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File: vendor/soothsilver/dtd-parser/SoothsilverDtdParser.php

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File: vendor/soothsilver/dtd-parser/SoothsilverDtdParser.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class source
Class: PHP XML Converter
Transform Indesign to eBundesanzeiger XML format
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Date: 1 year ago
Size: 51,516 bytes


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<?php /* * To-do list for this library: * - Add a feature to prevent XML explosion * - Remember comments and line feeds inside comments count */ namespace Soothsilver\DtdParser; /** * Represents all information extracted from a Document Type Declaration file, possibly combined with an internal subset. */ class DTD { /** * @var Element[] */ public $elements = []; /** * @var ParameterEntity[] */ public $parameterEntities = []; /** * @var GeneralEntity[] */ public $generalEntities = []; /** * @var Notation[] */ public $notations = []; /** * @var Error[] */ public $errors = []; /** * @var Error[] */ public $warnings = []; /** * @var ProcessingInstruction[] */ public $processingInstructions = []; /** * Returns a boolean representing the well-formedness and validity of the DTD. * @return bool True, if no errors were triggered during parsing; false otherwise. */ public function isWellFormedAndValid() { return count($this->errors) === 0; } private $shouldLoadExternalEntities = false; private $currentOffset = 0; private $line = 1; private $xmlRegexes; private function addWarning($message, $line) { $this->warnings[] = new Error($message . " (line " . $line . ")"); } private function addFatalError($message, $line) { $this->errors[] = new Error($message . " (line " . $line . ")"); } private function isNameValid($name) { return preg_match("#" . $this->xmlRegexes->Name . "#u", $name) === 1; } private function isNmTokenValid($nmToken) { return preg_match("#" . $this->xmlRegexes->NmToken . "#u", $nmToken) === 1; } private function findNonspace($text, $startAt, $length) { $index = $startAt; while ($index < $length) { $mbCharacter = substr($text, $index, 1); if ($mbCharacter === ' ' || $mbCharacter === "\t") { $index++; } else if ($mbCharacter === "\n") { $this->line++; $index++; } else { return $index; } } return false; } /** * The string given is split by whitespace into individual words, with the following exceptions: * 1. A quote (") open a quoted string which is put into a single token even if it includes whitespaces or apostrophes. This token is ended by the next quote ("). * 2. The same goes for apostrophe (') except that apostrophe ends the token and quotes inside are not recognized. * In both of the cases above, the quotes or apostrophes are put into a single, separate tokens. * 3. An opening parenthesis ('(') forces a different mode where tokens are separated by whitespace and the '|' character as in the enumeration or notation attribute type definition in DTD. If two words inside are separated only by whitespace but not by '|', the tokenization fails. * Some other caveats apply. Sorry for not detailing them here. * @param string $string The string to split into tokens. * @param string $tokenizationErrorMessage Out-parameter. If tokenization fails, this is filled with the reason. * @return string[]|bool An array of string tokens if tokenization is successful; false otherwise. */ private function tokenize($string, &$tokenizationErrorMessage) { $length = strlen($string); $tokens = []; $outerQuote = false; $constructingWord = ""; $afterWhitespace = false; $prohibitNonTerminalInsideParentheses = false; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $char = $string[$i]; switch($char) { case "\t": case "\n": case " ": if ($constructingWord !== "" && $outerQuote === false) { $tokens[] = $constructingWord; $constructingWord = ""; } else if ($outerQuote !== false) { if ($outerQuote === "(") { if ($constructingWord !== "") { if ($prohibitNonTerminalInsideParentheses) { // Inside an enum, this was done: "( A B | C)" which is prohibited $tokenizationErrorMessage = "Inside an enumeration, values must be separated by the '|' character, not by whitespace."; return false; } $tokens[] = $constructingWord; $constructingWord = ""; $prohibitNonTerminalInsideParentheses = true; } } else { $constructingWord .= $char; } } $afterWhitespace = true; break; case "|": $afterWhitespace = false; if ($outerQuote === "(") { if ($constructingWord !