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File: public/assets/js/demo/chart-morris.demo.js

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File: public/assets/js/demo/chart-morris.demo.js
Role: Auxiliary data
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Tagydes
E-commerce Web administration panel and API
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/* Template Name: Color Admin - Responsive Admin Dashboard Template build with Twitter Bootstrap 4 Version: 4.3.0 Author: Sean Ngu Website: */ var handleMorrisLineChart = function () { var tax_data = [ {"period": "2011 Q3", "licensed": 3407, "sorned": 660}, {"period": "2011 Q2", "licensed": 3351, "sorned": 629}, {"period": "2011 Q1", "licensed": 3269, "sorned": 618}, {"period": "2010 Q4", "licensed": 3246, "sorned": 661}, {"period": "2009 Q4", "licensed": 3171, "sorned": 676}, {"period": "2008 Q4", "licensed": 3155, "sorned": 681}, {"period": "2007 Q4", "licensed": 3226, "sorned": 620}, {"period": "2006 Q4", "licensed": 3245, "sorned": null}, {"period": "2005 Q4", "licensed": 3289, "sorned": null} ]; Morris.Line({ element: 'morris-line-chart', data: tax_data, xkey: 'period', ykeys: ['licensed', 'sorned'], labels: ['Licensed', 'Off the road'], resize: true, pointSize: 5, lineWidth: 2.5, gridLineColor: [COLOR_GREY_LIGHTER], gridTextFamily: FONT_FAMILY, gridTextColor: FONT_COLOR, gridTextWeight: FONT_WEIGHT, gridTextSize: FONT_SIZE, lineColors: [COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLUE] }); }; var handleMorrisBarChart = function () { Morris.Bar({ element: 'morris-bar-chart', data: [ {device: 'iPhone', geekbench: 136}, {device: 'iPhone 3G', geekbench: 137}, {device: 'iPhone 3GS', geekbench: 275}, {device: 'iPhone 4', geekbench: 380}, {device: 'iPhone 4S', geekbench: 655}, {device: 'iPhone 5', geekbench: 1571} ], xkey: 'device', ykeys: ['geekbench'], labels: ['Geekbench'], barRatio: 0.4, xLabelAngle: 35, resize: true, gridLineColor: [COLOR_GREY_LIGHTER], gridTextFamily: FONT_FAMILY, gridTextColor: FONT_COLOR, gridTextWeight: FONT_WEIGHT, gridTextSize: FONT_SIZE, barColors: [COLOR_BLACK] }); }; var handleMorrisAreaChart = function() { Morris.Area({ element: 'morris-area-chart', data: [ {period: '2010 Q1', iphone: 2666, ipad: null, itouch: 2647}, {period: '2010 Q2', iphone: 2778, ipad: 2294, itouch: 2441}, {period: '2010 Q3', iphone: 4912, ipad: 1969, itouch: 2501}, {period: '2010 Q4', iphone: 3767, ipad: 3597, itouch: 5689}, {period: '2011 Q1', iphone: 6810, ipad: 1914, itouch: 2293}, {period: '2011 Q2', iphone: 5670, ipad: 4293, itouch: 1881}, {period: '2011 Q3', iphone: 4820, ipad: 3795, itouch: 1588}, {period: '2011 Q4', iphone: 15073, ipad: 5967, itouch: 5175}, {period: '2012 Q1', iphone: 10687, ipad: 4460, itouch: 2028}, {period: '2012 Q2', iphone: 8432, ipad: 5713, itouch: 1791} ], xkey: 'period', ykeys: ['iphone', 'ipad', 'itouch'], labels: ['iPhone', 'iPad', 'iPod Touch'], pointSize: 2.5, resize: true, gridLineColor: [COLOR_GREY_LIGHTER], gridTextFamily: FONT_FAMILY, gridTextColor: FONT_COLOR, gridTextWeight: FONT_WEIGHT, gridTextSize: FONT_SIZE, lineColors: [COLOR_RED, COLOR_ORANGE, COLOR_BLACK] }); }; var handleMorrisDonusChart = function() { Morris.Donut({ element: 'morris-donut-chart', data: [ {label: 'Jam', value: 25 }, {label: 'Frosted', value: 40 }, {label: 'Custard', value: 25 }, {label: 'Sugar', value: 10 } ], formatter: function (y) { return y + "%" }, resize: true, gridLineColor: [COLOR_GREY_LIGHTER], gridTextFamily: FONT_FAMILY, gridTextColor: FONT_COLOR, gridTextWeight: FONT_WEIGHT, gridTextSize: FONT_SIZE, colors: [COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_AQUA, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_GREY] }); }; var MorrisChart = function () { "use strict"; return { //main function init: function () { handleMorrisLineChart(); handleMorrisBarChart(); handleMorrisAreaChart(); handleMorrisDonusChart(); } }; }();