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File: client/modules/pim/src/views/product-family/record/panels/product-family-attributes.js

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File: client/modules/pim/src/views/product-family/record/panels/product-family-attributes.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: KennerPIM
Product information management application
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 24,382 bytes


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/* * Pim * Free Extension * Copyright (c) TreoLabs GmbH * Copyright (c) Kenner Soft Service GmbH * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ Espo.define('pim:views/product-family/record/panels/product-family-attributes', ['views/record/panels/relationship', 'views/record/panels/bottom', 'search-manager'], (Dep, BottomPanel, SearchManager) => Dep.extend({ template: 'pim:product-family/record/panels/product-family-attributes', groupKey: 'attributeGroupId', groupLabel: 'attributeGroupName', groupScope: 'AttributeGroup', noGroup: { key: 'no_group', label: 'No Group' }, boolFilterData: { notLinkedProductFamilyAttributes() { return { productFamilyId:, scope: 'Global' } } }, events: _.extend({ 'click [data-action="unlinkAttributeGroup"]': function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); let data = $(e.currentTarget).data(); this.unlinkAttributeGroup(data); } },, data() { return _.extend({ groups: this.groups, groupScope: this.groupScope },; }, setup() { let bottomPanel = new BottomPanel();; = || || this.panelName; if (!this.scope && !( in this.model.defs.links)) { throw new Error('Link \'' + + '\' is not defined in model \'' + + '\''); } this.title = this.title || this.translate(, 'links',; this.scope = this.scope || this.model.defs.links[].entity; if (!this.getConfig().get('scopeColorsDisabled')) { var iconHtml = this.getHelper().getScopeColorIconHtml(this.scope); if (iconHtml) { if (this.defs.label) { this.titleHtml = iconHtml + this.translate(this.defs.label, 'labels', this.scope); } else { this.titleHtml = iconHtml + this.title; } } } var url = this.url || + '/' + + '/' +; if (!this.readOnly && !this.defs.readOnly) { if (!('create' in this.defs)) { this.defs.create = true; } if (!('select' in this.defs)) { = true; } } this.filterList = this.defs.filterList || this.filterList || null; if (this.filterList && this.filterList.length) { this.filter = this.getStoredFilter(); } if (this.defs.create && this.getAcl().check('ProductFamilyAttribute', 'create')) { this.buttonList.push({ title: 'Create', action: this.defs.createAction || 'createRelated', link:, acl: 'create', aclScope: this.scope, html: '<span class="fas fa-plus"></span>', data: { link:, } }); } if ( && this.getAcl().check('ProductFamilyAttribute', 'create')) { var data = {link:}; if (this.defs.selectPrimaryFilterName) { data.primaryFilterName = this.defs.selectPrimaryFilterName; } if (this.defs.selectBoolFilterList) { data.boolFilterList = this.defs.selectBoolFilterList; } data.boolFilterListCallback = 'getSelectBoolFilterList'; data.boolFilterDataCallback = 'getSelectBoolFilterData'; data.afterSelectCallback = 'createProductFamilyAttribute'; data.scope = 'Attribute'; this.actionList.unshift({ label: 'Select', action: this.defs.selectAction || 'selectRelated', data: data, acl: 'edit', aclScope: }); if (this.getAcl().check('AttributeGroup', 'read')) { this.actionList.push({ label: 'Select Attribute Group', action: 'selectAttributeGroup' }); } } this.setupActions(); var layoutName = 'listSmall'; this.setupListLayout(); if (this.listLayoutName) { layoutName = this.listLayoutName; } var listLayout = null; var layout = this.defs.layout || null; if (layout) { if (typeof layout == 'string') { layoutName = layout; } else { layoutName = 'listRelationshipCustom'; listLayout = layout; } } this.layoutName = layoutName; this.listLayout = listLayout; var sortBy = this.defs.sortBy || null; var asc = this.defs.asc || null; if (this.defs.orderBy) { sortBy = this.defs.orderBy; asc = true; if (this.defs.orderDirection) { if (this.defs.orderDirection && (this.defs.orderDirection === true || this.defs.orderDirection.toLowerCase() === 'DESC')) { asc = false; } } } this.wait(true); this.getCollectionFactory().create(this.scope, function (collection) { collection.maxSize = 200; if (this.defs.filters) { var searchManager = new SearchManager(collection, 'listRelationship', false, this.getDateTime()); searchManager.setAdvanced(this.defs.filters); collection.where = searchManager.getWhere(); } collection.url = collection.urlRoot = url; if (sortBy) { collection.sortBy = sortBy; } if (asc) { collection.asc = asc; } this.collection = collection; this.setFilter(this.filter); this.listenTo(this.model, 'update-all after:relate after:unrelate', () => { this.actionRefresh(); }); this.listenTo(collection, 'change:isRequired', model => { if (!model.hasChanged('modifiedAt')) { this.notify('Saving...');{isRequired: model.get('isRequired')}, {patch: true}).then(() => { this.notify('Saved', 'success'); }); } }); this.fetchCollectionGroups(() => this.wait(false)); }, this); this.setupFilterActions(); }, createProductFamilyAttribute(selectObj) { let promises = []; selectObj.forEach(attributeModel => { this.getModelFactory().create(this.scope, model => { model.setRelate({ model: this.model, link: this.model.defs.links[].foreign }); model.setRelate({ model: attributeModel, link: attributeModel.defs.links[].foreign }); model.set({ assignedUserId: this.getUser().id, assignedUserName: this.getUser().get('name'), scope: 'Global' }); promises.push(; }); }); Promise.all(promises).then(() => { this.notify('Linked', 'success'); this.actionRefresh(); }); }, actionSelectAttributeGroup() { const scope = 'AttributeGroup'; const viewName = this.getMetadata().get(['clientDefs', scope, 'modalViews', 'select']) || 'views/modals/select-records'; this.notify('Loading...'); this.createView('dialog', viewName, { scope: scope, multiple: true, createButton: false, massRelateEnabled: false, boolFilterList: ['withNotLinkedAttributesToProductFamily'], boolFilterData: {withNotLinkedAttributesToProductFamily:}, whereAdditional: [ { type: 'isLinked', attribute: 'attributes' } ] }, dialog => { dialog.render(); this.notify(false); dialog.once('select', selectObj => { if (!Array.isArray(selectObj)) { return; } let boolFilterList = this.getSelectBoolFilterList() || []; this.getFullEntityList('Attribute', { where: [ { type: 'bool', value: boolFilterList, data: this.getSelectBoolFilterData(boolFilterList) }, { attribute: 'attributeGroupId', type: 'in', value: => } ] }, list => { let models = []; list.forEach(attributes => { this.getModelFactory().create('Attribute', model => { model.set(attributes); models.push(model); }); }); this.createProductFamilyAttribute(models); }); }); }); }, getFullEntityList(url, params, callback, container) { if (url) { container = container || []; let options = params || {}; options.maxSize = options.maxSize || 200; options.offset = options.offset || 0; this.ajaxGetRequest(url, options).then(response => { container = container.concat(response.list || []); options.offset = container.length; if ( > container.length || === -1) { this.getFullEntity(url, options, callback, container); } else { callback(container); } }); } }, afterRender() {; this.buildGroups(); }, fetchCollectionGroups(callback) { this.getHelper().layoutManager.get(this.scope, this.layoutName, layout => { let list = []; layout.forEach(item => { if ( { let field =; let fieldType = this.getMetadata().get(['entityDefs', this.scope, 'fields', field, 'type']); if (fieldType) { this.getFieldManager().getAttributeList(fieldType, field).forEach(attribute => { list.push(attribute); }); } } }); = list.join(','); this.collection.reset(); this.fetchCollectionPart(() => { this.groups = []; this.groups = this.getGroupsFromCollection(); let valueKeys = => group.key); this.getCollectionFactory().create('AttributeGroup', collection => { this.attributeGroupCollection = collection; = 'sortOrder'; collection.maxSize = 200; collection.offset = 0; collection.whereAdditional = [ { attribute: 'id', type: 'in', value: valueKeys } ]; collection.fetch().then(() => { let orderArray = []; let noGroup; this.groups.forEach(item => { if (item.key === 'no_group') { item.sortOrder = 0; noGroup = item; } else { this.attributeGroupCollection.forEach(model => { if ( === item.key) { item.sortOrder = model.get('sortOrder'); } }); } orderArray.push(item.sortOrder); }); if (noGroup) { noGroup.sortOrder = Math.max(...orderArray) + 1; } this.groups.sort(function(a, b) { return a.sortOrder - b.sortOrder ; }); if (callback) { callback(); } }); }); }); }); }, fetchCollectionPart(callback) { this.collection.fetch({remove: false, more: true}).then((response) => { if ( > this.collection.length) { this.fetchCollectionPart(callback); } else if (callback) { callback(); } }); }, getGroupsFromCollection() { let groups = []; this.collection.forEach(model => { // prepare key let key = model.get(this.groupKey); if (key === null || typeof key === 'undefined') { key = this.noGroup.key; } // prepare label let label = model.get(this.groupLabel); if (label === null || typeof label === 'undefined') { label = this.translate(this.noGroup.label, 'labels', 'Global'); } // prepare is inherited param let isInherited = model.get('isInherited'); if (isInherited === null || typeof isInherited === 'undefined') { isInherited = false; } let group = groups.find(item => item.key === key); if (group) { group.rowList.push(; group.rowList.sort((a, b) => this.collection.get(a).get('sortOrder') - this.collection.get(b).get('sortOrder')); group.editable = (!group.editable) ? !isInherited : group.editable; } else { groups.push({ key: key, id: key !