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File: public/assets/js/demo/dashboard-v2.js

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File: public/assets/js/demo/dashboard-v2.js
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Class: Tagydes
E-commerce Web administration panel and API
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/* Template Name: Color Admin - Responsive Admin Dashboard Template build with Twitter Bootstrap 4 Version: 4.3.0 Author: Sean Ngu Website: */ var getMonthName = function(number) { var month = []; month[0] = "JAN"; month[1] = "FEB"; month[2] = "MAR"; month[3] = "APR"; month[4] = "MAY"; month[5] = "JUN"; month[6] = "JUL"; month[7] = "AUG"; month[8] = "SEP"; month[9] = "OCT"; month[10] = "NOV"; month[11] = "DEC"; return month[number]; }; var getDate = function(date) { var currentDate = new Date(date); var dd = currentDate.getDate(); var mm = currentDate.getMonth() + 1; var yyyy = currentDate.getFullYear(); if (dd < 10) { dd = '0' + dd; } if (mm < 10) { mm = '0' + mm; } currentDate = yyyy+'-'+mm+'-'+dd; return currentDate; }; var handleVisitorsAreaChart = function() { var handleGetDate = function(minusDate) { var d = new Date(); d = d.setDate(d.getDate() - minusDate); return d; }; var visitorAreaChartData = [{ 'key' : 'Unique Visitors', 'color' : COLOR_AQUA, 'values' : [ [handleGetDate(77), 13], [handleGetDate(76), 13], [handleGetDate(75), 6 ], [handleGetDate(73), 6 ], [handleGetDate(72), 6 ], [handleGetDate(71), 5 ], [handleGetDate(70), 5 ], [handleGetDate(69), 5 ], [handleGetDate(68), 6 ], [handleGetDate(67), 7 ], [handleGetDate(66), 6 ], [handleGetDate(65), 9 ], [handleGetDate(64), 9 ], [handleGetDate(63), 8 ], [handleGetDate(62), 10], [handleGetDate(61), 10], [handleGetDate(60), 10], [handleGetDate(59), 10], [handleGetDate(58), 9 ], [handleGetDate(57), 9 ], [handleGetDate(56), 10], [handleGetDate(55), 9 ], [handleGetDate(54), 9 ], [handleGetDate(53), 8 ], [handleGetDate(52), 8 ], [handleGetDate(51), 8 ], [handleGetDate(50), 8 ], [handleGetDate(49), 8 ], [handleGetDate(48), 7 ], [handleGetDate(47), 7 ], [handleGetDate(46), 6 ], [handleGetDate(45), 6 ], [handleGetDate(44), 6 ], [handleGetDate(43), 6 ], [handleGetDate(42), 5 ], [handleGetDate(41), 5 ], [handleGetDate(40), 4 ], [handleGetDate(39), 4 ], [handleGetDate(38), 5 ], [handleGetDate(37), 5 ], [handleGetDate(36), 5 ], [handleGetDate(35), 7 ], [handleGetDate(34), 7 ], [handleGetDate(33), 7 ], [handleGetDate(32), 10], [handleGetDate(31), 9 ], [handleGetDate(30), 9 ], [handleGetDate(29), 10], [handleGetDate(28), 11], [handleGetDate(27), 11], [handleGetDate(26), 8 ], [handleGetDate(25), 8 ], [handleGetDate(24), 7 ], [handleGetDate(23), 8 ], [handleGetDate(22), 9 ], [handleGetDate(21), 8 ], [handleGetDate(20), 9 ], [handleGetDate(19), 10], [handleGetDate(18), 9 ], [handleGetDate(17), 10], [handleGetDate(16), 16], [handleGetDate(15), 17], [handleGetDate(14), 16], [handleGetDate(13), 17], [handleGetDate(12), 16], [handleGetDate(11), 15], [handleGetDate(10), 14], [handleGetDate(9) , 24], [handleGetDate(8) , 18], [handleGetDate(7) , 15], [handleGetDate(6) , 14], [handleGetDate(5) , 16], [handleGetDate(4) , 16], [handleGetDate(3) , 17], [handleGetDate(2) , 7 ], [handleGetDate(1) , 