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File: dhcpLeaseQuery.php

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File: dhcpLeaseQuery.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: The main DHCP Lease Query Class
Class: DHCP Lease Query
Send queries to a DHCP server
Author: By
Last change: Made accessible to those without a login.
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 18,015 bytes


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<? /** * This class performs a dhcp lease query and passes back * all info pertaining to the lease. * * Copyright (c) 2010 by Pat Winn ( * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND PAT WINN DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL PAT WINN BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT * OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Portions of the parser code were adapted from code originally written by * Angelo R. DiNardi ( * * Many thanks also to all those in the ISC DHCP hacker community and the * folks at ISC who chimed in to help figure this stuff out. Without the * input..I would never have gotten to this point. :-) * * If this file looks funky to you, try setting tab stops=4. * * @author Pat Winn ( * @date 06/17/2010 * @version 1.0 */ require_once("dhcpAPI.php"); class dhcpLeaseQuery { // contains packet data private $packet = Array(); // actual packet to be sent or received private $myPacket = ''; // what to use for our giaddr (where will we send the leaseactive/etc. packets back to) private $my_giaddr = ''; // IP address of the dhcpd server private $my_server = ''; // our socket handle private $socket = ''; // the lease info packet we hope to get back public $lease = ''; // data types for given options private $options = ''; // array containing the various message types we may encounter private $messageTypes = ''; /** * Constructor * @$myGiaddr = IP address to use for giaddr field * @$dhcpServer = IP address of the dhcpd server we want to query * @returns nothing */ function __construct(&$myGiaddr, &$dhcpServer) { $this->my_giaddr = $myGiaddr; $this->my_server = $dhcpServer; $this->options = array( 1 => array('name' => 'subnet_mask', 'type' => 'ip'), 2 => array('name' => 'time_offset', 'type' => 'int'), 3 => array('name' => 'router', 'type' => 'ip'), 6 => array('name' => 'dns_server', 'type' => 'ip'), 7 => array('name' => 'log_server', 'type' => 'ip'), 12 => array('name' => 'host_name', 'type' => 'string'), 15 => array('name' => 'domain_name', 'type' => 'string'), 23 => array('name' => 'ttl', 'type' => 'int'), 28 => array('name' => 'broadcast_address', 'type' => 'ip'), 43 => array('name' => 'vendor_specific', 'type' => 'string'), 50 => array('name' => 'requested_ip_address', 'type' => 'ip'), 51 => array('name' => 'lease_time', 'type' => 'int'), 53 => array('name' => 'message_type', 'type' => 'messageType'), 54 => array('name' => 'server_id', 'type' => 'ip'), 55 => array('name' => 'parameter_request', 'type' => 'binary'), 57 => array('name' => 'max_message_size', 'type' => 'int'), 58 => array('name' => 'renewal_time', 'type' => 'int'), 59 => array('name' => 'rebinding_time', 'type' => 'int'), 61 => array('name' => 'client_id', 'type' => 'mac'), 60 => array('name' => 'vendor_class_identifier', 'type' => 'string'), 66 => array('name' => 'tftp_server', 'type' => 'string'), 82 => array('name' => 'option-82', 'type' => 'string'), 91 => array('name' => 'client-last-transaction-time', 'type' => 'int'), 92 => array('name' => 'associated-ip', 'type' => 'string') ); $this->messageTypes = array( 1 => 'discover', 2 => 'offer', 3 => 'request', 4 => 'decline', 5 => 'ack', 6 => 'nak', 7 => 'release', 8 => 'inform', 10 => 'DHCPLEASEQUERY', 11 => 'DHCPLEASEUNASSIGNED', 12 => 'DHCPLEASEUNKNOWN', 13 => 'DHCPLEASEACTIVE' ); // build the basic packet $this->packet['op'] = D_BOOTREQUEST; $this->packet['htype'] = D_ETHERNET; $this->packet['hlen'] = '06'; $this->packet['hops'] = '00'; $this->packet['xid'] = sprintf("%08x\n", mt_rand(0, 0xFFFFFF)); $this->packet['secs'] = '0000'; $this->packet['flags'] = '0000'; $this->packet['yiaddr'] = $this->ip2hex(""); $this->packet['siaddr'] = $this->ip2hex(""); $this->packet['giaddr'] = $this->ip2hex($myGiaddr); $this->packet['chaddr'] = $this->pad('', 32); $this->packet['sname'] = $this->pad('', 128); $this->packet['file'] = $this->pad('', 256); $this->packet['magic'] = D_MAGIC; $this->packet['options'] = $this->int2hex(53) . $this->int2hex(1) . D_LEASEQUERY; $this->packet['options'] .