//see https://github.com/ngrt/MVC_todo Code is explained in this article blog
//2017.12.17: https://medium.com/@noufel.gouirhate/create-your-own-mvc-framework-in-php-af7bd1f0ca19
//vendor_namesp_prefix \ processing (behavior) \ cls dir (POSITIONAL part of ns, CAREFULLY !)
namespace B12phpfw\module\tasks ;
use B12phpfw\core\zinc\Autoload ;
$module_towsroot = '../../../../' ; //to web server doc root or our doc root by ISP
//$dirup_to_app = str_replace('\\','/', dirname(__DIR__) ) ; //to app eg glomodul
//MUST BE NUM INDEXED for auto loader loop (not 'string'=>...)
$pp1 = (object)
[ 'dbg'=>'1', 'stack_trace'=>[[str_replace('\\','/', __FILE__ ).', lin='.__LINE__]]
, 'module_version'=>'Posts as tasks', 'vendor_namesp_prefix'=>'B12phpfw'
, 'module_towsroot'=>$module_towsroot
, 'module_path_arr'=>[
str_replace('\\','/', __DIR__ ).'/' //=thismodule_cls_script_dir
, str_replace('\\','/', realpath($module_towsroot.'zinc')) .'/' //dir of global clses for all sites
//two master modules (tbls)
//detail & subdet modules (tbls)
] ;
new Autoload($pp1); //global cls loads classes scripts automatically
if ('') {Db_allsites::jsmsg( [ basename(__FILE__) //. __METHOD__
.', line '. __LINE__ .' SAYS'=>' '
,'where am I'=>'AFTER A u t o l o a d'
] ) ; }
//step 2 (step 3 is parent::__construct : fw core calls method in Home_ctr cls)
$db = new Home_ctr($pp1) ;
//define('MODULE_RELPATH', str_replace("www/index.php", "", $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]));
define('MODULE_RELPATH', dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']).'/');
//define('MODULE_PATH', str_replace("www/index.php", "", $_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]));
define('MODULE_LEVEL', count(explode('/', MODULE_RELPATH)) -1) ; // +1 level are method params
define('MODULE_PATH', dirname(__DIR__).'/');
define('QS', '?');
require(MODULE_PATH . "Config/db.php"); //require(MODULE_PATH . 'Config/core.php');
require(MODULE_PATH . "Core/Model.php");
require(MODULE_PATH . "Core/Controller.php");
require(MODULE_PATH . 'router.php');
require(MODULE_PATH . 'request.php');
require(MODULE_PATH . 'dispatcher.php');
$dispatch = new Dispatcher();