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Class: PHP Microservices Framework
Setup microservices apps with configuration arrays
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PHP Microservices Framework

This is a light & easy Framework for Microservices. It can be used to create APIs in a very short time once you are done with your database.

Important Files

.env.example Create a copy of this file as .env

global.sql Import this SQL file on your MySQL global instance

client\_master.sql Import this SQL file on your MySQL client instance

cache.sql Import this SQL file for cache in MySQL cache instance if Redis is not the choice (To be configured in .env)

> Note: One can import all three sql's in a single database to start with. Just configure the same details in the .env file.


Below are the configuration settings details in .env

| Variable | Description | Value Example | | -------- | ----------- | ------------- | | defaultDbHostname | Default MySQL hostname | | | defaultDbUsername | Default MySQL username | root | | defaultDbPassword | Default MySQL password | password | | defaultDbDatabase | Default MySQL database | global | | clientMasterDbName | Client Master Database | client\_master - Complete Database with least required data to replicate if client demand a separate database for his data. | | dbHostnameClient001 | Client MySQL hostname | This can be the dedicated host domain / IP | | dbUsernameClient001 | Client MySQL username | username | | dbPasswordClient001 | Client MySQL password | password | | dbDatabaseClient001 | Client MySQL database | client\_001 / as\_per\_your\_use | | | The Client details can be same as all Default MySQL settings also depending on situation | | | r=/reload | | | | HttpAuthenticationRestrictedIp | For reloading global DB changes allowed IP | | | HttpAuthenticationUser | HTTP Authentication Username | reload\_username | | HttpAuthenticationPassword | HTTP Authentication Password | reload\_password |


  • App Basic Microservices application folder
  • Config Basic Microservices configuration folder
  • Crons Contains classes for cron API's
  • Custom Contains classes for custom API's
  • Dropbox Folder for uploaded files.
  • public\_html Microservices doc root folder
  • ThirdParty Contains classes for third-party API's
  • Upload Contains classes for upload file API's
  • Validation Contains validation classes.



  • Config/Routes/<GroupName>/GETroutes.php for all GET method routes configuration.
  • Config/Routes/<GroupName>/POSTroutes.php for all POST method routes configuration.
  • Config/Routes/<GroupName>/PUTroutes.php for all PUT method routes configuration.
  • Config/Routes/<GroupName>/PATCHroutes.php for all PATCH method routes configuration.
  • Config/Routes/<GroupName>/DELETEroutes.php for all DELETE method routes configuration.

<GroupName> These are corresponding to the assigned group to a user for accessing the API's


  • For configuring route /tableName/parts GET method

    return [ 'tableName' => [ 'parts' => [ '__file__' => 'SQL file location' ] ] ];

  • For configuring route /tableName/{id} where id is dynamic integer value to be collected.

    return [ 'tableName' => [ '{id:int}' => [ '__file__' => 'SQL file location' ] ] ];

  • Same dynamic variable but with a different data type, for e.g. {id} will be treated differently for string and integer values to be collected.

    return [ 'tableName' => [ '{id:int}' => [ '__file__' => 'SQL file location for integer data type' ], '{id:string}' => [ '__file__' => 'SQL file location for string data type' ] ] ];

  • To restrict dynamic values to a certain set of values. One can do the same by appending comma-separated values after OR key.

    return [ '{tableName:string|admin,group,client,routes}' => [ '{id:int}' => [ '__file__' => 'SQL file location' ] ] ];



  • Config/Queries/GlobalDB for global database.
  • Config/Queries/ClientDB for Clients (including all hosts and their databases).

Files - GlobalDB

  • Config/Queries/GlobalDB/GET/<filenames>.php GET method SQL.
  • Config/Queries/GlobalDB/POST/<filenames>;.php POST method SQL.
  • Config/Queries/GlobalDB/PUT/<filenames>.php PUT method SQL.
  • Config/Queries/GlobalDB/PATCH/<filenames>.php PATCH method SQL.
  • Config/Queries/GlobalDB/DELETE/<filenames>.php DELETE method SQL.

Files - ClientDB

  • Config/Queries/ClientDB/GET/<filenames>.php GET method SQL.
  • Config/Queries/ClientDB/POST/<filenames>.php POST method SQL.
  • Config/Queries/ClientDB/PUT/<filenames>.php PUT method SQL.
  • Config/Queries/ClientDB/PATCH/<filenames>.php PATCH method SQL.
  • Config/Queries/ClientDB/DELETE/<filenames>.php DELETE method SQL.

> One can replace <filenames> tag with desired name as per functionality.


  • GET method.