== "") { if ($prohibitNonTerminalInsideParentheses) { // Inside an enum, this was done: "( A B | C)" which is prohibited $tokenizationErrorMessage = "Inside an enumeration, values must be separated by the '|' character, not by whitespace."; return false; } $tokens[] = $constructingWord; $constructingWord = ""; } $tokens[] = "|"; $prohibitNonTerminalInsideParentheses = false; } else { $constructingWord .= "|"; } break; case "(": $afterWhitespace = false; if ($outerQuote === false) { $tokens[] = "("; $outerQuote = "("; $prohibitNonTerminalInsideParentheses = false; } else { $constructingWord .= "("; } break; case ")": $afterWhitespace = false; if ($outerQuote === false) { // This character should not be anywhere on its own. $tokenizationErrorMessage = "The ')' character is illegal here."; return false; } else if ($outerQuote === '(') { if ($constructingWord !== "") { $tokens[] = $constructingWord; $constructingWord = ""; } $tokens[] = ")"; $outerQuote = false; } else { $constructingWord .= ")"; } break; case "'": case '"': if ($outerQuote === false && $afterWhitespace === true) { $tokens[] = $char; $outerQuote = $char; } else if ($outerQuote !== false) { if ($outerQuote === $char) { $tokens[] = $constructingWord; $tokens[] = $char; $constructingWord = ""; $outerQuote = false; } else { $constructingWord .= $char; } } else { $tokenizationErrorMessage = "Quotes must only appear after whitespace in this context."; return false; } $afterWhitespace = false; break; default: $constructingWord .= $char; $afterWhitespace = false; break; } } if ($constructingWord !== "") { $tokens[] = $constructingWord; } return $tokens; } private function startsWith($haystack, $needle) { $length = strlen($needle); return (substr($haystack, 0, $length) === $needle); } private function evaluatePEReferencesIn($text, $peStyle) { $matches = []; while (preg_match('#(("[^"]*")|(\'[^\']*\')|[^\'"])*%([^;]*);#', $text, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE) === 1) { $entityBeginsAt = $matches[4][1] - 1; $entityEndsBefore = $matches[4][1] + strlen($matches[4][0])+1; $entityName = $matches[4][0]; if (array_key_exists($entityName, $this->parameterEntities)) { $replacementText = $this->parameterEntities[$entityName]->replacementText; switch($peStyle) { case Internal\PEStyle::IgnoreQuotedText: case Internal\PEStyle::MatchingParentheses: // TODO matching parentheses do not work // The two spaces are mandated by specification to disallow funny stuff $text = substr($text, 0, $entityBeginsAt) . " " . $replacementText . " " . substr($text, $entityEndsBefore); break; case Internal\PEStyle::InEntityDeclaration: // Included in literal. $text = substr($text, 0, $entityBeginsAt) . $replacementText . substr($text, $entityEndsBefore); break; default: trigger_error("Bad peStyle argument.", E_ERROR); break; } } else { $this->addFatalError("Parameter entity '" . $entityName . "' is used, but not defined.", $this->line); return $text; } } return $text; } private function parseGlobalPEReference($referenceText) { $this->addFatalError("The parameter entity '" . $referenceText . "' is not yet declared.", $this->line); } private function parseQuotedString($tokens, $index) { if ($index + 2 >= count($tokens)) { $this->addFatalError("End of declaration reached while trying to parse a quoted string.", $this->line); return false; } $firstQuote = $tokens[$index]; $middle = $tokens[$index+1]; $lastQuote = $tokens[$index+2]; if ($firstQuote !== "'" && $firstQuote !== '"') { $this->addFatalError("A quotation mark or apostrophe was expected but '" . $firstQuote . "' is present instead.", $this->line); } if ($firstQuote !== $lastQuote) { $this->addFatalError("Quotes must match at the ends of each quoted string.", $this->line); return false; } return $middle; } private function parseExternalIdentifier($tokens, $index) { $identifier = $this->parseQuotedString($tokens, $index); return $identifier; } private function parseElement($declaration) { $declaration = $this->evaluatePEReferencesIn($declaration, Internal\PEStyle::MatchingParentheses); $tokens = array_values(array_filter(preg_split("/\s+/", $declaration))); if (count($tokens) === 0) { $this->addFatalError("An <!ELEMENT> declaration must have a type name.", $this->line); return; } $name = $tokens[0]; if (!