// takes a template in html or css or json and replaces "syntaxed" php vars with their php values;
an html file;
the change can be seen in the broswer inspector
// ev.php - usage is ev($var) and it'll echo the var and put a <br> in there afterwards;
// the file name
$file_php = 'template.html';
$file_type = 'php';
// get the file contents of the template file
$contents_php = file_get_contents($file_php);
// assign some variables to be used in the template;
$V = new stdclass();
$V->php_p__class_var = 'php_p__class_var';
$V->php_button__id_var = 'php_button__id_var';
$V->php_button__class_var = 'php_button__class_var';
$V->php_text_var = 'an html file. <br>Inspect the html in the broswer to see that the php values have been applied to the correct html tags.<br><p class="p__class2">a css file: <br>this text shows that php values can be used in stylsheets, whilst allowing the developer to continue developing css stylesheets using the colored stylising from their IDE (code editor)</p>';
$_SESSION['varname'] = 'session_varname';
// create html from the template with all the vars used in it;
$result_html = php_templator($file_type, $contents_php, $V);
// echo the html
a css file;
the change can be seen on the top line of text "wind in the willows";
// assign some variables to be used in the template;
$V = new stdclass();
$V->p__fontsize = '2rem';
$V->p__fontfamily = '\'Sans Serif\'';
$_SESSION['varname'] = 'green';
// the file name
$file_css = 'stylesheet2.css';
$file_type = 'css';
$contents_css = file_get_contents($file_css);
$result_css = php_templator($file_type, $contents_css, $V);
a json file;
<p>a json file:</p>
<p>the correct json php var values have been placed.</p>
// takes a template in json and replaces "syntaxed" php vars with their values;
// include the "echo pre" function
// this is for a json file templator
$file_json = 'template.json';
$file_type = 'json';
// get the json file
$contents_json = file_get_contents($file_json);
// assign some variables to be used in the template;
$V = new stdclass();
$V->html_id = 'php_html_id_var';
$V->html_class = 'php_html_class_var';
$_SESSION['varname'] = 'php_session_var';
// templater renders the json file with replaced php vars in it ($V->asdf = "asdf_value" and $V->div_id = "id" and $_SESSION['varname'] = "session_varname");
$result_json = php_templator($file_type, $contents_json, $V);
// usage = evp($var);