ini_set("include_path", ".:./inc:../classes");
$dbhost = 'localhost'; $dbname = 'fr'; $dbuser = 'b'; $dbpass = '7'; define('HOST','localhost'); define('USER','b'); define('PASS','7');
$user_base_dir = './media'; $user_table = "users"; $admin_user_table = "admin_users";
// optional config for additional user info // 1) add/create additional user info table to DB by editing the create_user_info_table.php file // 2) update UserAuthMgrUserTable.php file // 3) call to getUserInfo() will join user auth table to additional user info table // application client will have to know user info table format // var = table name in DB $user_info_table = 'user_info';
$kit_table = 'kit';
$adminemail = 'admin@admin.com'; // TODO change to real site admin email