<?php http_response_code(404); die(1); // It is a template file, not a code to execute directly. This line is used to avoid to execute or read it. ?>
/** @noinspection PhpIncompatibleReturnTypeInspection
* @noinspection ReturnTypeCanBeDeclaredInspection
* @noinspection DuplicatedCode
* @noinspection PhpUnused
* @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection
* @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection
* @noinspection PhpUnusedAliasInspection
* @noinspection NullPointerExceptionInspection
* @noinspection SenselessProxyMethodInspection
* @noinspection PhpParameterByRefIsNotUsedAsReferenceInspection
use eftec\PdoOne;
// [EDIT:use] you can edit this part
// Here you can add your custom use
// [/EDIT] end of edit
* Class {classname}. Copyright (c) Jorge Castro C. (https://github.com/EFTEC/PdoOne)<br>
* Generated by PdoOne Version {version}.<br>
* <b>YOU CAN EDIT THIS CODE</b> It is not replaced by the generation of the code, unless it is indicated<br>
* <pre>
* $code=$pdoOne->generateCodeClass({args});
* </pre>
class {classname} extends Abstract{classname}
// [EDIT:content] you can edit this part
// Here you can add your custom content.
// [/EDIT] end of edit
} // end class