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File: source/asset/crules/bootstrap-switch-master/src/coffee/

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File: source/asset/crules/bootstrap-switch-master/src/coffee/
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Rimau waf
Application to configure Web server module options
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 3,441 bytes


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describe "Bootstrap Switch:", -> beforeEach -> $.support.transition = false $ = true afterEach -> $(".#{$.fn.bootstrapSwitch.defaults.baseClass}").bootstrapSwitch "destroy" createCheckbox = -> $("<input>", type: "checkbox" class: "switch" ).appendTo "body" createRadio = -> $("<input>", type: "radio" name: "name" class: "switch" ).appendTo "body" getOptions = ($element) -> $"bootstrap-switch").options it "should set the default options as element options, except state", -> $switch = createCheckbox().prop("checked", true).bootstrapSwitch() expect(getOptions($switch)).toEqual $.fn.bootstrapSwitch.defaults it "should override default options with initialization ones", -> $switch = createCheckbox().prop("checked", false).bootstrapSwitch() $switch2 = createCheckbox().bootstrapSwitch state: false expect(getOptions($switch).state).toBe false expect(getOptions($switch2).state).toBe false it "should something", -> eventDoc = eventElement = 0 $switch = createCheckbox().bootstrapSwitch() $(document).on "switchChange.bootstrapSwitch", ":checkbox", (event, state) -> eventDoc++ $(":checkbox").on "switchChange.bootstrapSwitch", (event, state) -> eventElement++ $ expect(eventElement).toEqual eventDoc expect(eventElement).toEqual 1 describe "The Checkbox Bootstrap Switch", -> it "should conserve its state if onSwitchChange returns false", -> $switch = createCheckbox().bootstrapSwitch onSwitchChange:(e, s) -> expect(s).toEqual true false $indeterminateSwitch = createCheckbox().data("indeterminate", true).bootstrapSwitch onSwitchChange:(e, s) -> expect(s).toEqual true false $ $ expect($switch.bootstrapSwitch('state')).toEqual false expect($indeterminateSwitch.bootstrapSwitch('state')).toEqual false it "should change its state if onSwitchChange not returns false", -> $switch = createCheckbox().bootstrapSwitch onSwitchChange:(e, s) -> expect(s).toEqual true $ expect($switch.bootstrapSwitch('state')).toEqual true describe "The Radio Bootstrap Switch", -> it "should conserve its state if onSwitchChange returns false", -> $radio1 = createRadio().prop("checked", true) $radio2 = createRadio().prop("checked", false) $radio3 = createRadio().prop("checked", false) $('[name="name"]').bootstrapSwitch onSwitchChange:(e, s) -> expect(s).toEqual true false $ expect($radio1.bootstrapSwitch('state')).toEqual true expect($radio2.bootstrapSwitch('state')).toEqual false expect($radio3.bootstrapSwitch('state')).toEqual false it "should change its state if onSwitchChange not returns false", -> $radio1 = createRadio().prop("checked", true) $radio2 = createRadio().prop("checked", false) $radio3 = createRadio().prop("checked", false) $('[name="name"]').bootstrapSwitch onSwitchChange:(e, s) -> expect(s).toEqual true $ expect($radio1.bootstrapSwitch('state')).toEqual false expect($radio2.bootstrapSwitch('state')).toEqual true expect($radio3.bootstrapSwitch('state')).toEqual false