7 ], [handleGetDate(0) , 7 ] ] }, { 'key' : 'Page Views', 'color' : COLOR_BLUE, 'values' : [ [handleGetDate(77), 14], [handleGetDate(76), 13], [handleGetDate(75), 15], [handleGetDate(73), 14], [handleGetDate(72), 13], [handleGetDate(71), 15], [handleGetDate(70), 16], [handleGetDate(69), 16], [handleGetDate(68), 14], [handleGetDate(67), 14], [handleGetDate(66), 13], [handleGetDate(65), 12], [handleGetDate(64), 13], [handleGetDate(63), 13], [handleGetDate(62), 15], [handleGetDate(61), 16], [handleGetDate(60), 16], [handleGetDate(59), 17], [handleGetDate(58), 17], [handleGetDate(57), 18], [handleGetDate(56), 15], [handleGetDate(55), 15], [handleGetDate(54), 15], [handleGetDate(53), 19], [handleGetDate(52), 19], [handleGetDate(51), 18], [handleGetDate(50), 18], [handleGetDate(49), 17], [handleGetDate(48), 16], [handleGetDate(47), 18], [handleGetDate(46), 18], [handleGetDate(45), 18], [handleGetDate(44), 16], [handleGetDate(43), 14], [handleGetDate(42), 14], [handleGetDate(41), 13], [handleGetDate(40), 14], [handleGetDate(39), 13], [handleGetDate(38), 10], [handleGetDate(37), 9 ], [handleGetDate(36), 10], [handleGetDate(35), 11], [handleGetDate(34), 11], [handleGetDate(33), 11], [handleGetDate(32), 10], [handleGetDate(31), 9 ], [handleGetDate(30), 10], [handleGetDate(29), 13], [handleGetDate(28), 14], [handleGetDate(27), 14], [handleGetDate(26), 13], [handleGetDate(25), 12], [handleGetDate(24), 11], [handleGetDate(23), 13], [handleGetDate(22), 13], [handleGetDate(21), 13], [handleGetDate(20), 13], [handleGetDate(19), 14], [handleGetDate(18), 13], [handleGetDate(17), 13], [handleGetDate(16), 19], [handleGetDate(15), 21], [handleGetDate(14), 22], [handleGetDate(13), 25], [handleGetDate(12), 24], [handleGetDate(11), 24], [handleGetDate(10), 22], [handleGetDate(9) , 16], [handleGetDate(8) , 15], [handleGetDate(7) , 12], [handleGetDate(6) , 12], [handleGetDate(5) , 15], [handleGetDate(4) , 15], [handleGetDate(3) , 15], [handleGetDate(2) , 18], [handleGetDate(2) , 18], [handleGetDate(0) , 17] ] }]; nv.addGraph(function() { var stackedAreaChart = nv.models.stackedAreaChart() .useInteractiveGuideline(true) .x(function(d) { return d[0] }) .y(function(d) { return d[1] }) .pointSize(0.5) .margin({'left':35,'right': 25,'top': 20,'bottom':20}) .controlLabels({stacked: 'Stacked'}) .showControls(false) .duration(300); stackedAreaChart.xAxis.tickFormat(function(d) { var monthsName = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']; d = new Date(d); d = monthsName[d.getMonth()] + ' ' + d.getDate(); return d ; }); stackedAreaChart.yAxis.tickFormat(d3.format(',.0f'));'#visitors-line-chart') .append('svg') .datum(visitorAreaChartData) .transition().duration(1000) .call(stackedAreaChart) .each('start', function() { setTimeout(function() { d3.selectAll('#visitors-line-chart *').each(function() { if(this.__transition__) this.