned by the callback * * Note that the recursion ends when the callback returns false * the first parameter passed to $callback is the canonical file path, the * second is $arg * It is not possible to call-by-reference with call_user_func() in a non- * deprecated manner * note that if you want to modify the dataset then you need to include a * **reference** to this pfpFileTree instance within arg * Note also that this function returns a boolean - not the current data array */ function applyCallback($callback, $arg=false) { $this->opsCompleted=0; $this->error=''; foreach ($this->data as $effPath=>$attrs) { $this->opsCompleted++; if (!call_user_func($callback, $this->baseDir . $effPath, $attrs, $arg)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * @param string $otherTree * @return array of relative filepaths with a status * * returns an array describing the existence of files with * the same path relative to the other root * Note that files in the other tree which are not * listed in this tree are ignored * * status of files is: * 0 if same in both trees * 1 if this is different and newer, * -1 if this is different and older * 2 if not exists in other * 3 if type mismatch (file/dir) */ function compareTree($otherTree) { $otherTree=$this->fixUpRoot($otherTree); if ($otherTree===$this->baseDir) { $this->error="Other tree is same as current"; return false; } if ($otherTree===false) return false; $this->opsCompleted=0; $this->error=''; $callback=array($this, 'compareTreeWorker'); $ret=$this->runRecursion($callback,$this->baseDir,$otherTree); if ($ret===true) { return $this->data; } return false; } /** * @access protected */ function compareTreeWorker ($file, $otherRoot) { $effPath = substr($file, strlen ($this->baseDir)); if (!file_exists ($otherRoot.$effPath)) { $this->data[$effPath]['cmp'] = 2; return true; } if (is_dir($otherRoot . $effPath)) { $type='d'; } else if (is_file($otherRoot . $effPath) || is_link($otherRoot . $effPath)) { $type='f'; } else { $type='o'; } if ($type!=$this->data[$effPath]['type']) { $this->error="file type mismatch for $effPath"; $this->data[$effPath]['cmp'] = 3; return false; } if ($type=='d') { // only the names need to match for dirs $this->data[$effPath]['cmp'] = 0; return true; } if (filesize($this->baseDir . $effPath) == filesize($otherRoot . $effPath)) { $this->data[$effPath]['md5']=md5_file($this->baseDir . $effPath); if ($this->data[$effPath]['md5'] == md5_file($otherRoot . $effPath)) { $this->data[$effPath]['cmp']=0; return true; } } if (filemtime($this->baseDir . $effPath) > filemtime(otherRoot . $effPath)) { $this->data[$effPath]['cmp']=1; return true; } else { $this->data[$effPath]['cmp']=-1; return true; } } /** * @access public * @param string $otherTree - root of locaton to write current tree to * @return mixed - false if one or more files not writeable * * Copy the current fileset to another location */ function writeTo($otherTree) { $otherTree=$this->fixupRoot($otherTree); if (!$this->canWriteTo($otherTree)) { return false; } foreach ($this->data as $k=>$f) { if (!$this->data[$k]['exists']) continue; if (!$this->writeToWorker($k, $f, $otherTree)) { // this should never hapen? return $false; } } return $this->data; } /** * @access protected */ function writeToWorker($effPath, $attrs, $other) { if ($attrs['type']=='o') { $this->error="Can only process files and directories"; return false; } $dir=dirname($other . $effPath); if ($attrs['type']=='d') { $dir=$other . $effPath; } if (!is_dir($dir)) { if (!mkdir($dir, umask(),true)) { // this should never happen $this->error="Failed to create directory $dir"; return false; } } if ($attrs['type']=='f') { // need to copy file to! if (!copy($this->baseDir . $effPath, $other . $effPath)) { // this should not hapen $this->error="Copy failed for $effPath"; return false; } } return true; } /** * @access public * @param string $otherTree - root of locaton to write current tree to * @return bool - false if one or more files not writeable * * test if the tree can be written to another location */ function canWriteTo($otherTree) { $otherTree=$this->fixUpRoot($otherTree); if ($otherTree===false) return false; if ($otherTree===$this->baseDir) { $this->error="other directory is same as current"; return false; } foreach ($this->data as $k=>$attrs) { $this->canWriteToWorker($k,$otherTree); } foreach ($this->data as $k=>$f) { if ($this->data[$k]['can_w']===false) return false; } return true; } /** * @access protected */ function canWriteToWorker ($effPath, $otherRoot) { if (!$this->data[$effPath]['exists']) { // we treat it as if we can write $this->data[$effPath]['can_w']=true; return true; } if ($this->data['type']=='o') { // not going to try to deal with links, devices, sockets $this->error="Can only process files and directories"; $this->data[$effPath]['can_w']=false; return false; } $try=$otherRoot . $effPath; while (strlen($try)+1>strlen($otherRoot) && !file_exists($try)) { $try=dirname($try); } $this->data[$effPath]['can_w']=is_writeable($try); return true; } /** * @access public * @return bool - true if files can be deleted * * checks if all the files currently referenced in $data can be * deleted */ function canDelFiles() { foreach ($this->data as $k=>$f) { $this->canDelWorker($this->baseDir . $k); } foreach ($this->data as $k=>$f) { if ($this->data[$k]['can_d']===false) return false; } return true; } /** * @access protected */ function canDelWorker($file) { $effPath=substr($file, strlen($this->baseDir)); if (!