* sync*gw SpamBot Bundle
* @copyright https://syncgw.com, 2013 - 2022
* @author Florian Daeumling, https://syncgw.com
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html
// back end modules
$GLOBALS['BE_MOD']['accounts']['SpamBot'] = [
'tables' => [ 'tl_spambot' ],
// 'icon' => 'bundles/spambot/images/spambot.png',
'checkIP' => [ 'tl_spambot', 'checkIP' ],
'checkMail' => [ 'tl_spambot', 'checkMail' ],
'clearTab' => [ 'tl_spambot', 'clearTab' ],
'showLoad' => [ 'tl_spambot', 'showLoad' ],
// front end modules
$GLOBALS['FE_MOD']['user']['SpamBot-IP'] = 'syncgw\SpamBotBundle\Module\SpamBotIP';
$GLOBALS['FE_MOD']['user']['SpamBot-Mail'] = 'syncgw\SpamBotBundle\Module\SpamBotMail';
if (TL_MODE === 'BE') {
$GLOBALS['TL_CSS'][] = 'bundles/spambot/css/spambot_be.css';
} else {
$GLOBALS['TL_CSS'][] = 'bundles/spambot/css/spambot_fe.css';
// ensure only error message is display
$GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['parseFrontendTemplate'][] = [ 'syncgw\SpamBotBundle\Module\SpamBotMod', 'clearTemplate' ];
// insert tag replacement
$GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['replaceInsertTags'][] = [ 'syncgw\SpamBotBundle\Module\SpamBotMod', 'replaceInsertTag' ];
// validate email text fields - need to do it this way, because else we wont catch comment e-mails
$GLOBALS['TL_FFL']['text'] = 'syncgw\SpamBotBundle\Module\SpamBotTextField';
$GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['addCustomRegexp'][] = [ 'syncgw\SpamBotBundle\Module\SpamBotMod', 'checkMail' ];
// Spam engines
$GLOBALS['SpamBot']['Engines'] = [
'Intern' => [
'HomePage' => 'Intern',
'CheckIP' => 'Intern',
'CheckMail' => 'Intern',
'Spamhaus' => [
'DNSBL' => '.zen.spamhaus.org',
'HomePage' => '<a class="spambot_link" href="http://www.spamhaus.org" target="_blank">Spamhaus</a>',
'CheckIP' => '<a class="spambot_link" href="http://www.spamhaus.org/query/bl?ip=%s" target="_blank">Spamhaus</a>',
'Codes' => [
'' => 'Block List (<a class="spambot_link" href="http://www.spamhaus.org/sbl/" target="_blank">SBL</a>)',
'' => 'CSS Block List (<a class="spambot_link" href="http://www.spamhaus.org/css/" target="_blank">CSS</a>)',
'' => 'Exploits Block List (<a class="spambot_link" href="http://www.spamhaus.org/xbl/" target="_blank">XBL</a>)',
'' => 'ISP Policy Block List (<a class="spambot_link" href="http://www.spamhaus.org/pbl/" target="_blank">PBL</a>)',
'' => 'Policy Block List (<a class="spambot_link" href="http://www.spamhaus.org/pbl/" target="_blank">PBL</a>)',
'Spam' => [
'', '', '', '127.0.1.*', '127.0.0.*',
'Honeypot' => [
'DNSBL' => '.dnsbl.httpbl.org',
'HomePage' => '<a class="spambot_link" href="https://www.projecthoneypot.org" target="_blank">Honeypot</a>',
'CheckIP' => '<a class="spambot_link" href="https://www.projecthoneypot.org/ip_%s" target="_blank">Honeypot</a>',
'StopForumSpam' => [
'HomePage' => '<a class="spambot_link" href="http://www.stopforumspam.com" target="_blank">StopForumSpam</a>',
'CheckIP' => '<a class="spambot_link" href="http://www.stopforumspam.com/ipcheck/%s" target="_blank">StopForumSpam</a>',
'CheckMail' => '<a class="spambot_link" href="http://www.stopforumspam.com/search/%s" target="_blank">StopForumSpam</a>',
'SORBS' => [
'DNSBL' => '.dnsbl.sorbs.net',
'HomePage' => '<a class="spambot_link" href="http://www.sorbs.net/" target="_blank">Spam and Open Relay Blocking System</a>',
'CheckIP' => '<a class="spambot_link" href="http://www.sorbs.net/lookup.shtml?%s" target="_blank">Spam and Open Relay Blocking System</a>',
'Codes' => [
'' => 'Open SOCKS Proxy Servers',
'' => 'Open SOCKS Proxy Servers',
'' => 'Open Proxy Servers not listed in the SOCKS or HTTP lists',
'' => 'Open SMTP relay servers',
'' => 'Listed as Spam',
'' => 'Web servers which have spammer abusable vulnerabilities',
'' => 'Hosts demanding that they never be tested by SORBS',
'' => 'Networks hijacked from their original owners, some of which have already used for spamming',
'' => 'Dynamic IP Address ranges',
'' => 'Domain names where the "A" or "MX" records point to bad address space',
'' => 'Domain names where the owners have indicated no email should ever originate from these domains',
'Spam' => [
'', '', '',
'SpamCop' => [
'DNSBL' => '.bl.spamcop.net',
'HomePage' => '<a class="spambot_link" href="https://www.spamcop.net" target="_blank">SpamCop</a>',
'CheckIP' => '<a class="spambot_link" href="https://www.spamcop.net/w3m?action=checkblock&ip=%s" target="_blank">SpamCop</a>',
