<div class="page-header">
<h1><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-tint"></i> Bootstrap Colorpicker {{package.version}}
<small>for Twitter Bootstrap</small>
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<article class="col-md-12">
Originally written by <a
href="https://twitter.com/stefanpetre/" target="_blank">Stefan Petre</a> and maintained by
<a href="https://itsjavi.com/" target="_blank">Javi Aguilar</a> and the Github community.
<p class="alert alert-warning">
<b>NOTE</b> That this is an older version of the library documentation, please check
the project <a href="https://github.com/farbelous/bootstrap-colorpicker/blob/master/README.md">README</a>
to find the documentation for the newer and latest versions.
{{> social }}
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<div class="col-md-7">
{{> api }}
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{{> examples }}