$this->isNameValid($name)) { $this->addFatalError("'{$name}' is not a valid element name.'", $this->line); } $contentspec = false; $isMixed = false; if (count($tokens) === 1) { $this->addFatalError("'{$name}' does not have content type specified.", $this->line); } else if (count($tokens) === 2) { if ($tokens[1] === "ANY") { $contentspec = "ANY"; } else if ($tokens[1] === "EMPTY") { $contentspec = "EMPTY"; } } if ($contentspec === false) { array_shift($tokens); $contentspec = implode("", $tokens); $contentspec = str_replace(" ", "", $contentspec); $contentspec = str_replace("\t", "", $contentspec); $contentspec = str_replace("\n", "", $contentspec); $isMixed = $this->startsWith($contentspec, "(#PCDATA"); // TODO verify legality of children regex } if (array_key_exists($name, $this->elements)) { if ($this->elements[$name]->contentSpecification === Element::CONTENT_SPECIFICATION_NOT_GIVEN) { $this->elements[$name]->contentSpecification = $contentspec; $this->elements[$name]->mixed = $isMixed; } else { $this->addFatalError("This element ('{$name}') was already declared.", $this->line); } return; } else { $this->elements[$name] = new Element($name, $contentspec, $isMixed); } } private function parseAttlist($markupDeclaration) { $markupDeclaration = $this->evaluatePEReferencesIn($markupDeclaration, Internal\PEStyle::IgnoreQuotedText); $tokens = $this->tokenize($markupDeclaration, $tokenizationError); if ($tokens === false) { $this->addFatalError("ATTLIST declaration could not be tokenized: " . $tokenizationError, $this->line); return; } if (count($tokens) === 0) { $this->addFatalError("An <!ATTLIST> declaration must have a type name.", $this->line); return; } $elementType = $tokens[0]; if (!$this->isNameValid($elementType)) { $this->addFatalError("'{$elementType}' is not a valid element name.'", $this->line); } $tokenId = 1; $attributeName = false; $attributeType = false; $attributeEnumeration = []; $attributeDefaultValue = false; $attributeDefaultType = false; $state = Internal\AttlistMode::NeedName; while ($tokenId < count($tokens)) { $token = $tokens[$tokenId]; if ($state === Internal\AttlistMode::NeedName) { if (!$this->isNameValid($token)) { $this->addFatalError("'{$token}' is not a valid attribute name.'", $this->line); } $attributeName = $token; $state = Internal\AttlistMode::NeedAttType; } else if ($state === Internal\AttlistMode::NeedAttType) { $state = Internal\AttlistMode::NeedDefaultDecl; switch($token) { case "CDATA": case "ID": case "IDREF": case "IDREFS": case "ENTITY": case "ENTITIES": case "NMTOKEN": case "NMTOKENS": $attributeType = $token; break; case "(": $attributeType = Attribute::ATTTYPE_ENUMERATION; $state = Internal\AttlistMode::InsideEnumeration_NeedValue; break; case "NOTATION": $attributeType = Attribute::ATTTYPE_NOTATION; // TODO validity checks $state = Internal\AttlistMode::AfterNOTATION; break; default: $this->addFatalError("The attribute '" . $attributeName . "' has a declared type that does not exist.", $this->line); break; } } else if ($state === Internal\AttlistMode::InsideEnumeration_NeedValue) { if (!$this->isNmTokenValid($token)) { $this->addFatalError("An enumerated type must only have NMTOKENs as possible values.", $this->line); return; } $attributeEnumeration[] = $token; $state = Internal\AttlistMode::InsideEnumeration_NeedSeparator; } else if ($state === Internal\AttlistMode::InsideEnumeration_NeedSeparator) { if ($token === "|") { $state = Internal\AttlistMode::InsideEnumeration_NeedValue; } else if ($token === ")") { $state = Internal\AttlistMode::NeedDefaultDecl; } else { $this->addFatalError("In the attribute '{$attributeName}' enumeration, the token '|' or ')' was expected.", $this->line); } } else if ($state === Internal\AttlistMode::AfterNOTATION) { if ($token === "(") { $state = Internal\AttlistMode::InsideEnumeration_NeedValue; } else { $this->addFatalError("The attribute '" . $attributeName . "' is declared NOTATION but misses a notations enumeration.", $this->line); } } else if ($state === Internal\AttlistMode::NeedDefaultDecl) { switch($token) { case "#REQUIRED": case "#IMPLIED": $attributeDefaultValue = ""; $attributeDefaultType = $token; break; case "#FIXED": $attributeDefaultType = "#FIXED"; if ($tokenId + 3 < count($tokens)) { if (($tokens[$tokenId+1] === "'" && $tokens[$tokenId+3] === "'") || ($tokens[$tokenId+1] === '"' && $tokens[$tokenId+3] === '"')) { // Parameter entities should not be expanded here. $attributeDefaultValue = $tokens[$tokenId+2]; } else { $this->addFatalError("The attribute '" . $attributeName . "' has an #FIXED