<?php http_response_code(404); die(1); // It is a template file, not a code to execute directly. This line is used to avoid to execute or read it. ?>
/** @noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection
* @noinspection PhpClassConstantAccessedViaChildClassInspection
* @noinspection PhpClasspublic constantAccessedViaChildClassInspection
* @noinspection NullCoalescingOperatorCanBeUsedInspection
* @noinspection PhpPureAttributeCanBeAddedInspection
* @noinspection PhpArrayShapeAttributeCanBeAddedInspection
* @noinspection AccessModifierPresentedInspection
* @noinspection UnknownInspectionInspection
* @noinspection PhpIncompatibleReturnTypeInspection
* @noinspection ReturnTypeCanBeDeclaredInspection
* @noinspection DuplicatedCode
* @noinspection PhpUnused
* @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection
* @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection
* @noinspection PhpUnusedAliasInspection
* @noinspection NullPointerExceptionInspection
* @noinspection SenselessProxyMethodInspection
* @noinspection PhpParameterByRefIsNotUsedAsReferenceInspection
use eftec\PdoOne;
use eftec\PdoOneQuery;
// [EDIT:use] you can edit this part
// Here you can add your custom use
// [/EDIT] end of edit
* Class Abstract{classname}. Copyright (c) Jorge Castro C. (https://github.com/EFTEC/PdoOne)<br>
* Generated by PdoOne Version {version}.<br>
* <b>DO NOT EDIT THE CODE OUTSIDE EDIT BLOCKS</b>. This code is generated<br>
* If you want to make some changes, then add the changes to the Repository class.<br>
* <pre>
* $code=$pdoOne->generateCodeClass({args});
* </pre>
abstract class Abstract{classname} extends {baseclass}
public const ENTITY = '{classname}';
public const TABLE = '{table}';
/** @var string A string with the name of the class. It is used to identify itself. */
public const IDENTITY = {identity};
/** @var string[] An indexed array with the original name of the primary keys. Note: Only the first primary key is used */
public const PK = {pk};
/** @var string A string with the name of the class. It is used to identify itself. */
public const ME=__CLASS__;
/** @var string|null $schema you can set the current schema/database used by this class. [Default is null] */
public static $schema;
//<editor-fold desc="definitions">
public const EXTRACOLS='{extracol}';
/** @var string[][] an associative array with the definition of the columns */
public const DEF={def};
/** @var string[][] an associative array with the definition of the foreign keys and relations */
public const DEFFK={deffktype};
public const DEFFKSQL={deffk};
/** @var string[] An indexed array with the database name of the columns that are not inserted */
public const DEFNOINSERT={defnoinsert};
/** @var string[] An indexed array with the database name of the columns that are not updated */
public const DEFNOUPDATE={defnoupdate};
/** @var string[] an associative array that associates the database column with its alias, ex: ['col'=>'colalias'] */
public const COL2ALIAS={defnamealias};
/** @var string[] an associative array that associates the alias with its database column, ex: ['colalias'=>'col'] */
public const ALIAS2COL={defnamealiasinv};
* It returns the definitions of the columns<br>
* <b>Example:</b><br>
* <pre>
* self::getDef(); // ['colName'=>[php type,php conversion type,type,size,nullable,extra,sql],'colName2'=>..]
* self::getDef('sql'); // ['colName'=>'sql','colname2'=>'sql2']
* self::getDef('identity',true); // it returns the columns that are identities ['col1','col2']
* </pre>
* <b>PHP Types</b>: binary, date, datetime, decimal/float,int, string,time, timestamp<br>
* <b>PHP Conversions</b>: datetime (datetime class), datetime2 (iso),datetime3 (human string)
* , datetime4 (sql no conversion!), timestamp (int), bool, int, float<br>
* <b>Param Types</b>: PDO::PARAM_LOB, PDO::PARAM_STR, PDO::PARAM_INT<br>
* @param string|null $column =['phptype','conversion','type','size','null','identity','sql'][$i]
* if not null then it only returns the column specified.
* @param string|null $filter If filter is not null, then it uses the column to filter the result.
* @return array|array[]
public static function getDef(?string $column = null,?string $filter = null): array
$r = self::DEF;
if ($column !== null) {
if ($filter === null) {
foreach ($r as $k => $v) {
$r[$k] = $v[$column] ?? null;
} else {
$new = [];
foreach ($r as $k => $v) {
if (isset($v[$column]) && $v[$column] === $filter) {
$new[] = $k;
return $new;
return $r;
* It converts a row returned from the database.<br>
* If the column is missing then it sets the field as null.
