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  Classes of Smoren Freelight   PHP Iteration Tools Library   Download  
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/markdown
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Iteration Tools Library
Iterate and process arrays like Python itertools
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 4,196 bytes


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IterTools PHP Change Log

v1.4.0 - 2023-02-15

New Features

  • Single * `flatMap` * `flatten` * `reverse` * `slice`
  • Summary * `arePermutations` * `arePermutationsCoercive` * `isPartitioned`
  • Transform * `tee` * `toArray` * `toAssociativeArray` * `toIterator`
  • Stream * Stream Operations * `flatMap` * `flatten` * `reverse` * `slice` * Summary Terminal Operations * `arePermutationsWith` * `arePermutationsCoerciveWith` * `isPartitioned` * Transformation * `tee` * `toArray` * `toAssociativeArray` * `toIterator` ### Improvements
  • `Single::groupBy` * Allows the original grouping function to further separate into groups if the result of the grouping function is a list. * A new parameter added to take a function to index the values within each group.

v1.3.0 - 2023-02-11

New Features

  • Single * `compressAssociative` * `filter` * `reindex` * `filterKeys`
  • Reduce * `toFirst` * `toLast` * `toFirstAndLast` * `toMin` (parameter `$compareBy` added) * `toMax` (parameter `$compareBy` added) * `toMinMax` (parameter `$compareBy` added)
  • Sort * `asort` * `sort`
  • Stream * Source * `ofRange` * `ofFileLines` * `ofCsvFile` * Stream Operations * `asort` * `compressAssociative` * `filter` * `reindex` * `filterKeys` * `sort` * Reduction Terminal Operations * `toFirst` * `toLast` * `toFirstAndLast` * `toMin` (parameter `$compareBy` added) * `toMax` (parameter `$compareBy` added) * `toMinMax` (parameter `$compareBy` added) * Transformation Terminal Operations * `toAssociativeArray` * File Terminal Operations * `toFile` * `toCsvFile`
  • Docs * Added Russian translation of README ### Improvements
  • Add option whether to include incomplete chunks at the end of a `chunkwiseOverlap`
  • Keys preserved during iteration when it makes sense to do so

v1.2.0 - 2023-01-28

New Features

  • Single * `chunkwise` * `chunkwiseOverlap` * `limit` * `map`
  • Reduce * `toMinMax` * `toRange` * `toString`
  • Set * `distinct` * `intersection` * `intersectionCoercive` * `partialIntersection` * `partialIntersectionCoercive` * `symmetricDifference` * `symmetricDifferenceCoercive`
  • Summary * `allMatch` * `anyMatch` * `exactlyN` * `noneMatch`
  • Stream * Sources * `of` * `ofCoinFlips` * `of Empty` * `ofRandomChoice` * `ofRandomNumbers` * `ofRandomPercentage` * `ofRockPaperScissors` * Operations * `chainWith` * `compress` * `chunkwise` * `chunkwiseOverlap` * `distinct` * `dropWhile` * `filterTrue` * `filterFalse` * `groupBy` * `infiniteCycle` * `intersectionWith` * `intersectionCoerciveWith` * `limit` * `map` * `pairwise` * `partialIntersectionWith` * `partialIntersectionCoerciveWith` * `runningAverage` * `runningDifference` * `runningMax` * `runningMin` * `runningProduct` * `runningTotal` * `symmetricDifferenceWith` * `symmetricDifferenceCoerciveWith` * `takeWhile` * `zipWith` * `zipLongestWith` * `zipEqualWith` * Summary Terminal Operations * `allMatch` * `anyMatch` * `exactlyN` * `isSorted` * `isReversed` * `noneMatch` * `sameWith` * `sameCountWith` * Reduction Terminal Operations * `toAverage` * `toCount` * `toMax` * `toMin` * `toProduct` * `toString` * `toSum` * `toMinMax` * `toRange` * `toValue` * Transformation Terminal Operations * `toArray` * Side Effect Terminal Operations * `callForEach` * `print` * `printLn` * `printR` * `varDump` ### Backwards Incompatible Changes
  • Multi Zip methods reset iteration keys and return as sequence of integers rather than arrays of original keys

v1.1.0 - 2023-01-10

New Features

  • Multi * `zipEqual`
  • Single * `pairwise`
  • Summary * `isSorted` * `isReversed` * `same` * `sameCount`
  • Reduce * `toAverage` * `toCount` * `toMax` * `toMin` * `toProduct` * `toSum` * `toValue`

v1.0.0 - 2022-04-25

Initial release.