// Page Control Class Example
require "pagecontrol.class.php";
// PageControl(total number of entries, entries show in each page, current page)
$pagecon = new PageControl(101, 5, $_GET['page']);
//Print a list of pages
echo $pagecon->getList(array(
'link' => "<a href='?page=#PAGE#'>#PAGE#</a> ", //the link of each page, #PAGE# is the page number
'current' => "<b>[#PAGE#]</b> ", //how the current page is showed
'neighbor' => 3, //how many pages next to the current page will be shown
'headfoot' => true, //show the first and the last page number
'skipped' => "... ", //what replaces the skipped pages replace
'previous' => "<a href='?page=#PAGE#'>Previous</a> ", //show the "previous" button, #PAGE# is the page number
'next' => "<a href='?page=#PAGE#'>Next</a>" //show the "next" button, #PAGE# is the page number
echo "<br />";
//the number of the first entry of the current page
//same as $pagecon->from
echo $pagecon->getEntryFrom();
echo "<br />";
//the number of the last entry of the current page
//same as $pagecon->to
echo $pagecon->getEntryTo();