declaration.", $this->line); } $tokenId+=3; } else { $this->addFatalError("The attribute '" . $attributeName . "' has a #FIXED declaration, but its default value is not provided.", $this->line); } break; case "'": case '"': $attributeDefaultType = Attribute::DEFAULT_IMPLICIT_DEFAULT; if ($tokenId + 2 < count($tokens)) { if ($tokens[$tokenId+2] === $token) { // Parameter entities should not be expanded here. $attributeDefaultValue = $tokens[$tokenId+1]; } else { $this->addFatalError("The attribute '" . $attributeName . "' starts quoting a default value, but does not finish this quotation.", $this->line); } $tokenId += 2; } else { $this->addFatalError("The attribute '" . $attributeName . "' starts a default value declaration, but does not finish it.", $this->line); } break; default: $this->addFatalError("The attribute '" . $attributeName . "' has an invalid DefaultDeclaration.", $this->line); break; } $attributeCreated = new Attribute($attributeName, $attributeType, $attributeDefaultType, $attributeDefaultValue, $attributeEnumeration); if (!array_key_exists($elementType, $this->elements)) { $this->elements[$elementType] = new Element($elementType, Element::CONTENT_SPECIFICATION_NOT_GIVEN, false); } if (array_key_exists($attributeName, $this->elements[$elementType]->attributes)) { // At user option, for interopability, the XML processor may issue a warning. // This processor chooses not to issue it. At any rate, we must keep the previous definition. } else { $this->elements[$elementType]->attributes[$attributeName] = $attributeCreated; } $attributeName = false; $attributeDefaultType = false; $attributeDefaultValue = false; $attributeEnumeration = false; $attributeType = false; $state = Internal\AttlistMode::NeedName; } $tokenId++; } if ($attributeName !== false) { $this->addFatalError("An attribute definition inside the ATTLIST was not completed.", $this->line); } } private function parseNotation($markupDeclaration) { $markupDeclaration = $this->evaluatePEReferencesIn($markupDeclaration, Internal\PEStyle::IgnoreQuotedText); $tokens = $this->tokenize($markupDeclaration, $tokenizationError); if ($tokens === false) { $this->addFatalError("Notation declaration could not be tokenized: " . $tokenizationError, $this->line); return; } if (count($tokens) === 5 || count($tokens) === 8) { $error = false; $name = $tokens[0]; if (!$this->isNameValid($name)) { $this->addFatalError("'" . $name . "' is not a valid NOTATION name.", $this->line); return; } $externalIDType = $tokens[1]; $systemId = ""; $publicId = ""; if ($tokens[2] !== $tokens[4]) { $error = true; } if ($tokens[2] !== "'" && $tokens[2] !== '"') { $error = true; } if ($externalIDType !== "PUBLIC" && $externalIDType !== "SYSTEM") { $this->addFatalError("Notations must be either PUBLIC or SYSTEM.", $this->line); return; } if ($externalIDType === "SYSTEM") { $systemId = $tokens[3]; } if ($externalIDType === "PUBLIC") { $publicId = $tokens[3]; } if (count($tokens) === 8) { if ($tokens[5] !== $tokens[7]) { $error = true; } if ($tokens[5] !== "'" && $tokens[5] !== '"') { $error = true; } $systemId = $tokens[6]; if ($externalIDType !== "PUBLIC") { $this->addFatalError("A public identifier was provided even thought the notation is not declared PUBLIC.", $this->line); return; } } if ($error) { $this->addFatalError("External ID's in '" . $markupDeclaration . "' are not properly quoted.", $this->line); return; } $notation = new Notation($name, $systemId, $publicId); if (array_key_exists($name, $this->notations)) { $this->addFatalError("Notation '" . $name . "' is already declared.", $this->line); return; } $this->notations[$name] = $notation; } else { $this->addFatalError("'" . $markupDeclaration . "' is not a well-formed NOTATION declaration.", $this->line); } } private function parseEntityDeclaration($markupDeclaration) { $tokenizationError = ""; $markupDeclaration = $this->evaluatePEReferencesIn($markupDeclaration, Internal\PEStyle::IgnoreQuotedText); $tokens = $this->tokenize($markupDeclaration, $tokenizationError); if ($tokens === false) { $this->addFatalError("Entity declaration could not be tokenized: " . $tokenizationError, $this->line); return; } if (count($tokens) < 4) { $this->addFatalError("'" . $markupDeclaration . "' is not a well-formed ENTITY declaration.", $this->line); return; } $tokenId = 0; $isParametric = false; $isExternal = false; $publicIdentifier = false; $systemIdentifier = false; $notation = false; if ($tokens[$tokenId] === "%") { $isParametric = true; $tokenId++; } $name = $tokens[$tokenId]; $tokenId++; if (!