* @param null|array $row [ref]
public static function convertOutputVal(?array &$row): void
if ($row === false || $row === null) {
if(count($row)===0) {
* It converts a row to be inserted or updated into the database.<br>
* If the column is missing then it is ignored and not converted.
* @param array $row [ref]
* @return array
public static function convertInputVal(array &$row): array {
return $row;
* It gets all the name of the columns.
* @param bool $alias if true then it returns the aliases.
* @return string[]
public static function getDefName(bool $alias=false): array {
if($alias) {
return static::COL2ALIAS;
return {defname};
* It returns an associative array (colname=>key type) with all the keys/indexes (if any)
* @return string[]
public static function getDefKey(): array {
return {defkey};
* It returns a string array with the name of the columns that are skipped when insert
* @return string[]
public static function getDefNoInsert(): array {
return {defnoinsert};
* It returns a string array with the name of the columns that are skipped when update
* @return string[]
public static function getDefNoUpdate(): array {
return {defnoupdate};
* It adds a condition to the query pipeline. It could be stacked using multiple where()
* <b>Example:</b><br>
* <pre>
* self::where(['col'=>'value'])::toList();
* self::where(['col']=>['value'])::toList(); // s= string/double/date, i=integer, b=bool
* self::where(['col=?']=>['value'])::toList(); // s= string/double/date, i=integer, b=bool
* </pre>
* @param array|string $sql =self::factoryUtil()
* @param null|array|int $param
* @return PdoOneQuery
public static function where($sql, $param = PdoOne::NULL): PdoOneQuery
return static::newQuery()->where($sql, $param,false,{classname}::TABLE);
* It returns all the relational fields by type. '*' returns all types.<br>
* It doesn't return normal columns.
* @param string $type=['*','MANYTOONE','ONETOMANY','ONETOONE','MANYTOMANY'][$i]
* @return string[]
* @noinspection SlowArrayOperationsInLoopInspection
public static function getRelations(string $type = 'all'): array
$r = {deffktype2};
if ($type === '*') {
$result = [];
foreach ($r as $arr) {
$result = array_merge($result, $arr);
return $result;
return $r[$type] ?? [];
* @param array|int $filter (optional) if we want to filter the results.
* @param array|null $filterValue (optional) the values of the filter
* @return array|bool|null
* @throws Exception
public static function toList($filter=PdoOne::NULL,?array $filterValue=null) {
if(self::$useModel) {
return {classmodellist}
return self::_toList($filter, $filterValue);
* It sets the recursivity. By default, if we query or modify a value, it operates with the fields of the entity.
* With recursivity, we could use the recursivity of the fields, for example, loading a MANYTOONE relation<br>
* <b>Example:</b><br>
* <pre>
* self::recursive([]); // (default) no use recursivity.
* self::recursive('*'); // recursive every MANYTOONE,ONETOONE,MANYTOONE and ONETOONE relations (first level)
* self::recursive('MANYTOONE'); // recursive all relations of the type MANYTOONE (first level)
* self::recursive(['/_relation1','/_relation2']); // recursive only the relations of the first level
* self::recursive(['/_relation1','/_relation1/_subrelation1']); //recursive the relations (first and second level)
* self::recursive(['/_manytomany*'); // the postfix "*" indicates: (only in a many-to-many relation)
* // "*": in the case of insert, update or merge, the relational table,left and right table would be modified.
* // "" : in the case of insert, update or merge, only the relational table and left would be modified.
* </pre>
* If array then it uses the values to set the recursivity.<br>
* If string then the values allowed are '*', 'MANYTOONE','ONETOMANY','MANYTOMANY','ONETOONE' (first level only)<br>
* If you don't want to do multiple modifications (insert,update or delete), then simply you can skip this operator.
* @param string|array $recursive={factoryrecursive};
* @return PdoOneQuery
public static function recursive($recursive=[]): PdoOneQuery
if(is_string($recursive)) {
return parent::_recursive($recursive);
* It adds a "limit" in a query. It depends on the type of database<br>
* <b>Example:</b><br>
* <pre>
* self::limit("10,20")->toList(); // start row 10th, fetches 20 next 20 rows
* self::limit(10,20)->toList(); // start row 10th, fetches 20 next 20 rows
* </pre>
* @param mixed $first the first (initial) value or the sql query expression
* @param mixed|null $second the values to fetches.
