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Simple tool to analyze and split the words contained in your variables to check your DDD approach.
Requires >= PHP 8.1 composer require degraciamathieu/php-wording-detector --dev
php php-wording-detector inspect {path}
$ php php-wording-detector inspect app
? PHP Wording Detector ?
| total words | total distincts words | average use |
| 18'363 | 560 | 33 |
| words | usage | pourcentage |
| user | 1629 | 9% |
| activity | 1150 | 6% |
| exam | 925 | 5% |
| organization | 671 | 4% |
| mode | 460 | 3% |
| data | 416 | 2% |
| code | 383 | 2% |
| builder | 368 | 2% |
| part | 351 | 2% |
| item | 350 | 2% |
| license | 308 | 2% |
| request | 296 | 2% |
| subscription | 289 | 2% |
| id | 228 | 1% |
| answers | 225 | 1% |
| coupon | 214 | 1% |
| question | 200 | 1% |
| exception | 182 | under 1% |
| current | 161 | under 1% |
| count | 160 | under 1% |