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File: resources/views/profile/partials/delete-user-form.blade.php

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  Classes of Maniruzzaman Akash   Laravel Stripe Checkout   resources/views/profile/partials/delete-user-form.blade.php   Download  
File: resources/views/profile/partials/delete-user-form.blade.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: Laravel Stripe Checkout
E-commerce checkout that uses Stripe to pay orders
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 2,192 bytes


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<section class="space-y-6">
        <h2 class="text-lg font-medium text-gray-900 dark:text-gray-100">
            {{ __('Delete Account') }}

        <p class="mt-1 text-sm text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-400">
            {{ __('Once your account is deleted, all of its resources and data will be permanently deleted. Before deleting your account, please download any data or information that you wish to retain.') }}

        x-on:click.prevent="$dispatch('open-modal', 'confirm-user-deletion')"
    >{{ __('Delete Account') }}</x-danger-button>

    <x-modal name="confirm-user-deletion" :show="$errors->userDeletion->isNotEmpty()" focusable>
        <form method="post" action="{{ route('profile.destroy') }}" class="p-6">

            <h2 class="text-lg font-medium text-gray-900 dark:text-gray-100">
                {{ __('Are you sure you want to delete your account?') }}

            <p class="mt-1 text-sm text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-400">
                {{ __('Once your account is deleted, all of its resources and data will be permanently deleted. Please enter your password to confirm you would like to permanently delete your account.') }}

            <div class="mt-6">
                <x-input-label for="password" value="Password" class="sr-only" />

                    class="mt-1 block w-3/4"

                <x-input-error :messages="$errors->userDeletion->get('password')" class="mt-2" />

            <div class="mt-6 flex justify-end">
                <x-secondary-button x-on:click="$dispatch('close')">
                    {{ __('Cancel') }}

                <x-danger-button class="ml-3">
                    {{ __('Delete Account') }}