* @return PdoOneQuery
* @throws Exception
* @test InstanceOf PdoOne::class,this('1,10')
public static function limit($first,$second=null) : PdoOneQuery
return static::newQuery()->limit($first,$second);
* It returns the first row of a query.<br>
* <b>Example:</b><br>
* <pre>
* Repo::first(); // it returns the first value encountered.
* Repo::first(2); // it returns the first value where the primary key is equals to 2 (simple primary key)
* Repo::first([2,3]); // it returns the first value where the primary key is equals to 2 (multiple primary keys)
* Repo::first(['id'=>2,'id2'=>3]); // it returns the first value where id=2 and id2=3 (multiple primary keys)
* </pre>
* @param array|mixed|null $pk [optional] Specify the value of the primary key.
* @return array|bool It returns false if not file is found.
* @throws Exception
public static function first($pk = PdoOne::NULL,?PdoOneQuery $query=null) {
if(self::$useModel) {
/** @noinspection PhpIncompatibleReturnTypeInspection */
return {classmodelfirst}
return self::_first($pk,$query);
* It returns true if the entity exists, otherwise false.<br>
* <b>Example:</b><br>
* <pre>
* $this->exist(['id'=>'a1','name'=>'name']); // using an array
* $this->exist('a1'); // using the primary key. The table needs a pks, and it only works with the first pk.
* </pre>
* @param array|mixed $entity =self::factoryUtil()
* @return bool true if the pks exists
* @throws Exception
public static function exist($entity): bool {
return self::_exist($entity);
* It inserts a new entity(row) into the database<br>
* It returns false if the operation failed, otherwise, it returns the entity modified (if it has, for example, an
* identity field<br>
* @param array|object $entity =self::factoryUtil()
* @param bool $transactional If true (default) then the operation is transactional
* @return array|false=self::factoryUtil()
* @throws Exception
public static function insert(&$entity,bool $transactional=true) {
return self::_insert($entity,$transactional,true);
* It merges a new entity(row) into the database. If the entity exists then it is updated, otherwise the entity is
* inserted<br>
* @param array|object $entity =self::factoryUtil()
* @param bool $transactional If true (default) then the operation is transactional
* @return array|false=self::factoryUtil()
* @throws Exception
public static function merge(&$entity,bool $transactional=true) {
return self::_merge($entity,$transactional);
* Updates an entity. It uses the primary key to determine the row to modify.<br>
* If <b>$entity</b> has a missing field, then the missing field will not be updated.<br>
* If <b>$entity</b> has an extra field (a field not defined in the table), then it will throw an error<br>
* <b>Example:</b><br>
* <pre>
* $result=$this::factory();
* $result['name']='name changed';
* $ok=$this::update($customer);
* </pre>
* @param array|object $entity =self::factoryUtil()
* @param bool $transactional If true (default) then the operation is transactional<br>
* If false, then it allows to create your own transaction.
* @return false|int=self::factoryUtil()
* @throws Exception
public static function update($entity,bool $transactional=true) {
return self::_update($entity,$transactional);
* It deletes an entity using the fields of the entity as conditions
* @param array|object $entity =self::factoryUtil()
* @param bool $transactional If true (default) then the operation is transactional
* @return false|int
* @throws Exception
public static function delete($entity,bool $transactional=true) {
return self::_delete($entity,$transactional);
* It deletes an entity by the primary key.
* @param array|mixed $pk =self::factoryUtil()
* @param bool $transactional If true (default) then the operation is transactional
* @return int|false
* @throws Exception
public static function deleteById($pk,bool $transactional=true) {
return self::_deleteById($pk,$transactional);
* Returns an array with the default structure of an entity.
* @param array|null $values =self::factoryUtil()
* @param string $recursivePrefix It is the prefix of the recursivity.
* @return array
public static function factory(?array $values = null,string $recursivePrefix = ''): array {
static::recursive(); // reset the recursivity.
$row= {array};
if ($values !== null) {
$row = array_merge($row, $values);
return $row;
* An associative array used to define the full structure of an entity.<br>
* It is only used for autocomplete because it is prone to circular reference.
* @return array
public static function factoryUtil():array {
return {factory};
// [EDIT:content] you can edit this part
// Here you can add your custom content.
// [/EDIT] end of edit