'Codes' => [
'' => 'Black listed',
'Spam' => [
'Blocklist' => [
'DNSBL' => '.all.bl.blocklist.de',
'HomePage' => '<a class="spambot_link" href="http://www.blocklist.de/" target="_blank">BlockList</a>',
'CheckIP' => '<a class="spambot_link" href="http://www.blocklist.de/en/view.html?ip=%s" target="_blank">BlockList</a>',
'Codes' => [
'' => 'AmaVis',
'' => 'ApacheDDOS',
'' => 'Asterisk',
'' => 'BadBot',
'' => 'FTP',
'' => 'IMAP',
'' => 'IRCBot',
'' => 'Mail',
'' => 'POP3',
'' => 'RegBot',
'' => 'RFI Attack',
'' => 'SASL',
'' => 'SSH',
'' => 'W00TW00T',
'' => 'Port Flood',
'' => 'WebMin',
'' => 'SQL-Injection',
'' => 'Manuall',
'Spam' => [
'', '', '',
'NixSpam' => [
'DNSBL' => '.ix.dnsbl.manitu.net',
'HomePage' => '<a class="spambot_link" href="http://www.dnsbl.manitu.net/" target="_blank">NixSpam</a>',
'CheckIP' => '<a class="spambot_link" href="http://www.dnsbl.manitu.net/lookup.php?value=%s" target="_blank">NixSpam</a>',
'Codes' => [
'' => 'Black listed',
'Spam' => [
'UCEProtect1' => [
'DNSBL' => '.dnsbl-1.uceprotect.net',
'HomePage' => '<a class="spambot_link" href="http://www.uceprotect.net/en/index.php?m=3&s=3" target="_blank">UCE Protect Level 1</a>',
'CheckIP' => '<a class="spambot_link" href="http://www.uceprotect.net/rblcheck.php?ipr=%s" target="_blank">UCE Protect Level 1</a>',
'Codes' => [
'' => 'Black listed',
'Spam' => [
'UCEProtect2' => [
'DNSBL' => '.dnsbl-2.uceprotect.net',
'HomePage' => '<a class="spambot_link" href="http://www.uceprotect.net/en/index.php?m=3&s=4" target="_blank">UCE Protect Level 2</a>',
'CheckIP' => '<a class="spambot_link" href="http://www.uceprotect.net/rblcheck.php?ipr=%s" target="_blank">UCE Protect Level 2</a>',
'Codes' => [
'' => 'Black listed',
'Spam' => [
'UCEProtect3' => [
'DNSBL' => '.dnsbl-3.uceprotect.net',
'HomePage' => '<a class="spambot_link" href="http://www.uceprotect.net/en/index.php?m=3&s=5" target="_blank">UCE Protect Level 3</a>',
'CheckIP' => '<a class="spambot_link" href="http://www.uceprotect.net/rblcheck.php?ipr=%s" target="_blank">UCE Protect Level 3</a>',
'Codes' => [
'' => 'Black listed',
'Spam' => [
'AHBL' => [
'DNSBL' => '.dnsbl.ahbl.org',
'HomePage' => '<a class="spambot_link" href="https://www.ahbl.org/" target="_blank">Abusive Host Blocking List</a>',
'CheckIP' => '<a class="spambot_link" href="https://www.ahbl.org/lktool?lookup=%s" target="_blank">Abusive Host Blocking List</a>',
'Codes' => [
'' => 'Open Relay',
'' => 'Open Proxy',
'' => 'Spam Source',
'' => 'Provisional Spam Source Listing block (will be removed if spam stops)',
'' => 'Formmail Spam',
'' => 'Spam Supporter',
'' => 'Spam Supporter (indirect)',
'' => 'End User (non mail system)',
'' => 'Shoot On Sight',
'' => 'Non-RFC Compliant (missing postmaster or abuse)',
'' => 'Does not properly handle 5xx errors',
'' => 'Other Non-RFC Compliant',
'' => 'Compromised System - DDoS',
'' => 'Compromised System - Relay',
'' => 'Compromised System - Autorooter/Scanner',
'' => 'Compromised System - Worm or mass mailing virus',
'' => 'Compromised System - Other virus',
'' => 'Open Proxy',
'' => 'Blog/Wiki/Comment Spammer',
'' => 'Other',
'Spam' => [
'', '', '', '', '',
'WPBL' => [
'DNSBL' => '.db.wpbl.info',
'HomePage' => '<a class="spambot_link" href="http://www.wpbl.info/" target="_blank">Weighted Private Block List</a>',
'CheckIP' => '<a class="spambot_link" href="http://wpbl.info/record?ip=%s" target="_blank">Weighted Private Block List</a>',
'Codes' => [
'' => 'Black listed',
'Spam' => [
'BotScout' => [
'HomePage' => '<a class="spambot_link" href="http://www.botscout.com/" target="_blank">BotScout</a>',
'CheckIP' => '<a class="spambot_link" href="http://www.botscout.com/search.htm?sterm=%s&stype=q" target="_blank">BotScout</a>',
'CheckMail' => '<a class="spambot_link" href="http://www.botscout.com/search.htm?sterm=%s&stype=q" target="_blank">BotScout</a>',
'FSpamList' => [
'HomePage' => '<a class="spambot_link" href="http://www.fspamlist.com/" target="_blank">FSpamList</a>',
'CheckIP' => '<a class="spambot_link" href="http://www.fspamlist.com/index.php?c=search" target="_blank">FSpamList</a>',
'CheckMail' => '<a class="spambot_link" href="http://www.fspamlist.com/index.php?c=search" target="_blank">FSpamList</a>',
'IPStack' => [
'HomePage' => '<a class="spambot_link" href="https://ipstack.com/" target="_blank">IPStack</a>',
'CheckIP' => '<a class="spambot_link" href="https://ipstack.com/" target="_blank">IPStack</a>',