$this->isNameValid($name)) { $this->addFatalError("'" . $name . "' is not a valid ENTITY name.", $this->line); return; } if ($tokens[$tokenId] === "SYSTEM" || $tokens[$tokenId] === "PUBLIC") { if ($tokens[$tokenId] === "SYSTEM") { if ($tokenId + 3 <= count($tokens) - 1) { if ($tokens[$tokenId + 1] === $tokens[$tokenId + 3]) { if ($tokens[$tokenId + 1 ] === "'" || $tokens[$tokenId + 1] === '"') { $systemIdentifier = $tokens[$tokenId + 2]; } else { $this->addFatalError("'" . $markupDeclaration . "' is not a well-formed SYSTEM external ENTITY because its SystemId was not properly quoted.", $this->line); return; } } else { $this->addFatalError("'" . $markupDeclaration . "' is not a well-formed SYSTEM external ENTITY because its SystemId quotes do not match.", $this->line); return; } } else { $this->addFatalError("'" . $markupDeclaration . "' is not a well-formed SYSTEM external ENTITY because it could not be properly tokenized.", $this->line); return; } $tokenId += 4; } else // Public identifier { $tokenId++; $publicIdentifier = $this->parseExternalIdentifier($tokens, $tokenId); if ($publicIdentifier === false) { $this->addFatalError("Parsing the public identifier of '" . $markupDeclaration . "' failed.", $this->line); return; } $tokenId += 3; $systemIdentifier = $this->parseExternalIdentifier($tokens, $tokenId); if ($publicIdentifier === false) { $this->addFatalError("Parsing the system identifier of '" . $markupDeclaration . "' failed.", $this->line); return; } $tokenId += 3; } $replacementText = ""; $isExternal = true; if ($tokenId < count($tokens)) { if ($tokens[$tokenId] === "NDATA") { $tokenId++; if ($tokenId === count($tokens)-1) { $notation = $tokens[$tokenId]; $tokenId++; if (!$this->isNameValid($notation)) { $this->addFatalError("In a general entity declaration, NDATA was followed by '" . $notation . "' which is not a Name.", $this->line); return; } if (!array_key_exists($notation, $this->notations)) { $this->addFatalError("An ENTITY declaration refers to the notation '" . $notation . "' which is not yet declared.", $this->line); return; } if ($isParametric) { $this->addFatalError("Parametric entities may not have an NDATA specifier.", $this->line); return; } } else { $this->addFatalError("In a general entity declaration, the keyword NDATA must be followed by a Name only. It is followed by something else, however.", $this->line); return; } } else { $this->addFatalError("NDATA or end of entity declaration expected", $this->line); return; } } if ($this->shouldLoadExternalEntities) { if (file_exists($systemIdentifier)) { $externalContent = file_get_contents($systemIdentifier); if ($externalContent !== false) { $this->addWarning("This DTD parser is not programmed to parse additional external entities.", $this->line); } else { $this->addWarning("An external parameter entity is declared but reading from the file given by system identifier failed.", $this->file); } } else { $this->addWarning("An external parameter entity is declared but its system identifier does not point to a file.", $this->line); } } } else if ($tokens[$tokenId] === "'" || $tokens[$tokenId] === '"') { if ($tokens[$tokenId] === $tokens[$tokenId+2] && count($tokens) === $tokenId+3) { $replacementText = $tokens[$tokenId+1]; $replacementText = $this->evaluatePEReferencesIn($replacementText, Internal\PEStyle::InEntityDeclaration); if (strpos($replacementText, "%") !== false) { $this->addFatalError("Entities cannot contain the character '%' unless as part of a parameter entity reference.", $this->line); return; } $tokenId += 3; } else { $this->addFatalError("'" . $markupDeclaration . "' is not a well-formed ENTITY because it contains additional illegal markup.", $this->line); return; } } else { $this->addFatalError("'" . $markupDeclaration . "' is not a well-formed ENTITY.", $this->line); return; } if ($tokenId !