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File: resources/js/Pages/Welcome.vue

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File: resources/js/Pages/Welcome.vue
Role: Auxiliary data
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Iceburg CRM
CRM application to manage contacts
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Date: 2 years ago
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<script setup> import { Head, Link } from '@inertiajs/inertia-vue3'; defineProps({ canLogin: Boolean, canRegister: Boolean, laravelVersion: String, phpVersion: String, }) </script> <template> <Head title="Welcome" /> <div class="relative flex items-top justify-center min-h-screen bg-gray-100 dark:bg-gray-900 sm:items-center sm:pt-0"> <div v-if="canLogin" class="hidden fixed top-0 right-0 px-6 py-4 sm:block"> <Link v-if="$page.props.auth.user" :href="route('dashboard')" class="text-sm text-gray-700 underline"> Dashboard </Link> <template v-else> <Link :href="route('login')" class="text-sm text-gray-700 underline"> Log in </Link> <Link v-if="canRegister" :href="route('register')" class="ml-4 text-sm text-gray-700 underline"> Register </Link> </template> </div> <div class="max-w-6xl mx-auto sm:px-6 lg:px-8"> <div class="flex justify-center pt-8 sm:justify-start sm:pt-0"> <svg viewBox="0 0 651 192" fill="none" xmlns="" class="h-16 w-auto text-gray-700 sm:h-20"> <g clip-path="url(#clip0)" fill="#EF3B2D"> <path d="M248.032 44.676h-16.466v100.23h47.394v-14.748h-30.928V44.676zM337.091 87.202c-2.101-3.341-5.083-5.965-8.949-7.875-3.865-1.909-7.756-2.864-11.669-2.864-5.062 0-9.69.931-13.89 2.792-4.201 1.861-7.804 4.417-10.811 7.661-3.007 3.246-5.347 6.993-7.016 11.239-1.672 4.249-2.506 8.713-2.506 13.389 0 4.774.834 9.26 2.506 13.459 1.669 4.202 4.009 7.925 7.016 11.169 3.007 3.246 6.609 5.799 10.811 7.66 4.199 1.861 8.828 2.792 13.89 2.792 3.913 0 7.804-.955 11.669-2.863 3.866-1.908 6.849-4.533 8.949-7.875v9.021h15.607V78.182h-15.607v9.02zm-1.431 32.503c-.955 2.578-2.291 4.821-4.009 6.73-1.719 1.91-3.795 3.437-6.229 4.582-2.435 1.146-5.133 1.718-8.091 1.718-2.96 0-5.633-.572-8.019-1.718-2.387-1.146-4.438-2.672-6.156-4.582-1.719-1.909-3.032-4.152-3.938-6.73-.909-2.577-1.36-5.298-1.36-8.161 0-2.864.451-5.585 1.36-8.162.905-2.577 2.219-4.819 3.938-6.729 1.718-1.908 3.77-3.437 6.156-4.582 2.386-1.146 5.059-1.718 8.019-1.718 2.958 0 5.656.572 8.091 1.718 2.434 1.146 4.51 2.674 6.229 4.582 1.718 1.91 3.054 4.152 4.009 6.729.953 2.577 1.432 5.298 1.432 8.162-.001 2.863-.479 5.584-1.432 8.161zM463.954 87.202c-2.101-3.341-5.083-5.965-8.949-7.875-3.865-1.909-7.756-2.864-11.669-2.864-5.062 0-9.69.931-13.89 2.792-4.201 1.861-7.804 4.417-10.811 7.661-3.007 3.246-5.347 6.993-7.016 11.239-1.672 4.249-2.506 8.713-2.506 13.389 0 4.774.834 9.26 2.506 13.459 1.669 4.202 4.009 7.925 7.016 11.169 3.007 3.246 6.609 5.799 10.811 7.66 4.199 1.861 8.828 2.792 13.89 2.792 3.913 0 7.804-.955 11.669-2.863 3.866-1.908 6.849-4.533 8.949-7.875v9.021h15.607V78.182h-15.607v9.02zm-1.432 32.503c-.955 2.578-2.291 4.821-4.009 6.73-1.719 1.91-3.795 3.437-6.229 4.582-2.435 1.146-5.133 1.718-8.091 1.718-2.96 0-5.633-.572-8.019-1.718-2.387-1.146-4.438-2.672-6.156-4.582-1.719-1.909-3.032-4.152-3.938-6.73-.909-2.577-1.36-5.298-1.36-8.161 