DownloadSoothsilver PHP DTD Parser
This is a DTD parser contained a single PHP file that aims to be compliant to the full XML specification. The traditional method of reading XML files in PHP is to use the built-in functions based on libxml2. However, these do not allow you to read and parse Document Type Definition (DTD) files, they only tell you if the DTD is well-formed or not.
With this library, you can parse a DTD file and extract from it general and parameter entities, notations, element definitions and their attribute definitions and also processing instructions.
Print all declared entities
$dtd = \Soothsilver\DtdParser\DTD::parseText(file_get_contents("mydtd.dtd"));
foreach($dtd->generalEntities as $entity)
echo $entity->Name . ": " . $entity->replacementText . "\n";
foreach($dtd->parameterEntities as $entity)
echo $entity->Name . ": " . $entity->replacementText . "\n";
Installation instruction
You can either install this parser via Composer. The package name is soothsilver/dtd-parser . Use the following composer.json file to require it: {
"require" : {
"soothsilver/dtd-parser" : "dev-master"
Alternatively, you may simply include or require the only file this parser is made of: require_once __DIR__ . 'SoothsilverDtdParser.php';