DownloadIceburgCRM SaaS
This is the repository for the IceburgCRM SaaS project, which powers and allows customers to host their own IceburgCRMs.
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Host customer's IceburgCRMs
Built with Laravel JetStream, Socialite, Tailwinds, and DaisyUI
Integrates with Stripe for payment processing
Allows users to authenticate with GitHub using Socialite
PHP >= 8.1
MySQL >= 5.7 or MariaDB >= 10.2
Stripe API key
GitHub OAuth key for Socialite
Clone this repository.
Copy `.env.example` to `.env` and configure the database settings, Stripe API key, and GitHub OAuth key for Socialite.
Run `composer install` to install the PHP dependencies.
Run `npm install` to install the Node.js dependencies.
Run `php artisan key:generate` to generate an application key.
Run `php artisan migrate` to run the database migrations.
Run `npm run dev` to compile the assets.
Serve the application with `php artisan serve` or use a web server like Apache or Nginx.