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File: fwphp/glomodul/mkd/01/001_php_html_js/001_apache_php/wamp_on_usb_drive.txt

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File: fwphp/glomodul/mkd/01/001_php_html_js/001_apache_php/wamp_on_usb_drive.txt
Role: Documentation
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Description: Documentation
Class: B12 PHP FW
Manage database records with a PDO CRUD interface
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Last change: Update of fwphp/glomodul/mkd/01/001_php_html_js/001_apache_php/wamp_on_usb_drive.txt
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 1,417 bytes


Class file image Download,149684 Wampserver is not a basic portable application. Running Wamp64 after copying to a USB U: requires more modifications. Supposed the original install is J:\wamp64 : 1. Define INSTALL_DIR u:/wamp64 in **u:\wamp64\bin\apache\apache2.4.33\conf\httpd.conf** (only affects internal Wampserver scripts) 1. Replace all j:/wamp64 by u:/wamp64 in files : 1.** U:\wamp64\bin\apache\apache2.4.33\conf\extra\httpd.vhosts.conf** 1. All (4) **php.ini** and(8) **phpForApache.ini** files **for all php versions** 1. All **my.ini** files for all mysql and mariadb versions 1. in all **wamp64/alias/xxxx.conf** files 1. in **wampmanager.ini** file 1. Before lauching U:\wamp64\wampmanager.exe "as an administrator" we must delete old services with opening a command windows and type : sc delete wampapache64 sc delete wampmysqld64 sc delete wampmariadb64 Now we can launch U:\wamp64\wampmanager.exe "as an administrator", the tray icon will be red. We have to create new services by Left1.Click and 1. Apache 1.> Service 1.> Install service 1. MySQL 1.> Service 1.> Install Service 1. MariaDB 1.> Service 1.> Install Service 1. Start all services It works, I did it exactly like this, on a U:\wamp64 USB stick after copying my original j:\wamp64 folder. Important : The USB stick must be NTFS formatted and always take the letter U: at each connection.