== this.noGroup.key ? key : null, label: label, rowList: [], editable: !isInherited }); } }); return groups; }, buildGroups() { this.groups.forEach(group => { this.getCollectionFactory().create(this.scope, collection => { group.rowList.forEach(id => { collection.add(this.collection.get(id)); }); collection.url = `ProductFamily/${}/productFamilyAttributes`; collection.where = [ { type: 'bool', value: ['linkedWithAttributeGroup'], data: { linkedWithAttributeGroup: { productFamilyId:, attributeGroupId: group.key !== 'no_group' ? group.key : null } } } ]; = 'attributeId,attributeName,value,valueEnUs,valueDeDe,scope,channelsIds,channelsNames'; this.listenTo(collection, 'sync', () => { collection.models.sort((a, b) => a.get('sortOrder') - b.get('sortOrder')); }); let viewName = this.defs.recordListView || this.getMetadata().get('clientDefs.' + this.scope + '.recordViews.list') || 'Record.List'; this.createView(group.key, viewName, { collection: collection, layoutName: this.layoutName, listLayout: this.listLayout, checkboxes: false, rowActionsView: this.defs.readOnly ? false : (this.defs.rowActionsView || this.rowActionsView), buttonsDisabled: true, el: `${this.options.el} .group[data-name="${group.key}"] .list-container`, showMore: false }, view => { this.listenTo(view, 'after:render', () => { (view.rowList || []).forEach(id => { const rowView = view.getView(id); if (rowView) { const fieldView = rowView.getView('isRequiredField'); if (fieldView && !rowView.model.get('isInherited')) { fieldView.setMode('edit'); fieldView.reRender(); } } }); }); view.render(); }); }); }); }, getSelectBoolFilterData(boolFilterList) { let data = {}; if (Array.isArray(boolFilterList)) { boolFilterList.forEach(item => { if (this.boolFilterData && typeof this.boolFilterData[item] === 'function') { data[item] = this.boolFilterData[item].call(this); } }); } return data; }, getSelectBoolFilterList() { return this.defs.selectBoolFilterList || null }, actionRefresh() { this.fetchCollectionGroups(() => this.reRender()); }, unlinkAttributeGroup(data) { let id =; if (!id) { return; } let group = this.groups.find(group => === id); if (!group || !group.rowList) { return; } // prepare ids let ids = []; group.rowList.forEach(id => { if (!this.collection.get(id).get('isInherited') && this.collection.get(id).get('locale') === null){ ids.push(id); } }); if (!ids) { return; } this.confirm({ message: this.translate('unlinkAttributeGroupConfirmation', 'messages', 'AttributeGroup'), confirmText: this.translate('Unlink') }, function () { this.notify('Unlinking...'); $.ajax({ url: `${}/${}/relation`, data: JSON.stringify({ ids: [], foreignIds: ids }), type: 'DELETE', contentType: 'application/json', success: function () { this.notify('Unlinked', 'success'); this.model.trigger('after:unrelate'); this.actionRefresh(); }.bind(this), error: function () { this.notify('Error occurred', 'error'); }.bind(this), }); }, this); }, actionRemoveRelated: function (data) { var id =; this.ajaxGetRequest(`ProductFamily/${}/productsCount`, {attributeId: id}).then(response => { Espo.TreoUi.confirmWithBody('', { message: this.translate('removeRecordConfirmation', 'messages'), confirmText: this.translate('Remove'), cancelText: this.translate('Cancel'), body: this.getUnlinkHtml(response) }, function () { var model = this.collection.get(id); this.notify('Removing...'); $.ajax({ url: 'ProductFamilyAttribute/' + id, type: 'DELETE', contentType: 'application/json', success: function () { this.notify('Removed', 'success'); this.collection.fetch(); this.model.trigger('after:unrelate'); }.bind(this), error: function () { this.notify('Error occurred', 'error'); }.bind(this), }); }, this); }); }, getUnlinkHtml(count) { return ` <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <span class="confirm-message">${this.translate('removeRecordConfirmation', 'messages')}</span> </div> <div class="col-xs-12"> <div style="margin-top: 15px;"> <span class="product-counts-message">${this.translate('productsCountWithAttribute', 'messages', 'Attribute').replace('{count}', count)}</span> </div> </div> </div>`; } }) );