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File: source/asset/crules/datatables-plugins/i18n/Belarusian.lang

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File: source/asset/crules/datatables-plugins/i18n/Belarusian.lang
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Rimau waf
Application to configure Web server module options
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 948 bytes


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/** * Belarusian translation * @name Belarusian * @anchor Belarusian * @author vkachurka */ { "sProcessing": "?????????...", "sLengthMenu": "????????? _MENU_ ???????", "sZeroRecords": "?????? ????????????.", "sInfo": "?????? ? _START_ ?? _END_ ? _TOTAL_ ???????", "sInfoEmpty": "?????? ? 0 ?? 0 ? 0 ???????", "sInfoFiltered": "(????????????? ? _MAX_ ???????)", "sInfoPostFix": "", "sSearch": "?????:", "sUrl": "", "oPaginate": { "sFirst": "??????", "sPrevious": "??????????", "sNext": "?????????", "sLast": "???????" }, "oAria": { "sSortAscending": ": ?????????? ??? ?????????? ?????? ?? ??????????", "sSortDescending": ": ?????????? ??? ?????????? ?????? ?? ?????????" } }