__transition__.duration = 1; }) }, 0) }); nv.utils.windowResize(stackedAreaChart.update); return stackedAreaChart; }); }; var handleVisitorsDonutChart = function() { var visitorDonutChartData = [ { 'label': 'Return Visitors', 'value' : 784466, 'color': COLOR_BLUE }, { 'label': 'New Visitors', 'value' : 416747, 'color': COLOR_GREEN } ]; var arcRadius = [ { inner: 0.65, outer: 0.93 }, { inner: 0.6, outer: 1 } ]; nv.addGraph(function() { var donutChart = nv.models.pieChart() .x(function(d) { return d.label }) .y(function(d) { return d.value }) .margin({'left': 10,'right': 10,'top': 10,'bottom': 10}) .showLegend(false) .donut(true) .growOnHover(false) .arcsRadius(arcRadius) .donutRatio(0.5); donutChart.labelFormat(d3.format(',.0f'));'#visitors-donut-chart').append('svg') .datum(visitorDonutChartData) .transition().duration(3000) .call(donutChart); return donutChart; }); }; var handleVisitorsVectorMap = function() { if ($('#visitors-map').length !== 0) { $('#visitors-map').vectorMap({ map: 'world_merc_en', scaleColors: [COLOR_BLACK_LIGHTER, COLOR_BLACK], container: $('#visitors-map'), normalizeFunction: 'linear', hoverOpacity: 0.5, hoverColor: false, zoomOnScroll: false, markerStyle: { initial: { fill: COLOR_BLACK, stroke: 'transparent', r: 3 } }, regions: [{ attribute: 'fill' }], regionStyle: { initial: { fill: COLOR_BLACK_LIGHTER, "fill-opacity": 1, stroke: 'none', "stroke-width": 0.4, "stroke-opacity": 1 }, hover: { "fill-opacity": 0.8 }, selected: { fill: 'yellow' } }, series: { regions: [{ values: { IN: COLOR_BLUE, US: COLOR_GREEN, MN: COLOR_GREY_DARKER } }] }, focusOn: { x: 0.5, y: 0.5, scale: 1 }, backgroundColor: 'transparent' }); } }; var handleScheduleCalendar = function() { var monthNames = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]; var dayNames = ["S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S"]; var now = new Date(), month = now.getMonth() + 1, year = now.getFullYear(); var events = [[ '2/' + month + '/' + year, 'Popover Title', '#', COLOR_GREEN, 'Some contents here' ], [ '5/' + month + '/' + year, 'Tooltip with link', '', COLOR_BLACK ], [ '18/' + month + '/' + year, 'Popover with HTML Content', '#', COLOR_BLACK, 'Some contents here <div class="text-right"><a href="">view more >>></a></div>' ], [ '28/' + month + '/' + year, 'Color Admin V1.3 Launched', '', COLOR_BLACK, ]]; var calendarTarget = $('#schedule-calendar'); $(calendarTarget).calendar({ months: monthNames, days: dayNames, events: events, popover_options:{ placement: 'top', html: true } }); $(calendarTarget).find('td.event').each(function() { var backgroundColor = $(this).css('background-color'); $(this).removeAttr('style'); $(this).find('a').css('background-color', backgroundColor); }); $(calendarTarget).find('.icon-arrow-left, .icon-arrow-right').parent().on('click', function() { $(calendarTarget).find('td.event').each(function() { var backgroundColor = $(this).css('background-color'); $(this).removeAttr('style'); $(this).find('a').css('background-color', backgroundColor); }); }); }; var handleDashboardGritterNotification = function() { setTimeout(function() { $.gritter.add({ title: 'Welcome back, Admin!', text: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tempus lacus ut lectus rutrum placerat.', image: '../assets/img/user/user-12.jpg', sticky: true, time: '', class_name: 'my-sticky-class' }); }, 1000); }; var DashboardV2 = function () { "use strict"; return { //main function init: function () { handleVisitorsAreaChart(); handleVisitorsDonutChart(); handleVisitorsVectorMap(); handleScheduleCalendar(); handleDashboardGritterNotification(); } }; }();