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File: resources/js/Pages/Teams/Partials/UpdateTeamNameForm.vue

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  Classes of Robert Devenyi   Iceburg SAAS PHP CRM Open Source   resources/js/Pages/Teams/Partials/UpdateTeamNameForm.vue   Download  
File: resources/js/Pages/Teams/Partials/UpdateTeamNameForm.vue
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Iceburg SAAS PHP CRM Open Source
Application to manage the contacts of customers
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 2,490 bytes


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<script setup> import { useForm } from '@inertiajs/inertia-vue3'; import ActionMessage from '@/Components/ActionMessage.vue'; import FormSection from '@/Components/FormSection.vue'; import InputError from '@/Components/InputError.vue'; import InputLabel from '@/Components/InputLabel.vue'; import PrimaryButton from '@/Components/PrimaryButton.vue'; import TextInput from '@/Components/TextInput.vue'; const props = defineProps({ team: Object, permissions: Object, }); const form = useForm({ name:, }); const updateTeamName = () => { form.put(route('teams.update',, { errorBag: 'updateTeamName', preserveScroll: true, }); }; </script> <template> <FormSection @submitted="updateTeamName"> <template #title> Team Name </template> <template #description> The team's name and owner information. </template> <template #form> <!-- Team Owner Information --> <div class="col-span-6"> <InputLabel value="Team Owner" /> <div class="flex items-center mt-2"> <img class="w-12 h-12 rounded-full object-cover" :src="team.owner.profile_photo_url" :alt=""> <div class="ml-4 leading-tight"> <div>{{ }}</div> <div class="text-gray-700 text-sm"> {{ }} </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Team Name --> <div class="col-span-6 sm:col-span-4"> <InputLabel for="name" value="Team Name" /> <TextInput id="name" v-model="" type="text" class="mt-1 block w-full" :disabled="! permissions.canUpdateTeam" /> <InputError :message="" class="mt-2" /> </div> </template> <template v-if="permissions.canUpdateTeam" #actions> <ActionMessage :on="form.recentlySuccessful" class="mr-3"> Saved. </ActionMessage> <PrimaryButton :class="{ 'opacity-25': form.processing }" :disabled="form.processing"> Save </PrimaryButton> </template> </FormSection> </template>