== count($tokens)) { $this->addFatalError("'" . $markupDeclaration . "' contains additional illegal tokens near the end.", $this->line); return; } if ($isParametric) { if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->parameterEntities)) { // We could issue a warning (at user option), but we must not issue an error. $this->parameterEntities[$name] = new ParameterEntity($name, $replacementText, $isExternal, $systemIdentifier, $publicIdentifier); } } else { if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->generalEntities)) { $this->generalEntities[$name] = new GeneralEntity($name, $replacementText, $isExternal, $systemIdentifier, $publicIdentifier, $notation); } } } private function parseMarkupDeclaration($markupDeclaration) { if ($this->startsWith($markupDeclaration, "<!ELEMENT ") || $this->startsWith($markupDeclaration, "<!ELEMENT\n") || $this->startsWith($markupDeclaration, "<!ELEMENT\t")) $this->parseElement(substr($markupDeclaration, strlen("<!ELEMENT "), -1)); else if ($this->startsWith($markupDeclaration, "<!ATTLIST ")|| $this->startsWith($markupDeclaration, "<!ATTLIST\n") || $this->startsWith($markupDeclaration, "<!ATTLIST\t")) $this->parseAttlist(substr($markupDeclaration, strlen("<!ATTLIST "), -1)); else if ($this->startsWith($markupDeclaration, "<!NOTATION ")|| $this->startsWith($markupDeclaration, "<!NOTATION\n") || $this->startsWith($markupDeclaration, "<!NOTATION\t")) $this->parseNotation(substr($markupDeclaration, strlen("<!NOTATION "), -1)); else if ($this->startsWith($markupDeclaration, "<!ENTITY ")|| $this->startsWith($markupDeclaration, "<!ENTITY\n") || $this->startsWith($markupDeclaration, "<!ENTITY\t")) $this->parseEntityDeclaration(substr($markupDeclaration, strlen("<!ENTITY "), -1)); else { $this->addFatalError("This declaration type does not exist (only ELEMENT, ATTLIST, NOTATION and ENTITY are possible.", $this->line); } } private function parseProcessingInstruction($processingInstruction) { $split = explode(' ', $processingInstruction, 2); if (count($split) !== 2) { $this->addFatalError("This processing instruction does not have a target.", $this->line); return; } if (!$this->isNameValid($split[0])) { $this->addFatalError("The target of a processing instruction must be a Name.", $this->line); return; } $this->processingInstructions = new ProcessingInstruction($split[0], $split[1]); } private function parseGlobalSpace($text, $isInternalSubset) { $this->line = 1; $this->currentOffset = 0; $includeSectionsOpened = 0; $ignoreSectionsOpened = 0; // 1. Normalize end-of-lines as per unicode spec $text = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $text); // Quotes necessary, with apostrophes, it would not work. $text = str_replace("\r", "\n", $text); // Quotes necessary, with apostrophes, it would not work. // str_replace only counts a \n as a newline if it is within // quotes. // 2. Remove comments // TODO save comments $text = preg_replace('/<!--(([^-])|(-[^-]))*-->/', '', $text); $length = strlen($text); // 3. Go through the text, searching for // a) %ref; Parameter entity reference. // b) <!ELEMENT Name TextNoGt> // c) <!ATTLIST Name TextNoGt> // d) <!ENTITY (%) Name SYSTEMLITERALCONTAINSGT> // e) <!NOTATION Name SYSTEMLITERALCONTAINSGT> // f) <![ INCLUDE [ ]]> // g) <![ IGNORE [ ]]> // h) <!-- causes error, it should have been removed $this->currentOffset = $this->findNonspace($text, $this->currentOffset, $length); while ($this->currentOffset !== false) { if (substr($text, $this->currentOffset, 3) === "]]>") { if ($ignoreSectionsOpened > 0) { $ignoreSectionsOpened--; } else if ($includeSectionsOpened > 0) { $includeSectionsOpened--; } else { $this->addFatalError("The token ']]>' does not close any conditional section at this position.", $this->line); } $this->currentOffset += 3; } else if (substr($text, $this->currentOffset, 3) === "<![") { if ($isInternalSubset) { $this->addFatalError("Internal subsets cannot contain conditional sections.", $this->line); } if ($ignoreSectionsOpened > 0) { $ignoreSectionsOpened++; $this->currentOffset += 3; } else { // This is a conditional section. $nextOpeningBrace = strpos($text, "[", $this->currentOffset + 3); if ($nextOpeningBrace === false) { $this->addFatalError("The conditional section is missing its second opening bracket.", $this->line); break; } $includeOrIgnore = substr($text, $this->currentOffset + 3, $nextOpeningBrace - $this->currentOffset - 3); $includeOrIgnore = trim($this->evaluatePEReferencesIn($includeOrIgnore, Internal\PEStyle::IgnoreQuotedText)); if ($includeOrIgnore === "INCLUDE") { $includeSectionsOpened++; $this->currentOffset = $nextOpeningBrace+1; } else if ($includeOrIgnore === "IGNORE") { $ignoreSectionsOpened++; $this->currentOffset = $nextOpeningBrace+1; } else { $this->addFatalError("The marked section was neither INCLUDE nor IGNORE. No other marked sections are allowed in a DTD.", $this->line); $this->currentOffset = $nextOpeningBrace + 1; } } } elseif ($ignoreSectionsOpened == 0) { if (substr($text, $this->currentOffset, 1) === "%") { // This is a parameter-entity reference. $endingColon = strpos($text, ";", $this->currentOffset+1); if ($endingColon === false) { $this->addFatalError("The parameter entity reference is not finished.", $this->line); break; } else { $PEReferenceText = substr($text, $this->currentOffset+1, $endingColon - $this->currentOffset -1); $this->parseGlobalPEReference($PEReferenceText); $this->line += substr_count($PEReferenceText, "\n"); $this->currentOffset = $endingColon+1; } } else if (substr($text, $this->currentOffset, 4) === "<!