= $this->int2hex(55) . $this->int2hex(count($this->options)); // add all possible options to the list and see what all we get back.. foreach($this->options as $k => $v) { $this->packet['options'] .= $this->int2hex($k); } // don't forget the end octet! $this->packet['options'] .= $this->int2hex(255); } /** * Send a DHCPLEASEQUERY packet to the remote dhcpd * @$ipaddr = IP address to query information for * @returns true if sent, false if not */ public function sendQuery(&$ipaddr) { // add the client ip that we want to query for to the packet $this->packet['ciaddr'] = $this->ip2hex($ipaddr); // pack it into binary fun.. $this->myPacket = pack("H2H2H2H2H8H4H4H8H8H8H8H32H128H256H8H*", $this->packet['op'], $this->packet['htype'], $this->packet['hlen'], $this->packet['hops'], $this->packet['xid'], $this->packet['secs'], $this->packet['flags'], $this->packet['ciaddr'], $this->packet['yiaddr'], $this->packet['siaddr'], $this->packet['giaddr'], $this->packet['chaddr'], $this->packet['sname'], $this->packet['file'], $this->packet['magic'], $this->packet['options'] ); // open a socket to the server $this->socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, SOL_UDP); socket_set_option($this->socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, 1); socket_bind($this->socket, $this->my_giaddr, 67); // send the packet (finally).. $error = socket_sendto($this->socket, $this->myPacket, strlen($this->myPacket), 0, $this->my_server, 67); if ($error === FALSE) { print("Send failed for address"); print_r("ERROR: ". $error ." while trying to send."); return(false); } else { echo "Sent ". $error ." bytes\n"; return(true); } } /** * Receive a lease query response packet * @returns array with lease info or false if failure */ public function receive() { if($this->socket == null) { $this->socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, SOL_UDP); socket_set_option($this->fp, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1); socket_bind($this->socket, $this->my_giaddr, 67); } $pkt = false; $port = 67; if (false !== ($pkt = socket_recvfrom($this->socket, $buf, 2048, MSG_WAITALL, $this->my_server, $port))) { $this->log('leaseQuery.php: '. "Rec: ". $pkt . "\nbytes:: ". $buf); } else { $this->log('leaseQuery.php: '. "ERR: ". socket_strerror(socket_last_error($this->socket))); return(false); } // close the listener socket try { socket_close($this->socket); } catch(Exception $t) {} // parse the packet and save off the data in our array $this->parse($buf); if($this->parse($buf) !== false) { return($this->lease); } else { return(false); } } /** * Parse an incoming packet and put it's contents into an array * @$_pkt = packet payload to parse */ private function parse($_pkt) { // unpack the binary octets from the packet payload into something we can work with $_format = "H2op/H2htype/H2hlen/H2hops/H8xid/H4secs/H4flags/H8ciaddr/"; $_format .= "H8yiaddr/H8siaddr/H8giaddr/H32chaddr/H128sname/H256file/H8magic/H*options"; $this->lease = unpack($_format, $_pkt); // check the packet's magic number and return out without doing anything if bad if(!$this->lease['magic'] == '63825363') { $this->log("BAD MAGIC: ". $this->lease['magic']); return(false); } // grab the options field from the payload and save it for later $optionData = $this->lease['options']; $pos = 0; $this->lease['cid'] = ''; // option 82 circuit id $this->lease['rid'] = ''; // option 82 remote id // loop through all the options sent to us and parse things out // (this is ugly and should be cleaned up/optimized some later..