if(!defined('BASEPATH')){ die();}
AzizMVC By Aziz S. Hussain
Licensed under LGPL
File Name: load.php
class load
This is the loader class, which loads controllers, models, views, plugins and helpers (CMVPH)
Depending on your hosting, you might have to make sure that your
CVMPH file names as lowercase. Note that the class names in PHP are case
insensitive, so it doesn't matter how you case them.
>>> Class naming style is: <<<
Controllers: same as first url param, case insensitive
Models: custom naming
Views: custom naming
void __construct --> Checks for the basepath
void loadcontroller(controller as string) --> Loads controller
(string|void) loadViewer(viewer as string, variableList as array = null,saveOutput = false)
--> Load viewer. If variable list passed as array, it is passed to viewer.
--> If saveOutput true, returns viewer as variable
void loadModel(model as string, handler as string)
--> Loads mysql model based on the following class naming conventions:
model, modelModel, mode_model, or search the model file for class name
void loadHelper(helperName as string) --> Load helper based on helperName or helperName_helper
void loadPlugin(pluginName as string) --> Load helper based on pluginName or pluginName_plugin
void private checkClassInclude(className as string,handler as string)
--> Call class and assign it to the model handler
--> If handler specified, then assign it to that handler
(void|string) getClassName --> Open model file and check for the first class name and return it
class load
// Constructor
public function __construct()
The only reason that I am duplicating the BASEPATH to this is to keep the
feeling of OOP, nothing much, users can still use the constant BASEPATH
if(!isset($this->BASEPATH)){ $this->BASEPATH = BASEPATH;}
// Load controllers
public function loadcontroller($controller)
// Make sure filenames are lowercase
$controller = strtolower($controller);
// check if controller exist
} else {
die("Controller: $controller.php does not exist");
// Load viewer
public function loadViewer($viewer,$variableList = NULL,$saveOutput = false)
// Make sure filenames are lowercase
$viewer = strtolower($viewer);
// check if viewer exist
// Load variables if any
if(is_array($variableList) && count($variableList) > 0)
foreach($variableList as $varName => $varValue)
${$varName} = $varValue;
// Are we saving output
if($saveOutput == true)
// Show viewer
// Return output
if($saveOutput == true)
$content = ob_get_contents();
return $content;
} else {
die("Viewer: $viewer.php does not exist");
// Load model
public function loadModel($model,$handler = NULL)
$className = '';
if(isset($handler)){ $this->$handler = '';}
// check if model exist
} else {
die("Model: $model.php does not exist");
// Check name style "controller_model" / case insensitive
$className = $model.'_model';
// Check name style "controllermodel"
if((isset($handler) && !is_object($this->$handler)) ||
(!isset($handler) && !is_object($this->model)))
$className = $model.'model';
// If all fail, just open the file and get the class name
/* Users should not resort to this method as it will slow the application down */
if((isset($handler) && !is_object($this->$handler)) ||
(!isset($handler) && !is_object($this->model)))
$className = $this->getClassName($this->BASEPATH.'Model/'.$model.'.php');
// If all fail, die
if((isset($handler) && !is_object($this->$handler)) ||
(!isset($handler) && !is_object($this->model)))
die("Model: $model.php, unable to locate main class");
// Load helper function
public function loadHelper($helperName)
$helper = strtolower($helperName).'.php';
// check if model exist
} else {
// If not found, try _helper style
if(strstr($helperName,'_helper') == false)
} else {
die("Helpers: $helper/".str_replace('_helper','',$helper)." do not exist");
// Load plugin function
public function loadPlugin($pluginName)
$plugin = strtolower($pluginName).'.php';
// check if model exist
} else {
// If not found, try _plugin style
if(strstr($pluginName,'_plugin') == false)
} else {
die("Plugins: $plugin/".str_replace('_plugin','',$plugin)." do not exist");
// Private method to check if the model exist and then include it
private function checkClassInclude($className,$handler)
$this->$handler = new $className;
} else {
// Assign model handler
$this->model = new $className;
// Private function to check for custom model names
private function getClassName($fileName)
$fileContent = file_get_contents($fileName);
// i modifier for lower/upper case -
preg_match('/class ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/i',$fileContent,$result);
if(is_array($result) && count($result) > 0)
return trim($result[1]);
return false;
// End of file /AzizMVC/load.php