require_once 'PageLister.php';
echo '<h1>Introducing the PageLister</h1>';
echo '<h3>Simple example using only default options.</h3>';
* Preparation only requires the current page number and
* an array containing all the items.
* We assign some dummy items for testing.
$currentPage = !empty($_GET['page']) ? (int) $_GET['page'] : 1;
$allItems = array();
for ($i=0; $i<25; $i++) $allItems[] = $i;
* Making the pagelist is a breeze. Feed in the data and extract it.
$pl = new PageLister($allItems, $currentPage);
$pageList = $pl->makePageList();
$currentItems = $pl->getCurrentItems();
* Finally output the current page items and the pagelist
echo "Current page items:<br />\n";
foreach ($currentItems as $item)
echo "$item <br />\n";
echo "Pages: \n";
foreach ($pageList as $page)
// make sure only valid urls are clickable (prev page at page 1 won't yield a valid previous next page)
if ($page['url']) {
echo "<a href='?page={$page['page']}'>{$page['label']}</a> ";
else {
echo $page['label'].' ';
echo '<br />-------------------------------------------------';
echo '<h3>Example using page labels.</h3>';
* Example using page labels.
* First define the page labels and assign dummy articles.
$pageLabels = array(
1 => 'Introduction',
2 => 'Contents',
3 => 'Analysis',
4 => 'Summary',
5 => 'Litterature'
$allItems = array();
for ($i=0; $i<5; $i++) $allItems[] = $i;
* Instantiate the pagelister with options.
$pl = new PageLister($allItems, $currentPage, array(
'pageLabels' => $pageLabels,
'itemsPerPage' => 1,
'prevAndNext' => false
$pageList = $pl->makePageList();
* Output the pages.
foreach ($pageList as $page)
echo "<a href='?page={$page['page']}'>{$page['label']}</a> <br />\n";