if(!defined('BASEPATH')){ die();}
AzizMVC By Aziz S. Hussain
Licensed under LGPL
File Name: welcome.php
This is an example of how you would create a controller.
--> Basically all controllers must extend the mainController
--> Your constructor must initialize the parent constructor as well
--> Index function will always get called if it exists
--> If you access the controller through this: /index.php/welcome/test,
it will try to execute the test() function in the class
class welcome extends mainController
// load controller
public function __construct()
// Initialize parent
// index page
function index()
// Load model (model filename, handler)
// Execute the model test function (basically echos 'test' for now)
// Custom data to pass to viewer
$data['testVar'] = ' > Test 123';
// Load viewer and save it to use on the template plugin
$page = $this->loadViewer('welcome',$data,true);
$templateInfo = array('header', 'footer', 'links');
// Echo page + template (using auto loaded template plugin)
echo showTemplate($page,$templateInfo,'Default',$data);
// End of file /AzizMVC/Controller/welcome.php