use \lyquidity\xbrl_validate\PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Groups;
use \lyquidity\xbrl_validate\PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Group;
use \lyquidity\xbrl_validate\PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet;
require_once __DIR__ . '/data.php';
if ( file_exists( __DIR__ . '/../../../autoload.php' ) )
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../autoload.php';
// Required for the original implementation
elseif ( file_exists( __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php' ) )
require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
throw new Exception("Unable to autoload classes");
// Only load the bootstrap files directly if they have not been loaded by Composer already
// Required for the original implementation
$files = get_included_files();
$bootstrap = realpath( __DIR__ . '/../phpspreadsheet/Spreadsheet.php' );
if ( ! in_array( $bootstrap, $files ) )
require_once __DIR__ . '/../phpspreadsheet/Spreadsheet.php';
$outputFileName = __DIR__ . '/generated.xlsx';
$spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet();
->setCreator("XBRL Query Generator")
->setLastModifiedBy("XBRL Query Generator")
->setTitle("Microsoft 2018 QK")
->setSubject("Pivot table report")
->setDescription("This could be an explanation")
->setKeywords("xbrl microsoft 2018 10k")
$data = load_data();
$networks = array(
// All pivot tables are added to sheets to which the data is added starting at cell B2.
// The first PT is added to a sheet called 'Worksheet'. It has two groups on the rows
// (Account/Genre) that are filtered to three of the accounts. Because there is filtering
// the sort type must be 'manual'. There are no groups added to the columns. Instead,
// the columns are the values of three numeric columns.
// Note that while the row groups object is created passing an explicit 'Group' instance
// the value groups instance is created by passing an array of string names. This is a
// simple ay to create groups if the default group values (no filtering and sort type
// ascending) are acceptable.
array( 'data' => $data,
'args' => array(
2 + count( $data ) + 1 + 3, 2,
new Groups( array( new Group( 'Account', 'manual', array( 'Megan', 'Daniel', 'Hannah' ) ), 'Genre' ) ),
new Groups(),
new Groups( array( 'Total Size', 'Images', 'Average Ranking' ) )
// The second PT is added to a sheet called 'Worksheet2'. It has just one group on the rows
// (Account) that is not filtered but the account names will be displayed in descending order.
// This PT has two groups on the columns (Genre/Images). The values are from the 'Total Size'
// column.
array( 'data' => $data,
'args' => array(
2 + count( $data ) + 1 + 3, 2,
new Groups( new Group( 'Account', 'descending' ) ),
new Groups( array( 'Genre', 'Images' ) ),
new Groups( array( 'Total Size' ) )
// The third PT is added to a sheet called 'Worksheet3'. It has two groups on the rows
// (Account/Genre). There is one group on the columns (Images) and the values are from the
// 'Total Size' column.
array( 'data' => $data,
'args' => array(
2 + count( $data ) + 1 + 3, 2,
new Groups( array( 'Account', 'Genre' ) ) ,
new Groups( array( 'Images' ) ),
new Groups( array( 'Total Size' ) )
foreach ( $networks as $index => $network )
$range = $spreadsheet->addData( $data, $network['args'][0] );
$spreadsheet->addNewPivotTable( $data, $range, ...$network['args'] );
$writer = PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\IOFactory::createWriter( $spreadsheet, 'Xlsx' );
unset( $spreadsheet );