--") { $this->addFatalError("The comment contained two consecutive dashes '--' which is not permitted. Perhaps your file contained nested comments?", $this->line); break; } else if (substr($text, $this->currentOffset, 2) === "<!") { // This is a declaration. $tagBeginsAt = $this->currentOffset; $inQuotes = false; $inApostrophes = false; $this->currentOffset += 2; $index = $this->currentOffset+2; $tagEndsAt = false; while ($this->currentOffset < $length) { $character = substr($text, $this->currentOffset, 1); if ($character === "'") { if (!$inQuotes) { $inApostrophes = !$inApostrophes;} } else if ($character === '"') { if (!$inApostrophes) { $inQuotes = !$inQuotes; } } else if ($character === '>') { if (!$inApostrophes && !$inQuotes) { $tagEndsAt = $this->currentOffset; $this->currentOffset++; break; } } $this->currentOffset++; } if ($tagEndsAt === false) { $this->addFatalError("The markup declaration is not finished.", $this->line); break; } else { $markupDeclaration = substr($text, $tagBeginsAt, $tagEndsAt - $tagBeginsAt+1); $this->parseMarkupDeclaration($markupDeclaration); $this->line += substr_count($markupDeclaration, "\n"); } } else if (substr($text, $this->currentOffset, 2) === "<?") { $endAt = strpos($text, "?>", $this->currentOffset + 2); if ($endAt === false) { $this->addFatalError("The processing instruction is not finished.", $this->line); break; } $processing_instruction = substr($text, $this->currentOffset, $endAt - $this->currentOffset + 2); $this->parseProcessingInstruction($processing_instruction); $this->line += substr_count($processing_instruction, "\n"); $this->currentOffset = $endAt+2; } else if (substr($text, $this->currentOffset, 1) === "<") { // This is a declaration. $this->addFatalError("The character '<' here must be immediately followed by '!' or '?'." , $this->line); break; } else { $character = substr($text, $this->currentOffset, 1); $this->addFatalError("The character '" . $character . "' is not permitted here (only '%', '< !' and '< ?' and possibly ']]>' are permitted)." , $this->line); break; } } else { $this->currentOffset++; } // Find next character. $this->currentOffset = $this->findNonspace($text, $this->currentOffset, $length); } if ($includeSectionsOpened > 0 || $ignoreSectionsOpened > 0) { $this->addFatalError("A conditional section was not closed by the end of the DTD.", $this->line); } } private function __construct($text, $internalSubset) { $this->xmlRegexes = new Internal\XmlRegexes(); $this->parseGlobalSpace($internalSubset, true); $this->parseGlobalSpace($text, false); } /** * Parse the text given as though it were part of a .dtd file and return an \Aurora\DTD instance, even if * parsing fails. * @param string $text UTF-8 text to parse * @param string $internalSubset optionally, parse this XML internal subset in addition to the main DTD text given as the first parameter * @return DTD Object representing the parsed DTD document. */ public static function parseText($text, $internalSubset = "") { $dtd = new DTD($text, $internalSubset); return $dtd; } } /** * Represents an XML notation declaration * @link */ class Notation { /** * @var string Notation name */ public $name = ""; /** * @var string Public ID or an empty string if there is no public ID */ public $publicID = ""; /** * @var string System ID (mandatory) */ public $systemID = ""; public function __construct($name, $systemID, $publicID) { $this->name =$name; $this->systemID = $systemID; $this->publicID = $publicID; } } class Attribute { const ATTTYPE_CDATA = "CDATA"; const ATTTYPE_ID = "ID"; const ATTTYPE_IDREF = "IDREF"; const ATTTYPE_IDREFS = "IDREFS"; const ATTTYPE_ENTITY = "ENTITY"; const ATTTYPE_ENTITIES = "ENTITIES"; const ATTTYPE_NMTOKEN = "NMTOKEN"; const ATTTYPE_NMTOKENS = "NMTOKENS"; const ATTTYPE_ENUMERATION = "##ENUMERATION_INTERNAL_IDENTIFIER##"; const ATTTYPE_NOTATION = "NOTATION"; const DEFAULT_REQUIRED = "#REQUIRED"; const DEFAULT_IMPLIED = "#IMPLIED"; const DEFAULT_FIXED = "#FIXED"; const DEFAULT_IMPLICIT_DEFAULT = "##DEFAULT_VALUE_IF_EMPTY_INTERNAL_IDENTIFIER##"; public $name; public $type; public $enumeration = array(); public $defaultType; public $defaultValue; /** * @param $name * @param $type * @param $defaultType * @param $defaultValue * @param array $enumeration */ public function __construct($name, $type, $defaultType, $defaultValue, $enumeration = false) { $this->name = $name; $this->enumeration = $enumeration; $this->type = $type; $this->defaultType = $defaultType; $this->defaultValue = $defaultValue; } } class ProcessingInstruction { /** * @var string */ public $target; /** * @var string */ public $data; public function __construct($target, $data) { $this->target = $target; $this->data = $data; } } class Element { const CONTENT_SPECIFICATION_ANY = "ANY"; const CONTENT_SPECIFICATION_EMPTY = "EMPTY"; const CONTENT_SPECIFICATION_NOT_GIVEN = false; /** * @var boolean */ public $mixed; /** * @var string */ public $type = ""; /** * @var string */ public $contentSpecification = Element::CONTENT_SPECIFICATION_NOT_GIVEN; /** * @var Attribute[] */ public $attributes = array(); public function __construct($type, $contentModel, $mixed) { $this->mixed = $mixed; $this->type = $type; $this->contentSpecification = $contentModel; } public function isMixed() { return $this->mixed; } public function isPureText() { return $this->contentSpecification === "(#PCDATA)"; } } class GeneralEntity { /** * @var string */ public $name = ""; /** * @var string */ public $replacementText = ""; /** * @var string */ public $notation = false; /** * @var bool */ public $external = false; /** * @var string */ public $systemId = false; /** * @var string */ public $publicId = false; public function __construct($name, $replacementText, $external, $systemId, $publicId, $notation) { $this->name = $name; $this->replacementText = $replacementText; $this->notation = $notation; $this->external = $external; $this->systemId = $systemId; $this->publicId = $publicId; } } class ParameterEntity { /** * @var string */ public $name = ""; /** * @var string */ public $replacementText = ""; /** * @var bool */ public $external = false; /** * @var string */ public $systemId = false; /** * @var string */ public $publicId = false; public function __construct($name, $replacementText, $external, $systemId, $publicId) { $this->name = $name; $this->replacementText = $replacementText; $this->external = $external; $this->systemId = $systemId; $this->publicId = $publicId; } } class Error { private $message; public function getMessage() { return $this->message; } public function __construct($message) { $this->message = $message; } } namespace Soothsilver\DtdParser\Internal; /** * Contains regular expressions for various productions in the XML specification * @package Soothsilver\DtdParser\Internal */ class XmlRegexes { public $NameChar; public $NameStartChar; public $Name; public $NmToken; public function __construct() { $this->NameChar = "[:A-Z_a-z\\-.0-9\\xC0-\\xD6\\xD8-\\xF6\\xF8-\\x{2FF}\\x{370}-\\x{37D}\\x{37F}-\\x{1FFF}\\x{200C}-\\x{200D}\\x{2070}-\\x{218F}\\x{2C00}-\\x{2FEF}\\x{3001}-\\x{D7FF}\\x{F900}-\\x{FDCF}\\x{FDF0}-\\x{FFFD}\\x{10000}-\\x{EFFFF}]"; $this->NameStartChar = "[:A-Z_a-z\-.0-9\\xB7\\xC0-\\xD6\\xD8-\\xF6\\xF8-\\x{37D}\\x{37F}-\\x{1FFF}\\x{200C}-\\x{200D}\\x{203F}-\\x{2040}\\x{2070}-\\x{218F}\\x{2C00}-\\x{2FEF}\\x{3001}-\\x{D7FF}\\x{F900}-\\x{FDCF}\\x{FDF0}-\\x{FFFD}\\x{10000}-\\x{EFFFF}]"; $this->Name = "{$this->NameStartChar}{$this->NameChar}*"; $this->NmToken = "{$this->NameChar}+"; } } /** * Represents the parser state during the parsing of an ATTLIST declaration * @package Soothsilver\DtdParser\Internal */ abstract class AttlistMode { const NeedName = 0; const NeedAttType = 1; const AfterNOTATION = 2; const InsideEnumeration_NeedValue = 3; const NeedDefaultDecl = 4; const InsideEnumeration_NeedSeparator = 5; } /** * Represents the state of the parser that determines what should be done about parameter entities found. * @package Soothsilver\DtdParser\Internal */ abstract class PEStyle { const IgnoreQuotedText = 0; const MatchingParentheses = 1; const InEntityDeclaration = 2; } /** * Represents the parser state. * @package Soothsilver\DtdParser\Internal */ abstract class TokenizeMode { const Attlist = 0; const EntityDeclaration = 1; const NotationDeclaration = 2; }