// A simple class used in these examples
class DoThisLater {
public $info;
public function CallMe($str) {
echo "This is called with \$str set to \"$str\"\n";
public function ShowInfo() {
echo $this->info;
public function GetInfo() {
return $this->info;
* Simple demo of saving a series of calls to disk to make the actual
* call later.
// Create LOCO object with the classname as the first argument
$gl = new GoLOCO('DoThisLater');
// Call whatever functions on the object as you wish to call
$gl->CallMe('This has been stored on disk');
// Save the list of actions to disk
echo "File has been stored on disk\n";
// Create anothe LOCO object
$glRestore = new GoLOCO();
// Load the list of actions from the file you saved them to
// Run the list of actions
* Another simple demo of creating an list of actions to make the
* actual call later.
$xl = new xLOCO('DoThisLater');
$actions = $xl->__lococall('CallMe', "This is called with xLOCO");
* Another simple demo of creating an list of actions to make the
* actual call later. The function defined in __lococall returns a
* value when xLOCO::Execute is called.
$xl = new xLOCO('DoThisLater');
$xl->info = 'This is added with xLOCO';
$actions = $xl->__lococall('GetInfo');
$info = xLOCO::Execute($actions);
echo "Got \"{$info}\" from xLOCO::Execute\n";
* This class could be used for sending mails using PHPMailer
* In file where you wish to send a mail but doesn't bother if it
* filed or not. (Note that you does not have to include PHPMailer in
* this file. This is because it is never actually called.)
* include_once(INCLUDE_PATH_TO_LOCO.'/loco.php');
* $mail = new GoLOCO('PHPMailer');
* $mail->IsHTML();
* $mail->AddAddress('tb@bytecode.se', 'Thomas');
* $mail->Subject = 'GoLOCO test';
* $mail->Body = 'This mail is sent by using <strong>GoLOCO</strong>';
* $mail->__locosave(SAVEPATH.'/filename.loco');
* Then there might be a cronjob running in the background calling
* another file containing this code:
* include_once(INCLUDE_PATH_TO_PHPMAILER.'/class.phpmailer.php');
* include_once(INCLUDE_PATH_TO_LOCO.'/loco.php');
* $send = new GoLOCO();
* $send->__locoload(SAVEPATH.'/filename.loco');
* $send->__locogo('Send');
* One of the major advantages using this method is that you can create
* a mail by using information specific to a specific context in
* another context without having to bother to recreate the original
* context.
* Another example of using context information is when you wish to
* perform timeconsuming tasks without delaying the current request.
* Just create a LOCO-object and call the appropriate functions and set
* the appropriate variables and then save it to disk. Then use a
* cronjob to perform the heavy work in the background.