$this->data[$effPath]['exists']) { // already deleted $this->data[$effPath]['can_d']=true; return true; } if (is_writeable(dirname($file))) { $this->data[$effPath]['can_d']=true; return true; } else { $this->data[$effPath]['can_d']=false; } return true; } /** * @access public * @param array $attr - set of attributes to match (see below) * @return array - data after applying filter * * Filter the current data set based on an array of filters * Integer values (times and sizes) can be prefixed by * + or > to extract files with a value greater than passed * or prefixed by - or < to extract files with a value less * otherwise those with an exact match or returned * * e.g. * filter( array( * 'name'=>'*.png', * 'size' => '>4096', * 'w' => false)); * will strip out everything except files with a .png extension * and size greater than 4k which are not writeable */ function filter($attr) { $initcount=count($this->data); foreach($this->data as $effPath=>$dat) { if (!$this->filterFile($effRoot, $attr)) { unset($this->data[$effPath]); } } $this->opsCompleted=$initcount-count($this->data); return $this->data; } /** * @access public * @param array $attr * @return object - new instance of $this * * like filter -but this leaves the current dataset intact * and returns a new (filtered) instance of this class */ function subset($attr) { $result=clone $this; $result->filter($attr); return $result; } /** * @access protected * @param string $file - canonical file name * @param array $filter * @return bool - true if selected by filter */ function filterFile($file, $filter) { foreach($filter as $cmp_k=>$cmp_v) { if (!@$this->filterAttr($file,$cmp_k, $cmp_v)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * @access protected * @param string $path - the current path being checked * @param string $key - the attribute to check * @param mixed $val - the value to compare against * @return bool - true if the data for the path matches the key/val * false if it does not match or the attribute is not populated */ function filterAttr($path, $key, $val) { if ($key=='name') { return fnmatch($val,$path,($this->caseSensitive ? FNM_CASEFOLD : 0)); } if (!array_key_exists($key, $this->data[$path])) { return false; } switch (substr($val, 0, 1)) { case '>': case '+': if ($this->data[$path][$key]<=(integer)substr($val,1)) { return false; } break; case '<': case '-': if ($this->data[$path][$key]>=(integer)substr($val,1)) { return false; } break; case '!': if ($this->data[$path][$key]==substr($val,1)) { return false; } break; default: if ($val==='true') $val=true; if ($val==='false') $val=false; if ($this->data[$path][$key]!=$val) { return false; } break; } return true; } /** * @access public * @param array $attr - keys are attributes to sort on, a value of '-' sorts descending * * note that the order if entries in the array determines their priority in sorting * eg * sortFiles(array('size'=>'+','mtime'=>'-')); * small files appear first (ascending), if 2 files have the same size, the   * newest appears first (descending) */ function sortFiles($attr) { $this->sortAttr=$attr; if (count($attr)) { if (!uksort($this->data, array($this,'sortWorker'))) { $this->error="Sort failed for unknown reason"; return false; } } return $this->data; } /** * @access protected */ function sortWorker($a, $b) { foreach($this->sortAttr as $key=>$mode) { if ($key=='name') { // we are sorting using the keys if ($this->caseSensitive) { $cmp=strcasecmp($a, $b) * ($mode=='-' ? -1 : 1); } else { $cmp=strncasecmp($a, $b) * ($mode=='-' ? -1 : 1); } if ($cmp) return $cmp; } // sorting using using attributes if ($this->data[$a][$key]===$this->data[$b][$key]) { // same - try sorting by next attribute continue; } if ($this->data[$a][$key]>$this->data[$b][$key]) { return ($mode=='-' ? -1 : 1); } return ($mode=='-' ? 1 : -1); } return 0; } /** * @access public * @return bool * * uses the maxMemRatio an memFreq variables to assess * current memory usage - to prevent ugly errors when its full * * memFreq determines the number of files read between full memory checks * maxMemRatio is the ratio of used to total memory - above which * processing should stop */ function checkMem() { static $iterations; static $mlimit; if (!$mlimit) { $mlimit=ini_get('memory_limit'); $mul=1; switch(substr($mlimit,-1)) { case 'G': $mul*=1024; // no break deliberate case 'M': $mul*=1024; case 'K': $mul*=1024; $mlimit=$mul * (integer)$mlimit; break; default: $mlimit=(integer)$mlimit; break; } if ($mlimit<=0) { $mlimit=4294967296; // surely big enuf? } } if ($this->memFreq>$iterations) { $iterations++; return true; } $usedRatio=memory_get_usage()/$mlimit; $iterations=0; if ($this->maxMemRatio < $usedRatio) { $this->error='Memory usage at ' . $usedRatio . '%'; return false; } return true; } } // end class pfpFileTree