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File: popup.php

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  Classes of Luis Martinez Ulloa  >  GTK Popup Menu App  >  popup.php  >  Download  
File: popup.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: example script - don't forget to mark as executable (x flag in unices)
Class: GTK Popup Menu App
Create GTK popup menus bound to class functions
Author: By
Last change: Changing to static method calling in xzydialogs.php
Date: 2011-02-06 12:39
Size: 1,100 bytes


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//don't forget to mark it as executable (x flag in unices).
// 0.1.3-1010081651
// 1101311110 v0.2
require_once 'xzypopapp.php';

class popup2 extends xzyPopApp //adapted/fixed for Geany IDE
function Abrir_con_GNOME($param) {
exec("gnome-open $param");

Abrir_Dir_Padre($param) {
$dir $this->_dirname($param);

_dirname($param) {
        if ((
is_dir($param)) === true) {
$dir $param;
        } else {
$dir dirname($param);

Abrir_x_Web($param) {
$dir $this->_dirname($param);
$user $_SERVER['USER'];
$base "/home/$user/public_html";
strpos($param,$base)) !== false) {
$path str_replace($base,"http://localhost/~$user",$param);
        } else {
xzyDialogs::Alert('no tiene ruta web');


$app = new popup2;
