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File: json__commands__v6

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File: json__commands__v6
Role: Application script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: PHP Dynamic Function Tree Branching
Load the current script using JSON configuration
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 1,607 bytes


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// json__commands__v6

// Check if variable is empty; if so, it means that it's cycled through the function branches iterated in a base(36) json function tree listing and completed it's processes.
// Sets directory of functions
if($v->command === 'wall')
$directory = '';
$directory = 'functions/';
$function = $commands__json->$current_index; // Decode from Json format into a php array, so if $commands_json->$current_index = [0123abcd], then it'll point to the "get_header.php" function
$v = $function($v, $user); // This is a "function_name(parameters)" so example: $function(add__user($v, $user)) or get(user($v, $user);
$current_index = $current_index.$V->Next_Index; // $v = an object that holds all the variables as it cycles through all the functions in the function tree;
$_SESSION['current_index'] = $current_index; // $user is the current user's user object, so will be used for all permissions, directories, themes, etc;
$_SESSION['dev__timer'] = dev__timer(basename(__FILE__, '.php'), 0);

// Developer Mode Timer that echo's all the scripts and functions along with how long it took to process that step;
$_SESSION['dev__timer'] = dev__timer($_SESSION['dev__timer']);
