* This is a CSS comment.
<<<<<<< HEAD
* This is a merge conflict...
* which should be detected.
>>>>>>> ref/heads/feature-branch
.SettingsTabPaneWidgetType-tab-mid {
background: transparent url(tab_inact_mid.png) repeat-x;
<<<<<<< HEAD
line-height: -25px;
line-height: -20px;
>>>>>>> ref/heads/feature-branch
cursor: pointer;
-moz-user-select: none;
* The above tests are based on "normal" tokens.
* The below test checks that once the tokenizer breaks down because of
* unexpected merge conflict boundaries, subsequent boundaries will still
* be detected correctly.
* This is a CSS comment.
<<<<<<< HEAD
* This is a merge conflict...
* which should be detected.
>>>>>>> ref/heads/feature-branch