<blush>) while(strlen($optionData) > $pos) { // get the code number for the current option $code = base_convert(substr($optionData, $pos, 2), 16, 10); $pos += 2; // get the option field length for the current option $len = base_convert(substr($optionData, $pos, 2), 16, 10); $pos += 2; // get the bytes that make up the current option info $curoptdata = substr($optionData, $pos, $len*2); $pos += $len*2; // attempt to look up the data type, etc. for the current option code/type $optinfo = $this->options[$code]; // if we found the code in the list..parse things out if($optinfo !== null) { $translatedData = null; // check the data type and determine how to parse it switch($optinfo['type']) { case 'int': $translatedData = base_convert($curoptdata, 16, 10); break; case 'string': // if we are dealing with option 82, loop through it's sub options // as appropriate if($code == 82) { $_pos = 0; $o82 = substr($curoptdata, $_pos, $len*2); while(strlen($o82) > $_pos) { $_code = base_convert(substr($o82, $_pos, 2), 16, 10); $_pos += 2; $_len = base_convert(substr($o82, $_pos, 2), 16, 10); $_pos += 2; $curo82 = substr($o82, $_pos, $_len*2); $_pos += $_len*2; // why in the heck does sub-option 2 not convert the same as // sub-option 1 (cid)? It's in the same format and // should convert the same. FIX THIS!!!!! ($_code == 1) ? $field = "cid" : $field = "rid"; $this->lease[$field] = $this->hex2str($curo82); } } else { $translatedData = $this->hex2str($curoptdata); } break; case 'ip': $translatedData = $this->hex2ip($curoptdata); break; case 'messageType': $translatedData = $this->messageTypes[$this->hex2int($curoptdata)]; break; default: $translatedData = $curoptdata; } $this->lease[$optinfo['name']] = $translatedData; } else { $this->lease[$code] = $curoptdata; } } // Now clean up a few of the values a bit further. // ** Note that I've put most of these into try/catch blocks but have not added // ** any real error handling to most. Just let it keep going without breaking for now. try { $this->lease['chaddr'] = $this->str2mac(substr($this->lease['chaddr'], 0, 12)); } catch(Exception $e0) {} try { $this->lease['client_id'] = substr($this->lease['client_id'], 2); } catch(Exception $e1) {} try { $this->lease['ciaddr'] = $this->hex2ip($this->lease['ciaddr']); } catch(Exception $e3) {} try { $this->lease['yiaddr'] = $this->hex2ip($this->lease['yiaddr']); } catch(Exception $e4) {} try { $this->lease['siaddr'] = $this->hex2ip($this->lease['siaddr']); } catch(Exception $e5) {} try { $this->lease['giaddr'] = $this->hex2ip($this->lease['giaddr']); } catch(Exception $e6) {} // set the start/end/renew/rebind/total times to a human readable date/time // before altering their values below $this->setTimes( $this->lease['lease_time'], $this->lease['renewal_time'], $this->lease['rebinding_time'], $this->lease['client-last-transaction-time'] ); try { $this->lease['lease_time'] = $this->toDateStr($this->lease['lease_time']); } catch(Exception $e7) {} try { $this->lease['renewal_time'] = $this->toDateStr($this->lease['renewal_time']); } catch(Exception $e8) {} try { $this->lease['rebinding_time'] = $this->toDateStr($this->lease['rebinding_time']); } catch(Exception $e8) {} try { $this->lease['client-last-transaction-time'] = $this->toDateStr($this->lease['client-last-transaction-time']); } catch(Exception $e9) {} } /** * Convert the lease start/end/renewal/rebinding/cltt seconds to real dates/times in mysql format * Also set the total number of seconds the lease was given for * @$_lt = lease time in seconds (no relation to the epoch) * @$_rt = renewal time in seconds (no relation to the epoch) * @$_bt = rebinding time in seconds (no relation to the epoch) * @$_ct = client last transmission time (no relation to the epoch) * @returns nothing, merely attempts to add the appropriate fields to the lease array which * already contains the rest of the current lease info */ private function setTimes(&$_lt, &$_rt, &$_bt, &$_ct) { try { $_now = time(); $startSecs = ($_now - $_ct); $totalSecs = ($_ct + $_lt); $this->lease['curTime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $this->lease['clttTime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $startSecs); $this->lease['startTime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $startSecs); $this->lease['renew'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", ($_now + $_rt)); $this->lease['rebind'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", ($_now + $_bt)); $this->lease['endTime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", ($startSecs + $totalSecs)); $this->lease['leaseTime'] = $totalSecs; } catch(Exception $t) {} } /** * Convert a string to mac address w/ :'s inserted * @$s = string to convert * @returns converted string or original string if error */ private function str2mac($s) { try { $oct1 = $s{0} . $s{1}; $oct2 = $s{2} . $s{3}; $oct3 = $s{4} . $s{5}; $oct4 = $s{6} . $s{7}; $oct5 = $s{8} . $s{9}; $oct6 = $s{10} . $s{11}; return($oct1 .":". $oct2 .":". $oct3 .":". $oct4 .":". $oct5 .":". $oct6); } catch(Exception $r) { return($s); } } /** * Convert a value to hex * @$s = value to convert * @returns converted hex value or -1 upon failure */ private function str2hex($s) { $hex = ''; try { for ($i = 0 ; $i < strlen($s); $i++) { $hex .= dechex(ord($s[$i])); } } catch(Exception $x) { return(-1); } return($hex); } /** * Convert a hex value to string * @$hex = hex octet(s) to convert * @returns converted string or false upon failure */ private function hex2str($hex) { $str = ''; for ($i = 0 ; $i < strlen($hex) - 1 ; $i += 2) { $str .= chr(hexdec($hex[$i] . $hex[$i + 1])); } return($str); } // convert an ip address to hex values /* * Convert an IP address to hex octets * @$ip = IP address to convert * @returns converted IP or -1 if failure */ private function ip2hex($ip) { $t = explode(".", $ip); try { $hex = $this->int2hex($t[0]) . $this->int2hex($t[1]) . $this->int2hex($t[2]) . $this->int2hex($t[3]); return($hex); } catch(Exception $y) { return(-1); } } /** * Convert a hex value back to an ip address * @$hex = value to convert * @returns string containing ip address or -1 upon failure */ private function hex2ip($hex) { $retVal = -1; try { $retVal = $this->hex2int($hex[0] . $hex[1]) .".". $this->hex2int($hex[2] . $hex[3]) .".". $this->hex2int($hex[4] . $hex[5]) .".". $this->hex2int($hex[6] . $hex[7]); } catch(Exception $r) { $retVal = -1; } return($retVal); } /* * Convert an int value to a 0 padded hex value * @$int = int to pad * @returns padded value or -1 if failure */ private function int2hex($int) { try { $hex = base_convert($int, 10, 16); switch(strlen($hex)) { case 1: case 3: case 7: $hex = '0' . $hex; break; case 5: $hex = '000' . $hex; break; } return $hex; } catch(Exception $z) { return(-1); } } /** * Convert a hex value back to an int value * @$hex = value to convert * @returns converted int value or -1 if failure */ private function hex2int($hex) { $retVal = -1; try { $retVal = base_convert($hex, 16, 10); } catch(Exception $g) { $retVal = -1; } return($retVal); } /** * Convert an int to number of days/hours/mins/secs * Has no relation to the epoch, just the number of days/hours/mins/secs * @$t = number to convert * @returns string containing days, hours, mins, secs padded w/ 0's if applicable */ private function toDateStr($t) { $hours = $this->lpad(intVal($t / 3600), 2); $days = $this->lpad(intVal($hours / 24), 2); $mins = $this->lpad(intVal(($t / 60) - ($hours * 60)), 2); $secs = $this->lpad(intVal($t % 60), 2); return($days ."d ". $hours ."h ". $mins ."m ". $secs ."s"); } /** * Pad a field to a given number of 0's * @$s = string to add padding to (defaults to right side pad) * @$cnt = number of 0's to pad with * @returns padded string */ private function pad($s, $cnt) { return(str_pad($s, $cnt, '0')); } /** * Pad a field to a given number of 0's * @$s = string to add padding to (defaults to left side pad) * @$cnt = number of 0's to pad with * @returns padded string */ private function lpad($s, $cnt) { return(str_pad($s, $cnt, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT)); } /** * debug function... */ private function log($s) { $fp = fopen('/var/log/dhcp.log', 'a+'); fputs($fp, $s ."\n"); fclose($fp); } } ?>