PHP Classes

File: z_01DDL_and_other/fwphp_www_tree_A.ini

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  Classes of Slavko Srakocic   B12 PHP FW   z_01DDL_and_other/fwphp_www_tree_A.ini   Download  
File: z_01DDL_and_other/fwphp_www_tree_A.ini
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: B12 PHP FW
Manage database records with a PDO CRUD interface
Author: By
Last change: Update of z_01DDL_and_other/fwphp_www_tree_A.ini
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 10,431 bytes


Class file image Download
+---fwphp | +---01mater | +---02financ | +---03salary | +---glomodul | | +---adrs (Mini3 fw) | | +---blog | | | +---msgmkd | | | \---Uploads | | +---lsweb | | +---mkd | | | +---01 | | | | +---001_db | | | | +---001_php | | | | +---002_html_css | | | | +---003_js | | | | +---004_markdown | | | | +---005_instalac | | | | | \---001_apache_php | | | | +---006_visual_studio | | | | \---090_private | | | | \---005_instalac | | | | +---001_apache_php | | | | +---002_html_css | | | | +---003_database | | | | +---004_windows | | | | +---005_git_virtualbox_vagrant | | | | +---005_linux | | | | \---006_sw | | | | +---other | | | | \---z_licence | | | +---02 | | | | +---01_fwphp | | | | | \---laravel | | | | \---02_domain_model | | | +---html2mkd | | | | +---config | | | | \---src | | | \---z_cache_or_bckup_or | | +---oraedoop | | | \---enter_tab_emul | | | +---css | | | +---js | | | +---temp | | | \---z_bckup | | +---post | | | \---Uploads | | +---post_category | | +---post_comment | | +---user | | | \---Uploads | | +---z_examples | | | +---01_php_bootstrap | | | | +---ACXE2 | | | | | \---test | | | | +---auction_wrox24h_30 | | | | | +---content | | | | | +---css | | | | | +---images | | | | | \---includes | | | | | \---classes | | | | +---book_popel | | | | +---book_steinmetz | | | | | +---ch01_INC_prev_next_links_ARR_rowcolor | | | | | +---ch02_config_NO_CODE | | | | | +---ch03_security_NO_CODE | | | | | +---ch04_forms | | | | | +---ch05_txt_html | | | | | +---ch06_Dates | | | | | +---ch07_Files | | | | | +---ch08_User_and_Ses_Tracking | | | | | +---ch09_Email | | | | | +---ch10_Images | | | | | +---ch11_cURL_to_Interact_with_WebServ | | | | | \---ch12_Projects | | | | | \---templates | | | | +---bootstrap | | | | | +---01help | | | | | +---02help | | | | | +---03socnet | | | | | +---04blog | | | | | +---05site | | | | | \---06portfoligrid | | | | +---flexmoj | | | | | \---z_NO_FLEX_minisite | | | | +---gallery_powers | | | | +---gallery_skoglund | | | | | +---btb | | | | | | +---new | | | | | | | \---test | | | | | | \---uploads | | | | | \---gallery | | | | | +---includes | | | | | | \---phpMailer | | | | | +---logs | | | | | \---public | | | | | +---admin | | | | | +---images | | | | | +---javascripts | | | | | +---layouts | | | | | \---stylesheets | | | | +---jokeyank | | | | | +---classes | | | | | | +---Ijdb | | | | | | | +---Controllers | | | | | | | \---Entity | | | | | | \---Ninja | | | | | +---includes | | | | | +---public | | | | | | \---samples | | | | | +---templates | | | | | \---z_instal | | | | | \---automatic | | | | +---kalendar | | | | | +---css | | | | | +---inc | | | | | \---xxxjs | | | | +---login | | | | | +---login1 | | | | | \---login_reg_profile | | | | | +---assets | | | | | +---images | | | | | +---includes | | | | | +---libraries | | | | | | \---PHPMailer-master | | | | | | +---examples | | | | | | | +---images | | | | | | | +---scripts | | | | | | | \---styles | | | | | | +---extras | | | | | | \---language | | | | | \---process | | | | +---recognize_mobile | | | | +---socnet_nixon | | | | +---wishPDO | | | | | +---includes | | | | | \---z_instalac_ddl_bckup | | | | | \---mysql | | | | +---zodiac_autoload_pdooci | | | | | +---zodiac_pdooci | | | | | \---zodiac_sqlite | | | | \---zwamp | | | +---02_mvc | | | | +---00mini3fw_see_adrs | | | | +---01inanz | | | | | +---app | | | | | +---src | | | | | | +---Controller | | | | | | +---Core | | | | | | \---View | | | | | | +---Home | | | | | | \---League | | | | | \---vendor | | | | | \---composer | | | | +---01vanilla | | | | | \---dir_to_ignore_eg_vendor | | | | +---02hopkins_2009_clickme | | | | +---02L2adlian_mvc_2009 | | | | +---03xuding | | | | +---03xuding_glob | | | | +---domain_model | | | | +---domain_m_lazy_load | | | | | \---domain_m_lazy_load_complicated | | | | +---kalendar | | | | +---simple | | | | | +---app | | | | | | +---controllers | | | | | | +---models | | | | | | \---views | | | | | | +---dashboard | | | | | | \---template | | | | | +---core | | | | | | +---classes | | | | | | +---config | | | | | | \---helpers | | | | | \---public | | | | | +---stylesheets | | | | | \---vendor | | | | +---simple2 | | | | | +---Config | | | | | +---Controllers | | | | | +---Core | | | | | +---Models | | | | | +---Views | | | | | | +---Layouts | | | | | | \---Tasks | | | | | \---Webroot | | | | +---simple3 | | | | | +---app | | | | | | +---Config | | | | | | +---Controllers | | | | | | +---Models | | | | | | +---Modules | | | | | | \---Views | | | | | +---assets | | | | | \---vendor | | | | | \---composer | | | | \---traversymvc_2015 | | | | +---learn | | | | | \---interface_tasks | | | | | +---abstract_was_UserInterface.php | | | | | +---controller_was_Users.php | | | | | \---model_was_dbconnparams_dbifns | | | | \---shareposts | | | | +---app | | | | | +---config | | | | | +---controllers | | | | | +---helpers | | | | | +---libraries | | | | | +---models | | | | | \---views | | | | | +---inc | | | | | +---pages | | | | | +---posts | | | | | \---users | | | | +---public | | | | | +---css | | | | | \---js | | | | \---resources | | | +---ajax | | | | +---01_ssv_json | | | | +---02_filter_rows_CRUD | | | | | \---test | | | | +---call_phpclsfn_from_js | | | | +---clear_form | | | | +---enter_tab_emul | | | | +---php_ideas | | | | | \---Ajax_postform | | | | | +---functions | | | | | +---includes | | | | | \---js | | | | +---simpleajax | | | | \---user_ShakilKhan | | | | \---img | | | +---aplay | | | | +---assets | | | | | +---css | | | | | +---images | | | | | | +---artwork | | | | | | +---icons | | | | | | \---profile-pics | | | | | +---js | | | | | \---music | | | | \---includes | | | | +---classes | | | | \---handlers | | | | \---ajax | | | +---csvtodo | | | +---ddns | | | +---forms | | | +---multilang | | | | \---lang | | | +---pagination_hr_countries | | | +---tasks | | | | +---Config | | | | +---Controllers | | | | +---Core | | | | +---Models | | | | +---Views | | | | | +---Layouts | | | | | \---Www | | | | \---www | | | \---todolist | | | +---web | | | | +---css | | | | +---img | | | | \---js | | | \---z | | | +---z_config | | | +---z_dao | | | +---z_db | | | +---z_exception | | | +---z_flash | | | +---z_layout | | | +---z_mapping | | | +---z_model | | | +---z_page | | | +---z_util | | | \---z_validation | | \---z_help | | +---networking_help | | +---oop_help | | \---oracledb_help | \---www +---vendor | +---bin | +---composer | +---erusev | | \---parsedown | +---php2wsdl | | \---php2wsdl | | \---src | +---simplemde | \---wingu | \---reflection | +---docs | \---src | +---Annotation | | +---Exceptions | | \---Tags | \---Exceptions \---zinc +---img | \---img_big | +---auction | | \---thumbnails | +---diagram | +---networking_help | +---oop_help | +---oracledb_help | +---signup_login | \---socnetbig | +---directory | +---headers | +---home | +---icons | | \---publisher | +---patterns | \---screenshots +---lang | \---lang \---themes \---bootstrap +---css \---js j:\awww\www (master -> origin)