0-2.864.451-5.585 1.36-8.162.905-2.577 2.219-4.819 3.938-6.729 1.718-1.908 3.77-3.437 6.156-4.582 2.386-1.146 5.059-1.718 8.019-1.718 2.958 0 5.656.572 8.091 1.718 2.434 1.146 4.51 2.674 6.229 4.582 1.718 1.91 3.054 4.152 4.009 6.729.953 2.577 1.432 5.298 1.432 8.162 0 2.863-.479 5.584-1.432 8.161zM650.772 44.676h-15.606v100.23h15.606V44.676zM365.013 144.906h15.607V93.538h26.776V78.182h-42.383v66.724zM542.133 78.182l-19.616 51.096-19.616-51.096h-15.808l25.617 66.724h19.614l25.617-66.724h-15.808zM591.98 76.466c-19.112 0-34.239 15.706-34.239 35.079 0 21.416 14.641 35.079 36.239 35.079 12.088 0 19.806-4.622 29.234-14.688l-10.544-8.158c-.006.008-7.958 10.449-19.832 10.449-13.802 0-19.612-11.127-19.612-16.884h51.777c2.72-22.043-11.772-40.877-33.023-40.877zm-18.713 29.28c.12-1.284 1.917-16.884 18.589-16.884 16.671 0 18.697 15.598 18.813 16.884h-37.402zM184.068 43.892c-.024-.088-.073-.165-.104-.25-.058-.157-.108-.316-.191-.46-.056-.097-.137-.176-.203-.265-.087-.117-.161-.242-.265-.345-.085-.086-.194-.148-.29-.223-.109-.085-.206-.182-.327-.252l-.002-.001-.002-.002-35.648-20.524a2.971 2.971 0 00-2.964 0l-35.647 20.522-.002.002-.002.001c-.121.07-.219.167-.327.252-.096.075-.205.138-.29.223-.103.103-.178.228-.265.345-.066.089-.147.169-.203.265-.083.144-.133.304-.191.46-.031.085-.08.162-.104.25-.067.249-.103.51-.103.776v38.979l-29.706 17.103V24.493a3 3 0 00-.103-.776c-.024-.088-.073-.165-.104-.25-.058-.157-.108-.316-.191-.46-.056-.097-.137-.176-.203-.265-.087-.117-.161-.242-.265-.345-.085-.086-.194-.148-.29-.223-.109-.085-.206-.182-.327-.252l-.002-.001-.002-.002L40.098 1.396a2.971 2.971 0 00-2.964 0L1.487 21.919l-.002.002-.002.001c-.121.07-.219.167-.327.252-.096.075-.205.138-.29.223-.103.103-.178.228-.265.345-.066.089-.147.169-.203.265-.083.144-.133.304-.191.46-.031.085-.08.162-.104.25-.067.249-.103.51-.103.776v122.09c0 1.063.568 2.044 1.489 2.575l71.293 41.045c.156.089.324. 2.98 0 001.524 0c.069-.018.132-.059.2-.083.176-.061.354-.119.519-.214l71.293-41.045a2.971 2.971 0 001.489-2.575v-38.979l34.158-19.666a2.971 2.971 0 001.489-2.575V44.666a3.075 3.075 0 00-.106-.774zM74.255 143.167l-29.648-16.779 31.136-17.926.001-.001 34.164-19.669 29.674 17.084-21.772 12.428-43.555 24.863zm68.329-76.259v33.841l-12.475-7.182-17.231-9.92V49.806l12.475 7.182 17.231 9.92zm2.97-39.335l29.693 17.095-29.693 17.095-29.693-17.095 29.693-17.095zM54.06 114.089l-12.475 7.182V46.733l17.231-9.92 12.475-7.182v74.537l-17.231 9.921zM38.614 7.398l29.693 17.095-29.693 17.095L8.921 24.493 38.614 7.398zM5.938 29.632l12.475 7.182 17.231 9.92v79.676l.001.005-.001.006c0 . 0 00.004.009c. 34.139 19.321v34.175L5.939 144.867V29.632h-.001zm136.646 115.235l-65.352 37.625V148.31l48.399-27.628 16.953-9.677v33.862zm35.646-61.22l-29.706 17.102V66.908l17.231-9.92 12.475-7.182v33.841z"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="mt-8 bg-white dark:bg-gray-800 overflow-hidden shadow sm:rounded-lg"> <div class="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2"> <div class="p-6"> <div class="flex items-center"> <svg fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" viewBox="0 0 24 24" 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