    <?php return [ 'query' => "SELECT * FROM {$Env::$globalDB}.TableName WHERE id = ? AND group_id = ? AND client_id = ?", '__WHERE__' => [//column => [uriParams|payload|function|readOnlySession|{custom}, key|{value}] 'id' => ['uriParams', 'id'], 'group_id' => ['payload', 'group_id'], 'client_id' => ['readOnlySession', 'client_id'] ], 'mode' => 'singleRowFormat',// Single row returned. 'subQuery' => [ 'Clients' => [ 'query' => "MySQL Query here", '__WHERE__' => [], 'mode' => 'multipleRowFormat'// Multiple rows returned. ], ... ], 'validate' => [ [ 'fn' => 'validateGroupId', 'fnArgs' => [ 'group_id' => ['payload', 'group_id'] ], 'errorMessage' => 'Invalid Group Id' ], ... ] ];

> Here query & mode keys are required keys


    <?php return [ 'query' => "INSERT {$Env::$globalDB}.TableName SET SET WHERE WHERE ", // Fields present in below __CONFIG__ shall be supported for DB operation. Both Required and Optional '__CONFIG__' => [// Set your payload/uriParams fields config here. ['payload', 'group_id', Constants::$REQUIRED], // Required field ['payload', 'password'], // Optional field ['payload', 'client_id'], // Optional field ], '__SET__' => [ //column => [uriParams|payload|readOnlySession|insertIdParams|{custom}|function, key|{value}|function()], 'group_id' => ['payload', 'group_id'], 'password' => ['function', function() { return password_hash(HttpRequest::$input['payload']['password'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT); }], 'client_id' => ['readOnlySession', 'client_id'] ], '__WHERE__' => [// column => [uriParams|payload|function|readOnlySession|insertIdParams|{custom}, key|{value} 'id' => ['uriParams', 'id'] ], 'insertId' => 'tablename1:id',// Last insert id key name in $input['insertIdParams'][<tableName>:id]; 'subQuery' => [ 'module1' => [ 'query' => "MySQL Query here", '__SET__' => [ 'previous_table_id' => ['insertIdParams', '<tableName>:id'], ], '__WHERE__' => [], ], ... ], 'validate' => [ [ 'fn' => 'validateGroupId', 'fnArgs' => [ 'group_id' => ['payload', 'group_id'] ], 'errorMessage' => 'Invalid Group Id' ], ... ] ];

> Note: If there are modules or configurations repeated. One can reuse them by palcing them in a separate file and including as below.

  'subQuery' => [
    //Here the module1 properties are reused for write operation.
    'module1' => include DOC_ROOT . 'Config/Queries/ClientDB/Common/reusefilename.php',

> Note: For POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE methods we can configure both INSERT as well as UPDATE queries.

HTTP Request

GET Request

> One can clean the URL by making the required changes in the web server .conf file.


  • Single
        "key1": "value1",
        "key2": "value2",
  • Multiple
          "key1": "value1",
          "key2": "value2",
          "key1": "value21",
          "key2": "value22",


  • HttpRequest::$input\['readOnlySession'\] Session Data.

This remains same for every request and contains keys like id, group\_id, client\_id

  • HttpRequest::$input\['uriParams'\] Data passed in URI.

Suppose our configured route is /{table:string}/{id:int} and we make an HTTP request for /tableName/1 then $input\['uriParams'\] will hold these dynamic values as below.

  • HttpRequest::$input\['payload'\] Request data.

For GET method, the $\_GET is the payload.

  • HttpRequest::$input\['insertIdParams'\] Insert ids Data as per configuration.

For POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE we perform both INSERT as well as UPDATE operation. The insertIdParams contains the insert ids of the executed INSERT queries.

  • HttpRequest::$input\['hierarchyData'\] Hierarchy data.

For GET method, one can use previous query results if configured to use hierarchy.


  • Config/Queries/ClientDB/GET/Category.php

In this file one can confirm how previous select data is used recursively in subQuery select as indicated by useHierarchy flag.

    'parent_id' => ['hierarchyData', 'return:id'],
  • Config/Queries/ClientDB/POST/Category.php .Here a request can handle the hierarchy for write operations.
        // Configuration
        return [
          'query' => "INSERT INTO {$Env::$clientDB}.`category` SET SET",
          '__CONFIG__' => [
              ['payload', 'name', Constants::$REQUIRED],
          '__SET__' => [
              'name' => ['payload', 'name'],
              'parent_id' => ['custom', 0],
          'insertId' => 'category:id',
          'subQuery' => [
              'module1' => [
                'query' => "INSERT INTO {$Env::$clientDB}.`category` SET SET",
                '__CONFIG__' => [
                  ['payload', 'subname', Constants::$REQUIRED],
                '__SET__' => [
                  'name' => ['payload', 'subname'],
                  'parent_id' => ['insertIdParams', 'category:id'],
                'insertId' => 'sub:id',
          'useHierarchy' => true

  • Request - 1: Single object.
  • Request - 2: Array of module1
  • Request - 3: Array of payload and arrays of module1

Route ending with /config

  • Adding keyword config at the end of route after a slash returns the payload information that should be supplied; both required and optional with desired format.


  • r=/registration/config
  • r=/category/config

One need to configure for same in route with a flag as config => true

Only these configured routes will be supported the config feature.

  • For controlling globally there is a flag in env file labled allowConfigRequest


This lists down all allowed routes for HTTP methods respectively.


Perform basic checks on Config folder.