// Estonian e-payments system 1.4
// Kristo Vaher 2011 http://www.waher.net
// Licensed under LGPL http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt
// Published http://waher.net/archives/852
//This is configurations file for different e-payment profiles
//Make sure to define 'hash' for each profile as unique for each project for security reasons
$config['swed-est']['service']='swed-est'; //This is the service profile used, you can define multiple e-payments using the same service
$config['swed-est']['settings']['service-url']='https://www.swedbank.ee/banklink'; //this is provided by swedbank, this is actual live URL
$config['swed-est']['settings']['client-private-key']=file_get_contents_with_check('./swed-est-client-private.pem'); //location of the clients private key
$config['swed-est']['settings']['bank-public-key']=file_get_contents_with_check('./swed-est-bank-public.pem'); //location of the banks public key
$config['swed-est']['settings']['VK_SND_ID']=''; //service provider id, provided by swedbank
$config['swed-est']['settings']['VK_ACC']=''; //client account number, provided by swedbank or client
$config['swed-est']['settings']['VK_NAME']=''; //client name, provided by swedbank or client
$config['swed-est']['hash']='test'; //assign this different for each project!
//--- SEB (EST)
//Example configuration here uses testing environment, these details should be replaced with live environment when implemented
//Testing details (user: kauptest, password:testime)
//Testing password chart
// 1 102837 11 976783 21 581593
// 2 298024 12 163683 22 539318
// 3 514571 13 944465 23 933270
// 4 682336 14 785522 24 247735
// 5 543370 15 259823 25 927994
// 6 976413 16 767183 26 723836
// 7 713736 17 108445 27 190851
// 8 110516 18 055863 28 373195
// 9 545687 19 211460 39 891437
// 10 846359 20 128816 30 896282
$config['seb-est']['service']='seb-est'; //This is the service profile used, you can define multiple e-payments using the same service
$config['seb-est']['settings']['service-url']='https://www.seb.ee/cgi-bin/unet3.sh/un3min.r'; //this is provided by seb, this is actual live url
$config['seb-est']['settings']['service-url']='https://www.seb.ee/cgi-bin/dv.sh/un3min.r'; //this is provided by seb, this is seb test URL
$config['seb-est']['settings']['client-private-key']=file_get_contents_with_check('./seb-est-client-private.pem'); //location of the clients private key
$config['seb-est']['settings']['bank-public-key']=file_get_contents_with_check('./seb-est-bank-public.pem'); //location of the banks public key
$config['seb-est']['settings']['VK_SND_ID']='testvpos'; //service provider id, provided by seb
$config['seb-est']['settings']['VK_ACC']='10002050618003'; //client account number, provided by seb or client
$config['seb-est']['settings']['VK_NAME']='Keegi'; //client name, provided by seb or client
$config['seb-est']['hash']='test'; //assign this different for each project!
//--- SAMPO (EST)
$config['sampo-est']['service']='sampo-est'; //This is the service profile used, you can define multiple e-payments using the same service
$config['sampo-est']['settings']['service-url']='https://www2.sampopank.ee/ibank/pizza/pizza'; //this is provided by sampo, this is actual live url
$config['sampo-est']['settings']['client-private-key']=file_get_contents_with_check('./sampo-est-client-private.pem'); //location of the clients private key
$config['sampo-est']['settings']['bank-public-key']=file_get_contents_with_check('./sampo-est-bank-public.pem'); //location of the banks public key
$config['sampo-est']['settings']['VK_SND_ID']=''; //service provider id, provided by sampo
$config['sampo-est']['settings']['VK_ACC']=''; //client account number, provided by sampo or client
$config['sampo-est']['settings']['VK_NAME']=''; //client name, provided by sampo or client
$config['sampo-est']['hash']='test'; //assign this different for each project!
//Example configuration here uses testing environment, these details should be replaced with live environment when implemented
//Testing details (customer number: 111111, password:1111)
$config['nordea-est']['service']='nordea-est'; //This is the service profile used, you can define multiple e-payments using the same service
$config['nordea-est']['settings']['service-url']='https://netbank.nordea.com/pnbepay/epayn.jsp'; //this is provided by nordea, this is actual live url
$config['nordea-est']['settings']['service-url']='https://netbank.nordea.com/pnbepaytest/epayn.jsp'; //this is provided by nordea, this is test environment url
$config['nordea-est']['settings']['private-key']='LEHTI'; //this is provided by nordea
$config['nordea-est']['settings']['RCV_ID']='12345678'; //this is provided by nordea
$config['nordea-est']['hash']='test'; //assign this different for each project!
//--- SAMPO (FIN)
$config['sampo-fin']['service']='sampo-fin'; //This is the service profile used, you can define multiple e-payments using the same service
$config['sampo-fin']['settings']['service-url']='https://verkkopankki.sampopankki.fi/SP/vemaha/VemahaApp'; //this is provided by sampo, this is actual live url
$config['sampo-fin']['settings']['private-key']=''; //this is provided by sampo
$config['sampo-fin']['settings']['KNRO']=''; //this is provided by sampo
$config['sampo-fin']['hash']='test'; //assign this different for each project!
$config['nordea-fin']['service']='nordea-fin'; //This is the service profile used, you can define multiple e-payments using the same service
$config['nordea-fin']['settings']['service-url']='https://solo3.nordea.fi/cgi-bin/SOLOPM01'; //this is provided by nordea, this is actual live url
$config['nordea-fin']['settings']['private-key']=''; //this is provided by nordea
$config['nordea-fin']['settings']['RCV_ID']=''; //this is provided by nordea
$config['nordea-fin']['hash']='test'; //assign this different for each project!
//--- ESTCARD (EST) (mastercard, visa, etc)
//please note that estcard solution requires feedback URL to be handled a little differently, it is registered in estbank and not assigned here, in settings
$config['estcard-est']['service']='estcard-est'; //This is the service profile used, you can define multiple e-payments using the same service
$config['estcard-est']['settings']['service-url']='https://pos.estcard.ee/webpos/servlet/iPAYServlet'; //this is provided by estcard, this is actual live url
$config['estcard-est']['settings']['SERVICE']='KoneluxEE'; //this is provided by estcard
$config['estcard-est']['settings']['client-private-key']=file_get_contents_with_check('./estcard-est-client-private.pem'); //location of the clients private key
$config['estcard-est']['settings']['bank-public-key']=file_get_contents_with_check('./estcard-est-bank-public.pem'); //location of the banks public key
$config['estcard-est']['hash']='test'; //assign this different for each project!